skane university hospital infectious disease center 设计方:LINK arkitektur AS 和 CF Möller建筑事务所 位置:瑞典 马尔默市 项目客户:Regionservice Sk?ne项目面积: 25 800 平方米这所白色圆柱状建筑是由CF Moller建筑事务所设计的Malm?大学医院,该医院是瑞典马尔默市斯科讷地区最大的雇主,同时也是最重要的公司之一。这是一个发展迅速的高科技中心,带动了很多相关的研发与基建项目,例如城市隧道和公共交通设施。该方案从诸多竞争中脱颖而出,是因为它的设计理念与众不同:圆桶状的外观满足了传染病治疗的后勤需求,外部的彩色玻璃装饰使得建筑热情明快,绚烂多姿,让人感觉很温暖。灰暗呆板的水泥外墙,被彩色的元素和调节气候的釉质窗棂逐一打断。该设计考虑到传染病防治的基本需求,病患们需要通过一道环绕着建筑的无菌走廊,再进入隔离病房。内部与外部的电梯分工明确,病患与医疗废弃物使用前者,员工与干净的供给与器械则使用后者。遵循证源法设计方法,短期传染病的单人病房被划分到了特定的区域,以避免交叉感染的发生,这样一来针对传染性疾病的小范围控制也更加方便。与此同时,院方特意加强了日光照明和精心设计的多彩漆墙,使病患在康复过程中,能够感到舒适温馨、赏心悦目。急诊室被设立在了大厦一楼,上面的三个楼层被专门用于做临床诊断和治疗,顶楼则是技术中心以及通往手术室和急诊部的特殊通道。
设计方:LINK arkitektur AS 和 CF Möller建筑事务所
位置:瑞典 马尔默市

项目客户:Regionservice Sk?ne
项目面积: 25 800 平方米
这所白色圆柱状建筑是由CF Moller建筑事务所设计的Malm?大学医院,该医院是瑞典马尔默市斯科讷地区最大的雇主,同时也是最重要的公司之一。这是一个发展迅速的高科技中心,带动了很多相关的研发与基建项目,例如城市隧道和公共交通设施。该方案从诸多竞争中脱颖而出,是因为它的设计理念与众不同:圆桶状的外观满足了传染病治疗的后勤需求,外部的彩色玻璃装饰使得建筑热情明快,绚烂多姿,让人感觉很温暖。灰暗呆板的水泥外墙,被彩色的元素和调节气候的釉质窗棂逐一打断。该设计考虑到传染病防治的基本需求,病患们需要通过一道环绕着建筑的无菌走廊,再进入隔离病房。内部与外部的电梯分工明确,病患与医疗废弃物使用前者,员工与干净的供给与器械则使用后者。遵循证源法设计方法,短期传染病的单人病房被划分到了特定的区域,以避免交叉感染的发生,这样一来针对传染性疾病的小范围控制也更加方便。与此同时,院方特意加强了日光照明和精心设计的多彩漆墙,使病患在康复过程中,能够感到舒适温馨、赏心悦目。急诊室被设立在了大厦一楼,上面的三个楼层被专门用于做临床诊断和治疗,顶楼则是技术中心以及通往手术室和急诊部的特殊通道。
Malm? university hospital, one of sk?ne's largest employers and most important companies, is now housed in a CF moller-designed cylindrical structure. The university hospital area is a rapidly developing, hi-tech science center and is becoming increasingly bolstered by infrastructural projects like a city tunnel and public transportation, both of which converge at the site. The competition-winning proposal distinguished itself with a round, drum-like form that served to both exceed the logistical requirements of infectious disease healthcare as well as create an embracing, welcoming tectonic composition of colorful volumes and glass. Terraced, plastered facades are cut by polychrome masses and protected by weather-deflecting glazed panes. Design becomes a form of infection control, in that patients enter an isolated ward via an airlocked hallway that surrounds the building. Interior and exterior elevators have expressly different purposes; patients of the units and hospital waste use the former, while staff, supplies and clean materials use the latter. Following the principles of evidence-based design, single patient rooms for shorter stays are
Relegated to specific areas so as to avoid medical errors and each ward can be cordoned off into smaller units in the event of an epidemic. Quality daylight and colorful finishes have been consciously employed to hasten the healing process and create a comfortable, therapeutic environment. The acute care department occupies the ground floor, upon which the glazed superstructure rests. Three levels are dedicated to the clinic while the top floor serves as the technology center and link to the existing surgery and ambulance buildings.








