这栋住宅周边地势开阔,有一些花园、露台等户外空间,为这里的住户提供不同的体验。每个公共空间不同的气氛与当地的植被结合,再加上小径边流淌的自然活水体,将住宅区装点得别具特色。“This project has a lot of life to it. It’s very much of the place with the rusticated stone and is so well executed. The planting strategy is excellent. ”—2012 Professional Awards Jury
“This project has a lot of life to it. It’s very much of the place with the rusticated stone and is so well executed. The planting strategy is excellent. ”—2012 Professional Awards Jury 转载自苏文青云
[ 本帖最后由 tianzhan2004 于 2012-9-22 17:05 编辑 ]