简约现代白色 鲜红的冲孔金属外立面
2020年11月05日 15:21:18

收录于话题 总部位于巴黎的BFV建筑事务所实现了一个位于法国Aubervillers的学生宿舍综合体项目。该项目由两栋双胞胎建筑组成,其特点是 "长方体 "设计,一边是白色穿孔金属包层,另一边是亮铜色。 paris-based design studio BFV architectes has realized a student housing complex, situated in aubervillers, france. the project consists of two twin buildings characterized by a ‘recto-verso’ design, with a white perforated metal cladding on the one side, and a bright copper one on the other.

总部位于巴黎的BFV建筑事务所实现了一个位于法国Aubervillers的学生宿舍综合体项目。该项目由两栋双胞胎建筑组成,其特点是 "长方体 "设计,一边是白色穿孔金属包层,另一边是亮铜色。

paris-based design studio BFV architectes has realized a student housing complex, situated in aubervillers, france. the project consists of two twin buildings characterized by a ‘recto-verso’ design, with a white perforated metal cladding on the one side, and a bright copper one on the other.

BFV的 "2en1 "项目由两栋独立的学生宿舍组成,每栋宿舍有150个房间和各种公共房间区域。在这两栋建筑中,底层都是集体使用和服务,包括接待台、食堂、联合办公空间、洗衣房、自行车架等。

BFV‘s ‘2en1’ project consists of two separate student halls, with each one housing 150 rooms and a variety of common room areas. in both structures, the ground floors are dedicated to collective uses and services, including reception desks, cafeteria, co-working spaces, laundry, bikes racks, etc. 


additional shared and convivial spaces where students relax or work together can be found on every floor. all private rooms are located towards the upper levels, for increased privacy. at the very top of both buildings, the green roof is open to all and offers a unique view over aubervilliers.



面积:10035 m2


