2024年06月18日 14:04:32

我们首先对克利夫顿山小学进行了战略评估。由此产生的总体规划确定了创建一个新的学习和教学校园的机会,以适应预计的入学人数增长。新校舍位于达令花园对面的一个角落,非常醒目,将使这所备受喜爱的市内学校能够满足学生人数增长的需要,并丰富其教学内容。经过与 VSBA 和学校领导层的密切沟通,最终确定了为五、六年级学生打造一个充满活力的垂直校园的设计方案。 Our commission began with a strategic assessment of Clifton Hill Primary School. The resulting Master Plan identified the opportunity to create a new learning and teaching campus to accommodate projected enrolment growth. Located on a corner site opposite the Darling Gardens, the highly visible new building would enable the much-loved inner-city school to meet increased student numbers and enrich its teaching and learning offering. Following close engagement with VSBA and school leadership, a brief emerged to create a dynamic vertical campus for grade 5 and 6 students.

我们首先对克利夫顿山小学进行了战略评估。由此产生的总体规划确定了创建一个新的学习和教学校园的机会,以适应预计的入学人数增长。新校舍位于达令花园对面的一个角落,非常醒目,将使这所备受喜爱的市内学校能够满足学生人数增长的需要,并丰富其教学内容。经过与 VSBA 和学校领导层的密切沟通,最终确定了为五、六年级学生打造一个充满活力的垂直校园的设计方案。
Our commission began with a strategic assessment of Clifton Hill Primary School. The resulting Master Plan identified the opportunity to create a new learning and teaching campus to accommodate projected enrolment growth. Located on a corner site opposite the Darling Gardens, the highly visible new building would enable the much-loved inner-city school to meet increased student numbers and enrich its teaching and learning offering. Following close engagement with VSBA and school leadership, a brief emerged to create a dynamic vertical campus for grade 5 and 6 students.
除了教职员工管理区之外,该项目还提供了高度灵活、适应性强的学习空间,并为社区活动提供了一个多功能厅。建筑共分三层,采用了简单而严谨的平面布局,在有限的场地内满足了大型项目的需要。公共区和行政区位于地面层,而 1 层和 2 层则包含高度灵活的教学空间和相关的休息区,以适应各种学习方式。流通是建筑清晰度和功能的关键。每一层的房间都延伸到一条宽敞的公共走廊。
Providing highly flexible and adaptable learning spaces, in addition to staff administration areas, the brief also allowed for a multipurpose hall for community events. Spanning three levels, the building adopts a simple but rigorous floor plan that accommodates a large program on a constrained site. Communal and administration areas are at ground level, while levels 1 and 2 contain highly flexible teaching spaces with associated breakout areas to suit a variety of learning styles. Circulation is key to the clarity and function of the building. On each level, rooms spill out onto a large communal hallway.  

这些流通区还设有办公室、储物柜和非正式的休息空间。公共区域以宽敞的南北楼梯为轴心,将整个规划组织得井井有条。第三层是一个露天的屋顶游戏空间,由太阳能电池板凉棚发电。从一开始,我们就打算建造一栋具有强烈可持续性的建筑--采用混合大面积木材建造,并按照帕西夫豪斯标准进行设计,这栋建筑是 VSBA 的首创,提供了一栋低碳、低运营成本、低维护费用的建筑。
These circulation zones also accommodate offices, lockers, and informal breakout spaces. Bookended by generous northern and southern staircases, the common areas organize the plan. On the third level is an open-air rooftop play space, with a solar panel pergola generating power. From the outset, the intent was to create a building with a strong sustainability agenda – constructed from hybrid mass timber and designed to Passivhaus standards, the building is a first for the VSBA, providing a low carbon, low operational cost, low maintenance building.

暴露结构元素,包括大量木材和衔接的服务设施,还能使建筑成为一种讲解教学工具,让学生看到并了解建筑是如何工作的。建筑的形式语言和设计回应参考了当地的环境和原有的 1800 所学校建筑,同时还异想天开地参考了埃里克-卡尔的儿童读物《好饿的毛毛虫》。衔接的砖砌体、带状的绿色釉面砖以及圆形 “咬合状 ”开孔的使用,都与毛毛虫及其旅程有关。纹理红砖的使用将原有的校舍与毛毛虫毛茸茸的皮肤结合在一起,创造出一个充满童趣的现代建筑,同时也为两个现有校区提供了清晰的视觉联系。
Exposing structural elements, including mass timber and the articulated services, would also enable the building to serve as an explanatory teaching tool for students to see and understand how the building works. The formal language and design response references the local context and original 1800 school buildings whilst also overlaying a whimsical reference to Eric Carle’s children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Articulated brickwork, a ribbon band of glazed green bricks, and the use of circular “bite-like” apertures each reference the caterpillar and its journey. The use of textured red brick marries the original school buildings with the furry skin of a caterpillar, creating a contemporary building with a playful overlay while also providing clear visual links to both existing campuses.

建筑内部的色调取材于暴露在外的 CLT 板的暖色调,给教室增添了柔和、温馨的感觉。大窗户捕捉到了北面景观中的树木,增强了宁静感和参与感。该项目创造了一座欢乐而又引人入胜的新建筑,与现有的 1800 年代校园建筑的传统和脉络相呼应。该设计以功能性为基础,同时又具有现代感,是一个面向未来的设计,既尊重了它的来源,最重要的是,它为学生提供了引人入胜的学习和交流方式。
The building’s interior palette takes its cues from the warmth of the exposed CLT panels, which lend the classrooms a soft and inviting feel. Large windows capturing trees in the landscape to the north amplify the sense of calm and engagement. The project creates a joyful and intriguing new building that speaks to the heritage and lineage of the existing 1800s campus buildings. Underpinned by functional honesty while also bringing a contemporary feel, it is a future-looking design that respects where it comes from while, most importantly, providing students with engaging ways to learn and connect.








建筑师:Jackson Clements Burrows Architects
面积:2525 m2
摄影:Peter Clarke

2024年06月18日 16:20:57

