2024年01月03日 14:25:49

粉红色的鱼子酱与透明气泡是什么关系?吊带、绳子和水银之间又是什么关系?雅典的一只 BUTterFLY 回答了这个问题"。ArchitectScripta 使用人工智能技术实现建筑概念,并在 OpenSea 市场上将其项目作为 NFT 上载。 BUTterFLY 项目是城市结构中的一个城市典故。该项目是一栋五层高的住宅楼,共有九套公寓,位于雅典郊区的一个典型社区。这栋建筑就像一个奇怪的陌生物体,乍一看与周围环境格格不入。它是一种强烈的城市姿态,重新定义了其周边环境(Topos)。BUTTERFLY 重新塑造了其所在社区的特征,并间接地与周围的建筑建立了新的联系,成为该区域的标志性建筑。

粉红色的鱼子酱与透明气泡是什么关系?吊带、绳子和水银之间又是什么关系?雅典的一只 BUTterFLY 回答了这个问题"。ArchitectScripta 使用人工智能技术实现建筑概念,并在 OpenSea 市场上将其项目作为 NFT 上载。
BUTterFLY 项目是城市结构中的一个城市典故。该项目是一栋五层高的住宅楼,共有九套公寓,位于雅典郊区的一个典型社区。这栋建筑就像一个奇怪的陌生物体,乍一看与周围环境格格不入。它是一种强烈的城市姿态,重新定义了其周边环境(Topos)。BUTTERFLY 重新塑造了其所在社区的特征,并间接地与周围的建筑建立了新的联系,成为该区域的标志性建筑。

‘What is the relationship of pink caviar with transparent bubbles? Or the relationship between suspenders, strings, and mercury? A BUTterFLY in Athens answers on that’. ArchitectScripta realizes architectural concepts using Artificial Intelligence technology and loads their projects as NFTs in the OpenSea market. BUTterFLY project is a moment of urban allusion within the fabric of the city. The project is a five-story residential building with nine apartments in a typical neighborhood of Athenian suburbs. The building stands as a weird unfamiliar Object which at first sight does not belong to its surroundings. It is a strong urban gesture that redefines its Context (Topos). BUTterFLY reinvents the character of its neighborhood and indirectly develops new associations with surrounding buildings operating as an Icon for the extended area.

建筑设计方法主要基于使用动画软件和人工智能数据输入的形式探索。设计方案侧重于纯粹的自主形式,应用拓扑几何图形和内部几何规则及关联系统。这是根据先进的设计技术和数字建筑技术对 "形式 "进行的近视探索。
通过这一过程,新的房屋类型得以重新发明。这一概念基于对动态景观的强烈叙述,为参观者提供了一种由内而外的强烈体验。世界知名摄影师埃里埃塔-阿塔利(Erieta Attali)指出,在建筑外墙的曲线和空隙之间,可以看到城市和大阿提卡地区远山的叙事性景观。

The architectural design approach is primarily based on formal exploration using animation software and Artificial Intelligence data input. The design proposal focuses on a pure Autonomous Form applying topological geometries with an internal system of geometrical rules and correlations. It is a myopic exploration of Form following advanced design techniques and digital construction technology. Through this process, new house typologies are re-invented. The concept is based on a strong narrative of dynamic views with an intense relation of inside-out experience for the visitor. World-renowned photographer Erieta Attali noted that narrational views towards the city and the distant mountains of the larger Attica region are framed in between the curves and the voids of the building envelope.

埃里埃塔通过她的摄影镜头,以广阔的视角向我们阐释了这一城市物体的力量及其内涵,以及如何从周围的屋顶上捕捉这一力量,她爬上屋顶捕捉令人惊叹的美景,并将相机作为身体的一部分在建筑周围舞动。用户的空间体验是由形式的流动性决定的,它沿着凹槽和突起,使内部向周边、天空和环境流动。夜幕降临时,建筑的线条和几何形状在灯光的映衬下熠熠生辉,悄无声息地提醒着人们它的存在。建筑技术采用了可回收材料,建筑研究基于生物气候设计原则,并将该建筑列为 A 级。

Erieta through her photographic lens had the wide perception to explain to us the power of this urban Object and its Context and how it can be captured from the surrounding rooftops where she climbed to catch stunning views dancing with the camera as part of her body around the building. The spatial experience of the user is defined by the fluidity of the Form that follows alcoves and protrusions to render a fluid movement of the interior towards the neighborhood, the sky, and the Context. During the night the building is shuttle-lightened underlying the lightened lines and the geometry of its Formal behavior, reminding quietly of its presence. Construction technology follows recyclable materials and the study of the premises is based on principles of bioclimatic design with parallel classification of the building as A .

