鬼把戏 Lv.7
2010年09月25日 09:09:26


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2011年03月31日 11:24:35
2011年04月04日 15:54:27
谢谢兄弟 恩 好人
2011年04月04日 18:45:50
Science and technology (S&T) innovation has been the most important means to strengthen native comprehensive competence. The strategy of strengthening innovation capability and building an innovation-oriented country has been put into“medium and long-term S&T developing programs outline (2006-2020)”in China, which has also become the most important macro-demand and evaluating index in various domain of economic and social development. The research and the development (R&D) activities are the source and power of national S&T innovation. Generally, if one country or region holds leading innovation activity, then its S&T inputs will be the leading potion in the word. During the construction of innovation-oriented county, the good allocation of R&D resources can provide vital surpport; promote comprehensive and cooperative innovation and actualization of national innovation.R&D resources are the important parts of S&T resources, which play a necessary role during the course of R&D activity. With the intensified input of R&D resources, the shortage of R&D resources and low efficiency of allocation apparently show themselves especially in our country. Therefore, the dissertation analyzes the development and trend of R&D resources allocation based on building of innovation-oriented country, discuss the status and the problems of R&D resources allocation, and studies the allocation efficiency, influential elements of allocation behavior and mechanism. Followings are the main contents of this dissertation.First, related researches have been reviewed. Recently the related researches about allocation of R&D resources home and abroad are developed from 6 aspects, including research on the concept of innovation-oriented country and R&D resources, research on the macro compare of R&D resources allocation, research on the allocation efficiency of R&D resources, research on the allocation mechanism of R&D resources, research on the allocation effects of R&D resources, research on S&T policy and the measures installed by government in the allocation course of R&D resources. Theory foundation of allocation of R&D resources is following, which includes theory of national innovation system, the new growth theory, system theory and theory of resource allocation. These theories provide the basic guide of the dissertation to develop its research.Second, this dissertation proposes the analysis framework of R&D resources allocation theory in the circumstance of building innovation-oriented country. It investigates the definition, allocating participants of R&D resources, brings forward allocation system of R&D resources and the effect on it by external systems, including economy, education and society. It also discovers that the contents of R&D resources allocation are excessive, concerning on scale, structure, intensity and mode, and so on. Finally, support for building of innovation-oriented country by allocation system of R&D resources has investigated.Third, developing status of Chinese allocating R&D resources has been expatiated. Compare with the some typical innovation-oriented countries, this dissertation concludes characteristic and existed problems from financial resources, human resources and S&T policies. There are big gaps of R&D resources allocation between China and typical innovation-oriented countries.Fourth, using the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) Model, the allocation efficiency and influential elements of the change of allocation efficiency are systematically analyzed based on the penal data of 31 provinces from 2000 to 2007 in the country. The domestic number of patents application acceptance patent is the output data. Full-time equivalent of R&D personnel and R&D capital stock are the input data. Influential elements, international trade intensity and local government appropriating funds for S&T are the two exogenous variables. As to the regional level, the allocation efficiency of R&D resources is descending from east to west. The output elasticity of R&D capital stock elements is bigger than that of R&D personnel resources elements. The two exogenous variables are both positive to the rise of allocation efficiency of R&D resources.Fifth, as comparable index, R&D intensity is the delegate of R&D financial resources input. This dissertation analyzes the trend of R&D intensity and the determinants on it. The upward trend of R&D intensity in China is generally in agreement with the international rule. The dissertation analyses five theoretical determinants on R&D intensity, including enterprises, policy, public R&D institution, investment and economy, designs 12 independent variables and one depended variable-R&D intensity, constructs the experimental model based on partial adjusted model, and investigates the effect on R&D intensity by all variables. The outcome shows that China has begun the S&T take-off early, financial crisis has little effect on the growth of R&D intensity, and the R&D intensity in China will be able to realize the steady and quick growth based on the building of innovation-oriented country.Finally, this dissertation studies the allocation mechanism of R&D resources from the three facets such as governmental subsidy mechanism, share mechanism and industry-university union mechanism. On governmental subsidy mechanism, there are four policy instruments. Then governmental direct support of R&D performed by the business sector is investigate using game theory model, and a framework for evaluating R&D tax subsidies is proposed using cost-benefit method. On share mechanism of R&D resources, three share mode are summarized and advises are brought forward in order to the good operation of share mechanism. Then industry-university union mechanism, R&D bail system of governmental intervention is designed using complete information static game model. The outcome shows that the system can correct the opportunism acted by two union participants.The contribution and innovative points of this dissertation are as following.First, the theoretical framework of R&D resources allocation is established based on building of innovation-oriented country. The allocation system of R&D resources incorporating allocation participants and interaction of them is proposed from the system theory view. It supports for construction of innovation-oriented country based on theory of national innovation system and new economic growth theory. The framework is a kind of enrichment to R&D resources allocation theory.Second, the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) Model is imported to the research of allocation efficiency of R&D resources based on the penal data. The influential elements of the change of allocation efficiency are also studied through incorporating exogenous variables to remedy the shortage of other researches. So the regional trend and countrywide character of R&D resources allocation efficiency can be summarized.Third, the determinants on R&D intensity are analyzed theoretically from macro-view and proved by experimental data. Experimental model incorporating 12 independent variables and one depended variable-R&D intensity is constructed based on partial adjusted model. This part of dissertation makes further exploration between qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. Finally, referring to the home and abroad practices, the allocation mechanism of R&D resources according to Chinese current system is investigated. Not only game theory model, but also cost-benefit analysis and many practices are used to study the allocation mechanism of R&D resources and run of it.Altogether, the dissertation combines innovation-oriented country with allocation theory of R&D resources. It analyzes allocation system of R&D resources systematically from many aspects, such as allocation status, allocation efficiency, influential elements on allocation action, allocation mechanism. The research of this dissertation is a kind of enrichment to the allocation theory of R&D resources. It’s benefit to build innovation-oriented country.
