2023年09月11日 15:11:08

瑞士阿尔斯维尔(Allschwil)西北部毗邻法国边境,是全球制药、医药和研究领域创新企业的聚集地。西普主园区项目位于该地区的 BaseLink 地块内,与现有的科技和生命科学集群相连;毗邻体育设施、休闲区和住宅区。 该项目采用的结构理念是尽可能减少内部分隔和垂直支撑,从而实现多种用途;这种灵活性与建筑材料的耐用性相结合,延长了建筑的潜在使用寿命。生物技术和医疗保健领域的初创企业、规模企业和老牌公司都是该项目潜在的用户,同时,该项目还有助于更好地平衡工作与生活,促进该地区的整体振兴--例如,瑞士国际学校将开设一所小学,这将有助于最大限度地减少家庭的额外通勤需求。

瑞士阿尔斯维尔(Allschwil)西北部毗邻法国边境,是全球制药、医药和研究领域创新企业的聚集地。西普主园区项目位于该地区的 BaseLink 地块内,与现有的科技和生命科学集群相连;毗邻体育设施、休闲区和住宅区。

The northwest edge of Allschwil, Switzerland, directly adjacent to the border with France, is a global hub for innovative companies in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medicine, and research. The SIP Main Campus project is being developed in this area within the BaseLink site, joining the existing Tech and Life Science Cluster; it is adjacent to sports facilities, a recreational area, and a residential neighborhood. The structural concept reduces interior divisions and vertical supports as much as possible, allowing for a large variety of uses; this flexibility, combined with the durability of building materials, extends the potential life span of the building. Start-ups, scale-ups, and established companies from the biotech and healthcare sectors are addressed as potential users, as are programs that contribute to a better work-life balance and the overall revitalization of the area – for example, the Swiss International School will open a primary school, which will help minimize the need for additional commuting for families.

根据 "庭院式住宅 "的概念,西普主园区的可用面积约为 50,000 平方米,可容纳 2500-3000 名员工,因此是园区内最大的建筑。景观庭院可通过穿过街区的两条两层通道进入。它是自西向东贯穿整个 BaseLink 基地的一系列绿地之一,有助于形成良好的微气候,并使各物业之间相互连接。

Based on the concept of a ‘courtyard house’, the SIP Main Campus offers approx. 50,000 m2 of usable floor area for 2500-3000 employees and thus is the largest building on the site. The landscaped courtyard is accessible through a pair of two-story passages that cut through the block at street level. It is one of a sequence of green spaces running from west to east through the entire BaseLink site, contributing to a good microclimate and allowing connections from one property to the next. The shaded central recreation area – as large as a football field – is designed with a combination of trees and deep-bed planting, leaving the visual axis at eye level free for easy orientation; climbing plants extend the landscape vertically to the pillars of the building itself. The groundscape consists of largely unsealed gravel surfaces and seepage pits in reference to the original riverbed landscape of the area. From the inner courtyard, the building is accessed via four generously designed spiral staircases in the corners, allowing for up to eight different main users per floor.

外立面由一个深网格状的现浇混凝土结构界定,该结构可吸收垂直荷载,并作为风力和潜在地震的支撑。这些内外环形结构可以减少建筑内部结构元素的尺寸和数量,从而为用户提供最大可能的类型和规模灵活性。内立面的木廊为交流、逗留和相遇提供了各种机会。此外,它们还提供遮阳篷和通往建筑的通道,并可作为消防通道。同时,这些室外空间还可以通过外墙遮阳实现被动降温,必要时还可以通过节能加热和冷却天花板进行补充。整个 BaseLink 基地都使用地热能源。

The facade is defined by a deep, gridlike structure of in situ concrete, which absorbs vertical loads and serves as bracing for wind and potential earthquakes. These inner and outer rings of the structure allow for a reduction of size and number of structural elements inside the building, which in turn offers the greatest possible typological and scale flexibility for users. The loggias of the inner fa?ades allow for a variety of opportunities for exchange, lingering, and encounter. They further provide protection from the sun, along with awnings, as well as access to the building and serve as fire escapes. At the same time, these outdoor spaces allow passive cooling through the shading of the facades, which is supplemented by energy-efficient heating and cooling ceiling panels as needed. The entire BaseLink site is served by geothermal energy.

网格的垂直元素略有倾斜。这种微小的偏差使水平元素更有分量,并将建筑的尺寸与人体尺度融为一体。底层是商业和餐厅,还有一个可容纳 300 人的大礼堂。礼堂也可用于外部活动,是连接建筑与社区的另一个项目元素。所有五层的平面布局、承重网格和房间高度均可容纳实验室或办公空间。

The vertical elements of this grid are at a slight incline. This slight deviation lends weight to the horizontals and integrates the dimensions of the building to a human scale. Businesses and restaurants occupy the ground floor, together with a large auditorium with seating space for up to 300 people. Also available for external events, the auditorium is another program element that connects the building to the community. The floor plan, loadbearing grid, and room height of all five floors can accommodate laboratories or office spaces.

四个开放的楼梯连接着周围的内庭院阳台,是整个建筑的焦点,并有助于定向;与礼堂一起,它们形成了交流和沟通的区域。巴塞尔艺术家ren     e Levi为这些空间设计了一个艺术概念。白色灰泥的流动线条交错的网格赋予四个角落楼梯的每一个特定的特征;线条的大手势伴随着并预示着合作者在楼层之间的运动。一个定制的羊毛挂毯Nina, 19 x 7.5米,安装在礼堂的墙上;它与楼梯上艺术作品的单色简洁相辅相成,将它们富有表现力的线条与充满活力的彩色图案相结合。  

The four open staircases connecting the surrounding balconies of the inner courtyard are focal points throughout the building and aid in orientation; together with the auditorium, they form areas of exchange and communication. Basel-based artist Renée Levi has developed an artistic concept for these spaces. An interlaced grid of fluid lines of white plaster gives a specific character to each of the four corner stairs; the large gestures of the lines both accompany and anticipate the movement of collaborators between the floors. A custom-made wool tapestry, Nina, 19 x 7.5 meters, is installed on the wall of the auditorium; complementing the monochrome simplicity of the artworks in the stairs, it integrates their expressive lines with a vibrant, colorful pattern.




建筑师:Herzog & de Meuron


面积:40000 m2


摄影:Julien Lanoo

2023年09月11日 17:29:15


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