去年我们公司给我们桥梁设计组的每人发了一本《欧美桥梁设计思想》,开始我们还以为是和作者和我们领导有关系。 后来,抽时间看了一下,就被深深的吸引了。昨天我基本这本书读了一边。 觉得确实写的很好,可以说其内容是博大精深。 首先觉得这本书写的特别的真实,而且有许多国外的桥梁大师级人物校核。 其次这本书写的很简洁,确实向作者写的那样:“使读者不仅在阅读历史,而且也在了解现实,不仅与历史沟通,也在与现实对话。”还有“让我们将欧美桥梁设计思想,赋予时代的精深,用新的手法去演绎传统”。这些语言有文彩,而且很有哲学思想。
这本书我觉得对做桥梁总体设计非常有帮助,有收藏价值。 所以还是买本比较好。:lol :victory: :handshake
同济大学荣誉资深教授 项海帆
序 言
中国工程院院士 国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE )副主席 同济大学荣誉资深教授 项海帆
国际预应力混凝土协会(FIP and fib)名誉主席
法国技术科学院院士 Michel Virlogeux 的序言和评语
Foreword by Michel VIRLOGEUX
Bridge design and construction were the essence of engineering in the old days; great engineers were famous in their times, like Jean Rodolphe Perronet in France – the "Premier Ingénieur du Roi" –, Thomas Telford and Isambart Kingdom Brunnel in Great Britain, Ottmar Ammann in the USA, Gustave Eiffel, Eugène Freyssinet …; and the erection of large bridges were national events as for the bridges crossing the Menai Straits and the Firth of Forth, for the Brooklyn and the Washington bridges in New York, for the Golden Gate Bridge …
But society lost interest in bridges about 80 or 100 years ago, when bridge construction became more industrial, when bridge design became more and more mastered and controlled. Bridge construction was no more an adventure, and, except perhaps for Fritz Leonhardt, engineers became anonymous partners in the large industry which had to rebuild road and railway networks after the Second World War, and later to develop them into the modern transport system of our time.
This has suddenly changed 15 or 20 years ago when some architects – beginning with Santiago Calatrava – introduced in the domain of bridges the ideas of the modern "free" architecture, which we can see, for an example, in the famous museum of Bilbao designed by Frank Gehry. Shapes come from fantasy, and no more from functional or structural needs.
This is certainly not my own philosophy of design, nor even of architecture, but we must recognize that they helped changing the minds in such a way that, in the same time as architecture more generally, bridges attract very much attention today.
I started designing bridges much before this evolution, almost 40 years ago now, following a more traditional line. For me the bridge design must directly come from a purely structural flow of forces, aiming at an efficient balance of loads and forces, from the point where they are applied to the foundations; the bridge elegance must come from the proportions, the shapes, which have to evidence and express this flow of forces; slenderness and transparency will come from a minimal – and thus efficient – use of construction materials, steel and concrete.
Because designers are also responsible for the cost of their constructions, almost always paid by public money; aesthetics and ethics cannot be separated; the designer must achieve architectural perfection in a full respect of functional, financial and structural needs. Not forgetting maintenance, which command to concentrate the materials in a limited number of strong elements.
We cannot escape from the three goals of architecture given by Vitruvius Pollio, the great Roman engineer, twenty centuries ago:
– utilitas, which means in the same time public utility, functional needs and economy;
– firmitas; of course the structure has to be safe and easily maintainable;
– and venustas, at the end, beauty, elegance.
To achieve these goals, I have always worked with an architect, since I consider that I am not able to develop alone shapes which could perfectly express the structural concept that
I created. And also because confronting ideas is always fruitful. Not forgetting the other engineers who have worked with me, "my" structures owe much to Auguste Arsac – who has been my Professor of Architecture when I was student – Philippe Fraleu, Bertj Mikaelian, Alain Spielmann, Jean-Vincent Berlottier, and Aymeric Zublena. With a special mention for Charles Lavigne: many of my best bridges have been designed with him, and many of his with me. The Normandy Bridge, designed with Charles, and even more the Millau Viaduct, designed with Lord Foster, have received a world wide reputation, an enormous mediatic attention which show that elegance can be achieved in full respect with functional, economical and structural needs, in the line of what David Billington calls the structural art.
And then, which connection with this book written by Mr. Yingliang Wang and Zongyu Gao? It is very clear in fact, since this book will show the works of many engineers, evidencing their creations among which many very good structures; it will convince engineers that it is not any more acceptable to design heavy, inelegant and boring structures which, by reaction, push some architects and some engineers to design crazy and expensive bridges; it will also demonstrate, specially for the younger engineers who will take our place in the years to come, that there are so many structural solutions that variety – which is a clear need in our modern world – can be achieved without deviating from a cartesian, logical and economical approach.
It will also show, I hope, that elegance does not need unnecessary complexity and can be produced, on the contrary, by simple and pure lines.
