© Åke E:son Lindman 这是斯德哥尔摩郊外巴登岛上一个放松休闲的桑拿室。巴登区成立于十九世纪九十年代,目标是仿效欧洲中部的水疗中心创造一个亲大自然的社区,不同的是附近有大海,可以进行划船和各种户外活动。From the architect. This is a Sauna and relax building in Saltsjöbaden just outside Stockholm. Saltsjöbaden community was founded in the 1890′s with the goal of creating a society close to nature following the example of central European spas, but near the nature and the sea with the possibility of boat and outdoor activities.
© Åke E:son Lindman
这是斯德哥尔摩郊外巴登岛上一个放松休闲的桑拿室。巴登区成立于十九世纪九十年代,目标是仿效欧洲中部的水疗中心创造一个亲大自然的社区,不同的是附近有大海,可以进行划船和各种户外活动。 From the architect. This is a Sauna and relax building in Saltsjöbaden just outside Stockholm. Saltsjöbaden community was founded in the 1890′s with the goal of creating a society close to nature following the example of central European spas, but near the nature and the sea with the possibility of boat and outdoor activities. ![]()
© Åke E:son Lindman
这个世纪以来,这里富裕的人越来越多,为了满足这一变化,这个别墅就应运而生了。该项目主楼由Torben Grut于1920 年左右设计,他在1912年设计了斯德哥尔摩奥林匹克场馆,同时也是面向海水的巴登公共浴场的设计者,该设计本身没有桑拿室。 The villas built there was relatively large to fit the growing group of people with a good economy around the turn of the century. This particular property had a main building designed by Torben Grut, around 1920, the architect of the Stockholm Olympic Stadium in 1912 but he was architect for also the public bathhouse in Saltsjöbaden, which opens at an angle to the water. This property had no sauna on the site. ![]()
Floor Plan/平面图
Courtesy of Hans Murman
桑拿室和随意的建筑外观和选址是为了因地制宜地建造一座不影响主楼视野,同时能兼顾建筑外观、欣赏到日落美景,在背风面与大桥相接处预留出建一个凉亭的空间。 The Sauna and relax building’s shape and position is the result of on-site obtain a building that was not visible from the main building but also took care outlooks , evening sun and provided the opportunity for a sheltered patio on the leeward side adjacent to the bridge. ![]()
Courtesy of Hans Murman
该项目平面形状能从主楼和巴登公共浴室中找到影子。这更多是由这里码头和岩石的地理条件决定的,而不是受主楼的影响。 The plane shape is found in the main building and also in the bathhouse in Saltsjöbaden. That is more a result of site conditions at the pier and rock than that at the inspiration come from the main building. ![]()
屋面材料包括哥特兰岛的松心材,同样在建筑外立面也体现出来。这种有内衬的木制屋顶被称为"Faltak"。其山墙立面是海尔辛兰木质刨花小圆石点,这种材质常见于瑞典旧木质教堂屋顶外层上。 Roofing material turns into facade and consists of pine heartwood from Gotland, where wooden roofs with this lining is called “Faltak”. The gable facades shingles are of wood shavings, from Hälsingland, often used as roof claddings on old wooden churches in Sweden. ![]()
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
西边是桑拿房,东面是休息室,两者之间的储存室像一个带淋浴和卫生间的盒子,所有的内部设施包括厨房和沙发都是它自身的设计,都是由木松材料建造,就像是船的内部装饰。 To the west lies the sauna and to the east lies the relaxation room, in between lies a storage room as a box in the larger room with shower and WC and storage. All including the kitchenette and the sofa is own design, built of pine like a boats interior. ![]()
Courtesy of Hans Murman
淋浴周围的铜管和石板都来自耶姆特兰。建筑的外立面镀有一层硫酸铁。黄铜的水龙头是Tapwell牌的。照明设备是Örsjö的 Around the shower a cladding of brass and slate from Jämtland, also on the floor. The facade is treated with Iron sulphate. The taps are in brass from Tapwell. The lighting fixtures from Örsjö ![]()
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
Courtesy of Hans Murman
建筑设计事务所:Murman Arkitekter 项目地点:瑞典 巴登岛 总建筑师:Hans Murman och Ulla Alberts 项目年份:2011年 摄影师:Åke E:son Lindman, Courtesy of Hans Murman |