2020年11月27日 10:51:51

Foster Partners刚刚公布了其在中国一个新的城市目的地--位于连接香港、深圳和广州的高铁上的光明枢纽的获奖设计方案。 事实上,这个以交通为导向的发展方案产生了一个 "以强大的基础设施、有效的交通网络、可靠的公共服务和郁郁葱葱的绿化来支持人流和物流的智慧城市"。 Foster Partners has just unveiled its winning design scheme for a new urban destination in China, the Guangming Hub located on the high-speed rail connecting Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. In fact, the Transport Oriented Development proposal generates a “smart city that supports the flow of people and goods with robust infrastructure, effective transport networks, reliable public services, and lush greenery”.

Foster Partners刚刚公布了其在中国一个新的城市目的地--位于连接香港、深圳和广州的高铁上的光明枢纽的获奖设计方案。

事实上,这个以交通为导向的发展方案产生了一个 "以强大的基础设施、有效的交通网络、可靠的公共服务和郁郁葱葱的绿化来支持人流和物流的智慧城市"。

Foster Partners has just unveiled its winning design scheme for a new urban destination in China, the Guangming Hub located on the high-speed rail connecting Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. In fact, the Transport Oriented Development proposal generates a “smart city that supports the flow of people and goods with robust infrastructure, effective transport networks, reliable public services, and lush greenery”.

Foster Partners被选中设计光明枢纽,一个以综合和可持续交通枢纽为核心的现代城市中心。团队利用最新的技术工具,制定了一套关键的约束条件,以产生完美的总体规划和设计理想的城市体量。


Foster Partners was chosen to design the Guangming Hub, a contemporary urban center with an integrated and sustainable transport hub at its heart. Using the latest technological tools, the team developed a set of key constraints in order to generate the perfect master plan and devise the ideal urban massing. Integrating 3 metro lines in the city and an existing high-speed rail station situated at the center of the site, the winning project for Guangming Hub is “envisaged as an integral part of the city, well connected with the surroundings in the masterplan area”.


事实上,根据Foster Partners工作室负责人Grant Brooker的说法,"慷慨的景观、可步行的城镇中心将与智能自主交通系统无缝连接,将福祉和便利性结合起来,并为周围社区创造一个充满活力的城市焦点"。

While the topography acts as a barrier to movement and two major rail lines intersect at the site, the proposal aims to put in place a network of slow-moving autonomous vehicles with sky bridges and shared surfaces for cyclists and pedestrians. In fact, according to Grant Brooker, Head of Studio at Foster Partners “the generously landscaped, walkable town center will seamlessly connect to a smart autonomous transportation system, combining both wellbeing and convenience and creating a vibrant urban focus for the surrounding neighborhoods”.



这些共享的路面确保了整个总体规划区域内更好的交通便利性,并为未来的创新交通解决方案创造了一个平台。--杨伟阳,Foster Partners合伙人。

The central idea is to capitalize on the natural beauty of the site, utilizing the lush landscape to create a lively experience for visitors and locals. It will be a forest gateway into Shenzhen. Our proposals link the site with a slow-moving traffic network that provides an efficient and easy connection to the Hub. These shared surfaces ensure better accessibility throughout the whole masterplan area and create a platform ready for innovative transportation solutions for the future. -- Young Wei-Yang Chiu, Partner, Foster Partners.




On another hand, the winning scheme for Guangming Hub imagined a sunken green spine in the east-west orientation, cutting across the site and through the high-speed rail station at ground level; and a new metro station to the west of the station, overlapping with this green corridor along with shaded walkways. Further west, the intercity link station will connect the project to the city. Characterized by minimum walking distances, the Transport Oriented Development maximizes landscape areas, public amenities, and pedestrian priority. Using sustainable urban drainage systems, the master plan integrates landscape, permeable pavement, and bio-retention water features.

在地下地铁和城际连接站的上方,Foster Partners设计了一个大型的裙楼,与周围的森林形成阶梯状的绿色平台。



Atop the underground metro and intercity link stations, Foster Partners designed a large podium with stepped green terraces, in relation to the surrounding forest. Inspired by the traditional Chinese gateway that marks important entryways, the proposal creates a series of office towers, at cardinal points across the site, with openings at the ground level leading towards the high-speed rail station. Finally, a new transport museum on the bridge over the high-speed rail station connects east and west.

建筑师:福克斯 合伙人(Foster Partners)



2020年11月27日 11:04:27

很不错的创意设计 充分利用了周围环境 和周边环境相辅相成


