东方一笑 Lv.12
2007年01月18日 10:24:52

Good morning, Xiao Wang. 早上好,小王。Good morning, Manager Li. What can I do for you? 早上好,李经理。有什么要我做的吗?Yes, I need you to make some travel arrangements for me. 有,我要你替我做一些旅行安排。For when? 什么时候的?I need to go to Hong Kong on July 5th and return after three days. 我6月5号要去香港,三天后回来。

Good morning, Xiao Wang. 早上好,小王。
Good morning, Manager Li. What can I do for you? 早上好,李经理。有什么要我做的吗?
Yes, I need you to make some travel arrangements for me. 有,我要你替我做一些旅行安排。
For when? 什么时候的?
I need to go to Hong Kong on July 5th and return after three days. 我6月5号要去香港,三天后回来。
Can you see about getting me on July 5th flight to Hong Kong? 你看看能否帮我订个6月5号的机位去香港?
Do you want window or aside seating? 你想坐靠窗的还是靠通道的位子?
Window, if possible. 如果可能的话,我要靠窗的位子。
Do you need me to book the hotel for you? 您要我帮你订个旅馆吗?
Yes. You need. 对,要订个旅馆。
OK. I’ll get to work on it. 好的。我马上去办。
See if you can make some meeting arrangements for me. 你看看能不能为我做一些会议安排?
I just need to check fares and time right now. 现在我只是要查票价和时间。
Do you want me to hold a reservation for you? 你要我帮忙订个房间吗?
I will arrange your schedule at once. 我会立即安排好你的活动日程的。
I need you to arrange a staff meeting this afternoon. 我要你安排今天下午开个员工会议。
What time about? 大约什么时候?
Whatever is the most convinient time for them. 任何他们方便的时候都可以。
Do you want to meet in your office or in a conference room? 您想要在你的办公室还是在会议室开会
In my office. 在我的办公室。
Who would you like to be in on the meeting? 你希望谁来参加会议?
Everyone in the department. 本部门的每个人都要来。
Should I write down every word that everyone says?
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No, you needn’t. You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result. 没必要。你只要把讨论的题目和结果记录下来。
And should I type out the minutes from the notes? 我还要将会议笔记记录打印出来吗?
Yes, of course. 是的,当然要打印出来。
All right, I’ll see what I can do. 好的,我会尽量去做。
I come to tell you to set up a staff meeting this afternoon. 我来告诉你,你安排一个今天下午的员工会议。
Make sure at least two people from the marketing team can attend. 要确定销售部门至少要有两个人来参加。
Who would you look forward to attend the meeting? 你希望谁来参加会议?
I have an appointment with Mr. John at 2 o’clock. 我跟约翰先生约好两点见面的。
May I have your name, please? 请问贵姓?
My name is David Andson. Sales Manager’s secretary of the ABC Computer Company. 我叫大卫安德森,是ABC电脑公司的业务经理的秘书。
Please tell me where his office is. 请问他的办公室在哪里?
He’s waiting for you. I’ll show you to his office. Please follow me. 他正在等您呢!我带您到他的办公室去,跟我来。
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Thank you. 谢谢。
Have a seat, please, Mr. Andson. 安德森先生,请坐。
Thank you. There are some illustrations of the latest model computers. 谢谢您。这是一些最新型电脑的说明书。
Our company is interested in medium-sized computers. 我们公司对中型电脑较感兴趣。
Here are the medium-sized computers. What do you think about them? 这是中型电脑。您认为如何呢?
They are very splendid. What about the price? 这些非常不错。价格怎么样呢?
It costs 1,200 dollars per set. 每部是1200美元。
But if you buy one hundred sets, we’ll give you a 10 per cent discount. 但如果贵公司买100部的话,我们可给您10%的折扣。
All all these available now? 这些产品现在都可以拿到现货吗?
Yes, we have available stocks. 有,我们有一些现货。
Can you give me a sample? 你可不可以给我一个样品?
Sure. But you’ll have to pay for them. 没问题。但是你必须要付钱。
Can you direct me to his office? 请问到他的办公室怎么走?
I am wondering how to find his office. 我想知道怎样才能找到他的办公室。
Do you stock on these merchandise? 你们有没有存储这些货品?
Could you serve my orders immediately? 你可不可以马上处理我的订单?
Do you have ready supplies? 你有没有现成的供应品?