粉色鱼子酱与透明气泡之间有什么关系?间接关系穿行于对象之间,并对其进行定义。模拟是基于对象之间的文字关系。吊带、绳子和水银之间是什么关系?词与词之间的间接关系是人工智能技术的一种应用方式。人工智能技术被应用于该项目,围绕 Ai BUTTERFLY 概念展开新的建筑讨论。人工智能作为一种设计工具,揭示了隐藏在主要概念背后的新世界。我们制作了一系列 Ai 动画,介绍了概念 "对象 "中具有间接关系的单词。

What is the relationship of pink caviar with transparent bubbles? The indirect relationship travels through and in between the Objects and defines them. Simulation is based on the relation of words between Objects. What is the relationship between suspenders, strings and mercury? Indirect relations between words are a way of using AI technologies. Artificial Intelligence techniques have been applied to the project to generate new architectural discussions around the Ai BUTterFLY Concept. Ai has taken place as a Design tool revealing new worlds hidden behind the main concept which was developed primarily using 3D animation software. A series of Ai animations has been generated introducing words that have indirect relationships within the ‘Objects’ of the Concept.

这种语言方法以 "典故 "概念为基础,而 "典故 "正是奈费利博士研究的关键词。通过文字描述关系、模拟和品质关系,避免索引连接,从而达到形象的目的。本项目采用的策略是通过文字之间的间接关系来塑造形象。如果人工智能能像数字时代和参数化思维一样获得自己的文化,那会怎样?人工智能可以成为一种思维方式。它现在可能基于狭隘的知识体系,因为它周围缺乏文化认同。建筑观众是否可以学习或训练接受这种方式?ArchitectScripta在人工智能技术中使用的词是基于典故的对象之间关系的抽象图,意味着间接的东西。

The verbal approach is based on the concept of Allusion which is the key word for Nefeli ‘s PhD research. Image is reached through text that describes relationship, simulation, and relationships of qualities avoiding indexical connectivity. The strategy applied on this project is image with indirect relations between words. What if Artificial Intelligence gains its own culture same way as the digital era and parametric thinking have achieved? Ai can get to the assumption to be a way of thinking. It might now be based on narrow systems of knowledge since there is a lack of cultural identity that surrounds it. Could the architectural audience learn or be trained to accept that? The word being used by architectScripta in AI technology follows an Abstract Diagram of relations between Objects based on Allusion, implying something indirect.

architectScripta 将人工智能作为设计工具的方式与最新的学术讨论所建议的方式不同。使用人工智能软件最常见的建议是以索引模式使用文本到图像生成器。意思是使用侧重于描述空间体验、照明、材料、阴影、纹理等的文字。他们建议将文字的重点放在将图像作为抽象机器的概念上,使用间接连接图像对象的抽象词语。典故是为人工智能图像生成处理选定文本的工具。

Artificial Intelligence is approached by architectScripta as a design tool in a different way than the latest ongoing academic discourse proposes. The most common suggestion for using Ai software is to use a text-to-image generator in an indexical mode. Meaning to use words focusing on the description of spatial experience, lighting, materials, shadows, textures, etc. They suggest focusing on text that approaches the concept of the image as an Abstract machine, using abstract words that connect the objects of the image indirectly. Allusion is the tool to approach selected text for AI image generation.

这种思维方式必须重塑现实,而接近现实的方式就是间接进入现实。ArchitectScripta 对最近创作的 BUTterFLY 项目中的悬浮概念很感兴趣。展示了 Ai 视频和图像画廊。这个五层高的豪华住宅区是与 Nexus Properties 房地产公司独家合作的更广泛的建筑系列的一部分。合作的重点是一系列即将推出的 FLY 项目,包括 OnyxFLY、SnakeFLY 和 GroundFLY 住宅项目,其中最重要的 5000 平方米项目位于 Elliniko 地区,毗邻 Kengo Kuma Galleria 和 Norman Foster Marina Tower。他们的设计以形式行为的内部几何规则为基础,在 "自主形式 "的概念中提出了一种悬浮的空间效果。

This way of thinking has to Reinvent Reality and the way to approach Reality is to gain indirect access to it. ArchitectScripta is interested in the concept of Suspension in the most recently created BUTterFLY project. A Gallery of Ai videos and imagery are presented. This five-story luxury housing complex is part of a wider Building Collection in exclusive collaboration with Nexus Properties Real Estate Company. The collaboration focuses on a series of upcoming FLY projects that include OnyxFLY, SnakeFLY, and GroundFLY housing projects with the most important 5,000m2 project at the Elliniko area next to the Kengo Kuma Galleria and Norman Foster Marina Tower. Their designs suggest a spatial effect of Suspension within the notion of Autonomous Form based on internal geometrical rules of formal behaviors.





2024年01月04日 08:23:09