2011年04月04日 19:04:52
近年来,随着国际间经济活动日益频繁的影响,导致跨国企业为求优化配置内部资源,常会透过关联方之间转让定价交易的安排,来规避税负或进行盈余管理。本研究认为企业可能会因台湾实施「营利事业所得税不合常规移转订价查核准则」而进行盈余管理。因此,本文将以台湾上市公司转让定价与盈余管理之实证研究作为研究主题进行实证,探讨转让定价是否为盈余管理的工具之一。本文以2002年第一季至2006年第四季之台湾上市公司为研究对象,排除金融保险、证券业与资料不足或遗漏之公司,样本公司共597家等27个产业,研究资料为横断面与纵断面混合资料(panel data)。因此,本研究以panel regression model作为实证研究之方法,并建立联立回归模型进一步了解盈余管理与转让定价是否存在互为影响之关系。本研究的第一项研究议题-影响台湾上市公司转让定价策略之可能因素。实证结果发现,获利能力(ROA)愈佳与举债程度愈高之企业,愈会透过转让定价将盈余保留在位于租税天堂之子公司或其他关联企业。第二项研究议题-测试转让定价是否为管理阶层从事盈余管理的工具之一。实证结果发现盈余管理的裁决性应计数会受到转让定价之影响,表示转让定价为台湾上市公司做为盈余管理之工具之一。因此,本研究基于上述研究结论爰提出建议如下:(一)建议税务主管机关对于长期负债比率偏高之企业,应多加留意。(二)建议证券主管机关,应重新检讨台湾地区财务报表以母子公司个别财务报表为主要报表之合适性,另基于增加财务透明度的考虑,亦建议应加强关联方交易相关资料之揭露与规范。(三)建议企业于推动公司治理所面临的种种问题,应从体制面寻求长期可行的解决方案。(四)建议并呼吁会计从业人员应加强及大力恪遵职业道德规范。
In recent years, the trends of globalization and the growing body of international economic activities push up the industries going global. Consequently, leading the multinational business generally utilize transfer pricing among their related party for avoiding the tax paid or managing earnings. This dissertation argues that Taiwan corporations might manage their earnings due to the implementation of the Act of Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm’s Length Transfer Pricing in Taiwan. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on the impact of transfer pricing on the earning management and discusses whether the transfer pricing is one of the means in earnings management.This study collects the firms that had ever listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange from 2002 to 2006. Samples from finance, insurance, and security industries are excluded, as well as the samples with missing data. Finally,597 firms from 27 industries are obtained in form of panel data. Based on the panel regression model, I construct simultaneous regression models for investigating the interaction between the earnings management and the transfer pricing.The first issue of this paper is to find out the factors what affects transfer pricing strategy among Taiwan listed firms. The empirical results show that the firm with higher profit ability and leverage level tend to keep profit at subsidiary who set up at tax-haven by transfer pricing. The second issue of this research is to detect whether the transfer pricing is one of the means in earnings management. The empirical results exhibit the discretionary accruals of earnings management is affected by transfer pricing. This results imply transfer pricing is a mean of earnings management.According to empirical results, this paper addresses four suggestions. First, tax authority should take notice of the firms with higher leverage ratio for a long run. Second, security authority have to review the applicability of the regulation that separate parent and subsidiary company’s financial statement for a main statement in Taiwan, and strengthen the information disclosure among related parities base on information transparency. Third, when corporations face any problems during driving corporate governance should discover the long-term solution projects from frame side. Forth, sthength the ethics of accounting practitioners.
2011年04月19日 02:12:10
2011年05月03日 18:04:10
哎 我也没土木比了 太难受了 这限制的我 我想抓狂啊 啊
2011年05月06日 01:29:11
2011年05月06日 01:33:39
2011年05月12日 19:04:44
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2011年05月23日 11:58:42

