2024年06月04日 10:04:05

▲摄影:Dera 苏州高新技术开发区一直处于城市化发展的前沿,通过一场邀请竞标,BA被选中为该地区设计一所学校,该学校包含一所拥有24间教室的幼儿园和一所拥有48间教室的小学。 BAU was selected through invited competition to design a combined 24-class kindergarten and 48-class primary school on the rapidly urbanizing fringe of Suzhou New District.



BAU was selected through invited competition to design a combined 24-class kindergarten and 48-class primary school on the rapidly urbanizing fringe of Suzhou New District.




classrooms and the in-between

前沿教育模式探索更具互动性、协作性、求知欲、以学 生为中心的教学环境。因此,当代学校建筑的目标是模 糊课堂上的正式教学与其中间地带小会议室的非正式学 习之间的界限。通过巧妙的空间设计,非正式的学习空 间可以容纳非正式教学,反之亦然。这种新的教育方式 要求整个学校成为一个教学相长的环境。
Cutting edge education models explore a more interactive, collaborative, inquisitive, student-centred, teaching-learning environment. Consequently the goal of the contemporary school building is to blur the line between formal teaching in classrooms and the informal learning of the in-between spaces. With smart spatial design, informal teaching can inhabit the informal learning spaces, and vice versa. This new approach to education requires the entire school to become a teaching-learning environment.


small site, lots of program

先前的BAU学校项目都呈现了建筑作为图形在一片开放 空间上的结果。这个项目(在一个较小的场地中的小学 和幼儿园)的图形背景平面可以视为反转-开放空间作为 图形在建筑的背景之中-- 更像罗马大竞技场或纳尔沃纳 广场,而非莱维敦或橡树公园。
Previous BAU school projects have lead to outcomes of buildings as figures on a ground of open space. With this project (a primary school and a kindergarten on a smaller site) the figure ground plan can be perceived as the reverse – open space as figures in a ground of building – more Circus Maximus or Piazza Navona than Levittown or Oak Park.


informal teaching and learning

该场地被设想为一个建筑平台,所需的各种开放空间都 可从该平台提取:运动场、幼儿园孩子的操场、小学孩 子的庭院、两所学校的入口、还有学校和人行道之间的 一圈绿地。
The site has been conceived as a building podium with the various open spaces required, extracted from that podium: the sports ground; the playground for the kindergarten children; the courtyards for the primary school children; entrances for both schools; and a ring of green between the schools and the footpath.


环绕着开放空间的梁容纳了一个创新的网络——传统的 学校走廊变成了一个松散而开阔的空间,鼓励非正式的 教学和学习。这些巨大的走廊为展览和大型小组作业等 非正式活动提供了一些半封闭的学习空间。
What remains is in effect a meandering beam that runs around all the open spaces. This meandering beam contains a new innovative network – traditional school corridors have been transformed into lumpy and generous spaces where informal teaching and learning are encouraged. Within the largest of these corridors a number of semi-enclosed learning spaces are provided for informal events such as exhibitions and larger group work.


formal teaching and learning

六道规则的横梁呈太阳形汇集,容纳了改良的教室,横 跨蜿蜒的梁。在这些横梁中,每两个传统教室都有一个 玻璃墙面的会议室。这使得较小的学生小组能够在不分 散课堂注意力的情况下进行交流,并且在老师的掌-握范 围内。建筑的非正式/正式部分在空间上、形式上和物质 上都有清晰的表达。
Six regular beams chasing the sun, contain modified classrooms and straddle the meandering beam. Within these beams, each pair of traditional classrooms is provided with a glass-walled meeting room. This enables smaller student teams to communicate without distracting the rest of the class, and still be within easy reach of the teacher. The informal / formal parts of the building are clearly articulated spatially, formally and materially.


place, iconography and abstraction

该项目与中国古典园林学者克雷格·伊斯顿合作,结合本 土常见的几何图形,通过构架、缩放、挪动、包裹、叠 加和分层等多种意想不到的方式,将艺术和游戏融入学 习环境。
Working with Chinese classical garden scholar, Craig Easton, the project engages with local geometries and motifs via unexpected framing, scaling, slippage, layering, wrapping and more to further integrate art and play with the learning environment.


kindergarten is German for children’s garden

五个主题花园为幼儿园提供了不可思议的空间:在联想 花园中培养儿童的想象力并模拟实现;在机能花园中跳 跃攀爬、荡秋千、滑滑梯锻炼孩子的体能;在自然花园 中挖土、种植、轻轻拍打、穿梭于竹海中,能够培养孩 子的自然意识;在劳动花园中孩子们可以学习农作、家 务以及培养管理能力;在感官花园中闻花的芳香、品草 的味道、感受水的流动、聆听管道声音、真实地触摸、 体验自然。
Five themed gardens provide the kindergarten with places to: dream, act and perform in the imagination garden; to swing, climb, slide and jump in the muscle garden; to dig, plant, pat, and explore in the nature garden; to shovel, sweep, and organise in the work garden; and to smell the flowers, taste the herbs, feel the water, listen to the pipes, and touch the textures in the garden of the senses.


past, present and future

该项目表明,古代的空间模型可以与当前的教育理论一 同作用,为后代提供当代教学和学习环境。
This project demonstrates that ancient spatial models can work together with current educational theories, to provide contemporary teaching and learning environments for future generations.