Can you type a memo for me? 您能帮我打一份备忘录吗?
Okay. 好的。
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I wrote down some ideas. Let me know what you cannot read. 我已把大概内容写下来了。你如果有看不懂的地方告诉我。
When do you need it? 您何时需要它?
I need it by noon. 我中午之前要。
Do you want me to send the memo out? 您要我把这份备忘录分发出去吗?
Yes. Please send the memo to the department. 好的,请把它分发给整个部门。
But let me see it before you send it. Do you have their address? 但是你分发之前,先让我看一看。你有他们的地址吗?
Yes, it is in my address book. 有的,地址在我的地址簿里。
Do you need any copies of it? 您需要复印吗?
Yes. I’ll need two copies for myself. 是的,我自己要留两份复印件。
OK. I’ll get it to you in a few minutes. 好的。我几分钟之内就可以交给你。
Do you look forward to distributing this memo to the department? 您要我把这份备忘录分发给整个部门吗?
Send the memo by express mail. 把这份备忘录用快递寄出。
You’d better send the memo registered. 你最好把这份备忘录用挂号寄出。
B Box Company. Can I help you? B盒子公司。您有什么需要帮忙?
Yes, I’d like to talk with your sale manager about something troublesome. 有,我想同你们销售经理谈点麻烦事。
Sorry. He isn’t in his office. May I help you? With which shipment? 抱歉,他不在办公室。我可以帮忙吗?是与哪一批货有关?
About the number of 500 cartons of tin food we ordered last time. 是关于我们上次定购的500箱罐头食品的数量问题。
In this shipment, there is a difference of 50 tins. 这批货少了50箱。
It’s really surprising! How can 50 tins of goods disappear without trace? 这太奇怪了!50箱货物怎么会消失呢?
But our exam report says there’s a shortage of 50 tins. 但我们的检查报告缺少50箱货物。
You should be responsible for the loss. And we must lodge a claim with you. 你方应对损失负责,我方必须向你方索赔。
We regret we cannot admit your claim. 对不起,我们不能受理你方的索赔。
Why? 为什么?
Because I was sure everything was all right with that shipment. 因为我确信那批货装运得非常好。
I’d like to point out that full number was delivered. 我必须指出:发货是十足的。
Above all, the person in charge was on the spot. 特别是,负责人在场的。
That’s sure. But the fact is that we have the shortage of 50 cartons. 这不错,但我们货物缺50箱也是事实。
And the exam report has alse proved that. 而且检查也证明了这一点。
I should respect the findings of your inspection bureau. 我完全尊重贵方检查部门的检查结果。
But the question is not on our side. 但问题不在我方。
I think the shiping company and the insurance company should be responsible for this loss. 我认为,船运公司和保险公司应该对此负责。
It seems your suggestion is reasonable. We have covered All Risks for these goods. "看来,你的建议有道
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The claim should be admitted to both the two companies. 这批损失应当由他们两个公司负责。
With some of our stuff? 与我们的东西有关吗?
With something from us? 与我们发出的东西有关?
I was sure that there had been no trouble with that shipment. 我确定那批货的装运每出任何麻烦。
Miss Tan, did you look up those files I requested? I’d like to see it. 谭小姐,我要的那些档案查寻过了吗?我想看看。
I’m sorry, Mr. Smith. I couldn’t find any information on that trade company, 斯密司先生,对不起。我找不到有关那个贸易公司的资料,
Even though I checked all the cross-references. I don’t think it’s there. 尽管我查了全部的对照表。我想它不在那儿。
I’m almost certain that information was filed. 我几乎可以肯定,那份资料已存档了。
Would you like me to check again under a different heading? 让我在别的标题上再查一查,行吗?
Yes, in fact I believe I asked you to put it in Mr. Moore’s file. 好啊!事实上我相信我请你把它归入摩尔先生的档案中的。
Maybe that’s why I couldn’t find it. 或许这就是我为什么找不到的原因了。
All the information on the Moore correspondence is filed under ’M’. 所有摩尔先生的往来信件都归到了’M’字母内。
Do you still remember how our filing system works? 你还记得我们的归档系统是怎么运作的?