Honorary President of FIP and fib
Member of the French Academy of Technology
Member of the Indian Academy of Engineering Michel Virlegoux
序 言
Michel VIRLOGEUX (翻译稿):victory:
以前设计和修建桥梁就是工程学的主体。伟大的工程师在那个时代非常出名,例如法国的让-洛多罗夫佩罗内是皇家首席工程师,英国的托马斯·泰尔福特和依桑巴顿·金顿·布鲁内尔,美国的奥斯玛·阿曼,法国的古斯塔夫·艾菲尔, 尤金·弗奈西奈等。建造大桥曾经是国家大事,例如梅奈海峡桥和福斯桥,纽约的布鲁克林桥和华盛顿桥,旧金山的金门大桥等。
我们不能脱离2000多年前伟大的罗马工程师Vitruvius Pollio给出的建筑的三个目标:
为了达到这几个目的,我常和一位建筑师一起工作,因为自己知道我不能单独地使自己所提的结构观念完美地表达成形。我也知道反面的观点经常是富有成效的。令人难忘的是那些和我并肩工作的工程师。“我”的结构,大部分要感谢我的老师-建筑教授Auguste Arsac,还要感谢Philippe Fraleu, Bertj Mikaelian, Alain Spielmann, Jean-Vincent Berlottier和Aymeric Zublena。要特别提到Charles Lavigne;我的许多桥都是和他一起设计的,而他的设计也有我的一份。诺曼底桥和Charles一起设计,米约高架桥和Lord Foster合作比较多,在全世界获得了荣誉,优美的造型与功能、经济和结构需求的完美融合,使其获得了广泛的媒体关注。David Billington先生称之为结构艺术。
国际预应力混凝土协会(FIP and fib)名誉主席
Michel VIRLOGEUX 2007年10月22于博内勒
国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE )副主席
德国斯图加特大学教授 Jörg Schlaich 序言好评价
Foreword by Jörg Schlaich
By designing with only the functional purpose of structures in mind today and not caring for their holistic quality, the multitude and pride of early bridge construction, especially that after the industrial revolution and even up to the 1960s, comprising names the sound of which makes our eyes shine, were replaced by monotony and timidity! In those days a street bridge was quite different from a railway bridge in material and shape; an inner-city bridge from a river-bridge in the open country; the entire canon of shapes in bridge construction was applied. Nowadays all are alike, clumsy monotonous girders made of prefabricated units or box-girders of constant structural height even if spans vary, with longitudinal or transversal joints, resting on bearings – flat pots – such that each superstructure fits on any pier, interchangeable and exchangeable.
If engineers reduce themselves to technocrats, to mere aids or slaves of their clients or architects, they should not be surprised about their profession’s bad public image, the little financial support they receive for their research and the scant attraction to young creative talent. Students today ask for professions which are either creative and artistic or hightech. Concluding from our products, structural engineering is neither. Therefore, students either turn to hightech electronics and aeronautics, or towards architecture and fine arts. However, with high quality structures we could demonstrate that structural engineering, more than any other profession, asks for both simultaneously, for knowledgeable and creative talent.
Structural engineers must resume their cultural responsibility: Buildings and structures are part of our living space at the expense of nature. The only equivalent to nature man can and must create is culture!
The conceptual design is the birth of a structure or building. The knowledge and diligence combined with intuition and care as well as openness for cooperation and advice, the designer invests in this initial phase, defines the characteristics and quality of the outcome.
The ultimate goal of structural design is to provide the adequate aesthetical expression for the most perfect and the most efficient technical solution.
Imagine, for the visual design of such transient products as cars or drilling machines or cutlery there is an own profession, the product designer. These products have to suit any place on the world but their customers are specified: young – old, modern – old-fashioned, male – female, rich – modest. With bridges it is just the opposite: Their characteristic is their specific, their unique scene and they have to be accepted by everybody. Since apart from some exceptions such as highway overpasses all places or sites of our bridges are different, each bridge should be designed individually – a wide scope for more variety in bridge design.
This book by Yingliang Wang and Zongyu Gao describes the wonderful world of bridges and conceptual design of bridges. May it find a positive and wide resonance.
President of International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)
Vice President of International Association of Bridge and Structural engineering (IABSE )
Foreign Member American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Stuguart University , Germany
Jörg Schlaich
Stuguart, September, 2007
国际预应力混凝土协会名誉主席、法国技术科学院院士 Michel VIRLOGEUX
国际桥梁与结构工程协会副主席、美国科学与艺术院外籍院士 Jörg Schlaich 阅读本书您可以通晓桥梁设计、建造思想,从近代桥梁开始富有创造性和想象力桥梁创造者。书中的文字、例子对任何图书馆作为桥梁艺术,科学和工程技术的资料都是有益的,对学生也是很好的学习材料。
欧洲科学院院士、塞尔维亚科学院院长 Nikola Hajdin
中国工程院院士 国际桥梁与结构工程协会副主席 项海帆
西南交通大学资深教授 钱冬生
中国工程设计大师 杨进