boydogs Lv.2
2008年06月19日 13:06:14

施工常用词汇   拌和料 mixture  标准级配 standard grading  补强 strengthening, stiffening  测量 survey, measurement  拆模 form removal  尺寸 dimension, size  抄平 leveling  处理 treatment  搭接 lap joint, lapping, overlap joint

  拌和料 mixture
  标准级配 standard grading
  补强 strengthening, stiffening
  测量 survey, measurement
  拆模 form removal
  尺寸 dimension, size
  抄平 leveling
  处理 treatment
  搭接 lap joint, lapping, overlap joint
  搭接长度 splicing length
  打底 bedding, priming
  打夯, 夯实 ramming, tamping
  打桩 pile driving, piling, driving
  粗砂 coarse sand
  捣实 rodding, tamping
  地质勘测 geological exploration, geological survey
  吊装 hoisting
  定位 locating, positioning
  堆料区 stacking area
  洞口 opening
  放大 enlargement, amplification
  放线 setting out
  放样 lofting, setting out
  分层夯实 compaction in layers
  分层回填 back-filling in layers
  蜂窝麻面 voids and pits
  改建 reconstruction, alteration
  改造 transformation, remodeling
  钢模 steel mould
  钢套管 steel thimble, steel sleeve
  工厂预制构件 factory-made component
  骨料, 集料 aggregate
  骨料级配 gradation of aggregate
  骨料粒径 aggregate size
  贯入度 penetration
  灌浆 grouting, grout jection
  和易性 workability
  后张法 post-tensioning method