Yes, I do. All files are arranged alphabetically. 是的,我仍记得。所有的档案按字母顺序排列的。
That’s right. 对了。
And outgoing and incoming correspondence is kept in that file, and reports in this one. 发出和收到的信函存在那个档案里,报告在这里。
And customers information in this one. 还有,客户资料在这个档案里。
Very good. 很好。
By the way, I’m going to clean out all the old files by tomorrow. 顺便说一下,我将在明天把所有的旧文档都清理掉。
Yes, but first of all, fetch me those Moore files right away. 是的,但首先把摩尔的那些档案立即拿来。
Yes, Mr. Smith. 好的,斯密司先生。
I’m wondering if you find the files I need. 不知道我要的档案资料你是否找到了。
I’m hoping to see it. 我希望我能看一看。
I’m looking forward to seeing it. 我期待看到它。
Do you want me to print you a copy of my report? 你要我把我的报告印一份复印件给你吗?
No, please E-mail it to me, if you can. 不用,如果能够的话,请用电子邮件传给我。
Good, that way you can just make your corrections online. 好,那样的话你可以通过网络作修正了。
Yes, and we can save paper. 是的,而且我们还可以节省纸张。
By the way, what is your E-mail address? 顺便问一下,你的电子邮件网址是什么?
It is available in your directory. 在你的里面可以找到。
I’ll look it up. 我去查查看你的邮件。
Good, I’ll be expecting your mail. 好的,我会等着你的邮件。
Does your office have E-mail? 你们办公室有电子邮件吗?
Yes. We couldn’t live without it. 有的,我们没有它不行。
We are thinking about getting it. 我们正在考虑要用。
You should. It is a fast, easy way to communicate and transfer files. 你们应该用。那样通信、传达文件都比较快而且方便。
I know. 我知道。
Everyone else has it. 别人都有了。
Yes, almost every office uses it now. 是的,差不多每一个办公室现在都在用。
Do you have an E-mail box? 你有电子信箱吗?
Why not you sent a message to me on the net? 你何不在网上把信息传给我呢?
Do you have a computer hooked-up? 你有联网的计算机吗?
What’s your office’s web site? 你办公室的网址是什么?
I can join the internet at home. 我在家里能上因特网。
Hello. This is the Johnson Fabrications. 你好,我是强生制造公司。
I’d like to speak to Mr. John. 我想和约翰说话。
Sorry. Mr. John is out of the office now. May I help you? 抱歉。约翰先生现在不在办公室。我能帮你吗?
This is Gu Dongwei. I’m with A Box Company. 我叫顾东为。是A盒子公司的。
I’d like to invite Mr. John to a dinner party for our manager. 我想替我们经理邀请约翰先生赴宴。
I can handle that for you. When and where will the dinner party have? 我可以为您处理。宴会在何时何地举行?
Beijing Hotel. Tomorrow evening, at 6 o’clock. 明晚6点,在北京饭店。
OK. I will take it for Mr. John. Thank you for your invitation. 好的,我会转告约翰先生的,谢谢你的邀请。
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Thank you. 谢谢你。
You’re welcome. 不客气。
I’m calling for an invitation with Mr. Li to a meeting for our manager. 我打电话来是为了我的经理邀请李先生光临一个会议的。
I’m calling on behalf of A Box Company. 我代表A盒子公司打这电话。
Hi, Peace Restaurant. Can I help you? 你好,和平饭店。我能为您效劳吗?
Yes, I’m wondering if I’ll reserve a table for tonight? 是的,我不知道能否预约一张今晚的位子。
Certainly. What time do you like your table? 当然可以。你们需要几点的位子?
About 8:30. 大概8点半。
We’re quite busy then. Could you come later? 我们那时很忙。您能晚一点来吗?
No, I can’t. I can make it earlier. 不能。我可以早一点。
I can give you something at 7:00. 您可以7点钟来。
That’s a little early, but it will have to do. 太早了些,但只好如此。
May I have your name? 请问您贵姓?
Tao. 陶。
Will you spell that for me? 能否拼出来?
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T-A-O, Tao. T-A-O,陶。
How many will be in your party, Mr. Tao. 你们有几个人,陶先生?
There will be four of us. 我们会有四人。
Four people at 7:00. We’ll be looking for you, Mr. Tao. 7点钟四个人。我们等候您,陶先生。
Is there any chance of a table for three for tonight? 能否定一张今晚的三人桌?
Can I book a table for Saturday? 我能定张星期六的位子吗?
