kennyjun Lv.2
2011年12月26日 19:01:51

本人专注从事国外建筑效果图项目多年,有丰富的外企项目经验,现在经营3-4人小团队,专注国外效果图表现这一块,多次为国外设计公司做效果图代工,同时也帮助不少国外建筑系留学生完成的毕业设计和效果图。欢迎各位设计师和建筑系留学生联系合作,有意者可以加QQ索取作品和详谈合作事项。联系QQ:244896848联系电话:13249821300联系人:陈生I specialized in foreign architectural renderings projects for many years, has a wealth of foreign project experience, now runs 3-4 small team, focus on foreign effect chart performance of this piece, many times for the foreign company to design effect map production, but also help many foreign architecture students to complete the graduation design and effect diagram. Welcome to the designers and construction of student contact cooperation, interested parties can add QQ for work and cooperation in matters of detail.



I specialized in foreign architectural renderings projects for many years, has a wealth of foreign project experience, now runs 3-4 small team, focus on foreign effect chart performance of this piece, many times for the foreign company to design effect map production, but also help many foreign architecture students to complete the graduation design and effect diagram. Welcome to the designers and construction of student contact cooperation, interested parties can add QQ for work and cooperation in matters of detail.

Contact QQ: 244896848
Tel: 13249821300
Contact person: KennyJun