I need to order a dinner here. 我想在这预定一餐。
It might be possible for me to get there earlier. 我或许可以早一点到。
Hi, Mary, you have been a secretary for several years in this company. 嗨,玛丽,你在本公司已作了几年的秘书了。
Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting or a conference? 您能告诉我在会议中秘书必须做些什么吗?
Well, an important part of the duties of a secretary is to do well the preparation work. 嗯,我认为秘书的重要职责之一是做好会议的准备工作。
Then what should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting? 那么秘书应做些什么样的准备工作呢?
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Can you tell me a bit more about it? 您能讲得稍详细一点吗?
First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting. 首先,开会前要准备好议程。
Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed. 然后保证应该出席会议的人都通知到。
I see, and how about the documnents or the information? 我明白,还有文件和资料怎么办?
They should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting. 所有资料都要准备好,最好在会议前印好并分发出去。
And what should a secretary do during the meeting? 那么在会议期间秘书要做些什么呢?
Of course she should take minutes. 当然她要做记录。
And after the meeting? 会后呢?
After the meeting she should type the minutes up, 会后她要把它打出来。
and keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed, 把讨论的问题和通过的决议记录做出记录。
and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting. 并把会上作出的决定进行贯彻。
Thank you very much. Yor are very helpful. 多谢了,我获得了很多帮助。
Not at all. 不用谢。
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I’m wondering if you can tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting. 我不知道你能否告诉我在会议中秘书应该做些什么?
What is a secretary’s duty for a conference? 在会议中秘书的职责是干什么呢?
What do I do with the documents and the information? 我怎么处理这些文件和资料?
What am I supposed to do with the documents? 我该怎么处理这文件?
How am I supposed to take care of the documents? 我应该怎么处理这文件?
Good morning, Miss. I’d like to speak to the manager, please. 小姐,你好。我想找经理谈一下。
I have a complaint to make. 我有事要投诉。
I’m sorry, our manager is out. What can I do for you? 对不起,经理不在,我能为您效劳吗?
It’s this recorder. It doesn’t work. 就是这架录音机,他坏了。
Mm, did you buy it here? 你在这儿买的吗?
Pardon? Of course I bought it here. Look, you switch it on and nothing happens. 什么?我当然在这儿买的。瞧,你打开开关,没反应。
Could I see your receipt, please? 我能看看你的发票吗?
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Yes, here you are. 这就是。
Did you check the recorder before you left the shop? 离本店前您检查过吗?
Yes, I did. But when I got home, my son put a tape in it and it refused to work. 查过的。可我回家时,孩子把磁带放在里面,动也不动。
Really? Let me have a look at it. Mm, you see this little switch on the back. 真的?让我看一下。您看见这后面的开关吗?
It’s on ’DC’, and it should be on ’AC’, if you don’t use batteries. "这开关在""DC""上,如果不用干电池,拨到""AC""。"
Look, it’s in perfect condition. 瞧,它不是很好吗?
Oh, I’m sorry. Thank you very much. 哦,对不起。多谢了。
That’s all right. 没关系。
The recorder in my house doesn’t seem to work. 我家里的录音机好像坏了。
There’s something wrong with the TV set in my house. 我家里的电视机坏了。
What’s wrong with the TV set in my house? 我家里的电视机怎么回事?
Reservations. Good morning. Can I help you? 预定处,上午好。我能帮您点什么?
I’m calling from Shanghai. 我是上海打的电话。
I’d like to book a single room with bath for Mr. Lu for the 5th of June. 我要为路先生预定一个6月5日的单人带浴室的房间。
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Just a moment, please. Yes, you can book him a room for the 5th of June. 请稍侯。可以,你可以预定6月5日的房间。
What did you say the name is? 刚才你说的是什么名字?
His name is Lu. 他的名字是路。
And who’s making the reservation, please? 请问是谁在预定房间?
His secretary, Miss Li Juan. 他的秘书,李娟小姐。
How long will he be staying? 他要住多久?
Four days. He is going to leave on Tuesday. 四天,他将在星期二离开。
I want to order a room for Mr. Gu of the A Company for the 5th of June. 我要为A公司的古先生预定6月5号的一个房间。
I need to make a reservation of room for Mr. Gao. 我想为高先生预约一个房间。
Please book it under the name of Mr. Brown. 请以布朗先生的名义预定吧。
He plans to check out on Tuesday. 他打算在星期二结账离开旅馆。

