独柱伞状结构 —— 深圳水围天桥
2022年10月27日 16:41:45

深圳水围天桥 英国安托士建筑设计  ▲ 天桥鸟瞰 ?Elton 深圳水围天桥位于深圳福田区主干道福强路上,桥梁跨度70.5m,这个人行天桥连接着皇岗公园、众多学校与居民区。由于城市车辆的不停增长,斑马线已经变成了危险而又低效的过街方式。我们把城市里的人行天桥定义为城市立体慢行系统的一个重要组成部分,如何在过街的瞬间给与人独特的体验,并赋予了这个公共建筑品质感和仪式感。



 ▲ 天桥鸟瞰 ?Elton


Shenzhen Shuiwei pedestrian bridge is located on Fuqiang Road, Futian District in Shenzhen. The bridge span is 70.5m. This project connects Huanggang Park, many schools, and residential areas. Due to the increased traffic, zebra crossing becomes a dangerous and inefficient way to move across the road. We consider the footbridge an important part of the multi-level slow movement system in the city. The design provides a unique experience to the pedestrian when they cross the road, and gives the bridge a sense of quality and spirit.

  ▲  天桥鸟瞰 ?Elton

  ▲  从街道看向天桥 ?Elton



Single-column umbrella canopy. The roof design of the Shuwei bridge is different from many other bridges that have the structure of the column on both sides. It adopts a single-column structure to support the canopy. People can enjoy the landscape on both sides of the bridge without any obstruction while walking on the bridge, especially in Shenzhen where the beautiful scenery is all year round. This design is based on people's habit that they tend to look at both sides of the bridge and appreciate the city when passing the bridge, so as to provide people with a good walking experience when crossing the bridge.

  ▲  桥上采用伞状支撑结构 ?Elton

  ▲  桥上采用伞状支撑结构 ?Elton

  ▲  雨水引入花槽,沿端部排水管排出 ?Elton




Prefab-construction. The original intention of building pedestrian bridges is to promote walking and reduce traffic jams. However, the construction of many bridges brings a long construction time and a large amount of dust in the construction process, causing traffic congestion and air pollution, which makes people stay away. In this project, we use prefabricated construction methods to effectively solve this problem. The main bridge canopy is designed with large steel prefabricated modules. For construction workers, the relatively stable working environment in the factory has a higher safety factor than the complex on-site operation. The quality and process of building components can be better controlled in factories. With the continuous rise of labor costs, the cost advantages of prefabrication become more obvious. It greatly shortens the construction time on site.

  ▲  雨水引入花槽,沿端部排水管排出 ?Elton

  ▲  灯光示意图 ?Atdesignoffice

  ▲  夜晚灯光效果 ?Elton



Use of rainwater and Sustainability. The rainwater from the canopy of the bridge is arranged to free drip into the flower trough on the bridge deck. The longitudinal slope is used to collect the water from the flower trough to the end, and a transverse drainage pipe is set at the end of the flower trough, which is connected with the longitudinal drainage pipe inside the box girder. The vertical drainage pipe is provided with risers at both ends of the bridge, which goes down along the main bridge pier to the green area on the ground.

  ▲  夜晚灯光效果 ?Elton

  ▲  屋面下的灯光 ?Elton



Wooden ceiling, integrated with nature. A planter trough is set outside the handrail of the main bridge. The flowering period of Bougainvillea Rubra can be from November to June of the next year. On the pedestrian near the bridge, three kinds of bottom plants with different flowering periods and colors are selected to match the middle-level plants, and camphor is selected for the high-level plants. The plants are well arranged, and look different every season. The bridge ceiling is an aluminum panel with a wood texture, providing meet shading and shelter functions. At the same time, the light yellow wood color gives people a warm sense of vision and integrates with the surrounding green landscape.

  ▲  木色顶棚与自然环境相融合 ?Elton

  ▲  屋面细部,看不到穿孔和支撑方式 ?Elton



Detail control and unique lighting. At night, the lighting of the bridge also rises quietly, which highlights the quality and connotation of the bridge. The lighting under the umbrella on the main bridge forms X-shaped light and shadow on the ground, which is vivid and interesting. At the bottom of the main bridge, the concave coffer with a wall-washing lamp provides unique light and shadow effect. When the driver drives through the bottom of the bridge, the delicate design will also disperse some daily boring and monotonous.


屋面采用钛锌板立边咬合系统 (Standing Seam Roof System),立边咬合的核心构成是点支撑金属屋面系统,基于直立锁边咬合设计的特殊屋面板型,这种设计主要针对大跨度自支承式屋面/墙面系统。屋面板块的连接方式是板块与板块的肋边咬合形成密合的连接,在屋面上看不见任何穿孔,因为支承的方式是隐藏在面板之下的。钛锌板立边双咬合系统,第一次通过机械咬合,第二次咬合则由人工咬合完成,特制固定座可解决因热胀冷缩所产生的板块应力,避免结构物的破坏。

High-quality roofing material. Titanium Standing Seam Roof System is adopted for the roof. The connection mode of the roof plate is that the plate and the rib of the plate occlude to form a close connection, and no perforation can be seen on the roof because the support mode is hidden under the panel. Titanium zinc plate vertical double bite system, the first bite by mechanical, the second bite by manual, the special fixed seat can solve the plate stress caused by thermal expansion and cold contraction, avoid the damage to the structure.



Barrier-free design, unimpeded pass. The design of Shuiwei bridge takes into account the use of the elderly, the disabled, children, and people carrying luggage and bicycles. Two vertical elevators are equipped on both sides of the flyover. Pedestrians can get on and off the bridge through the elevators, meeting the needs of vulnerable groups and people with mobility disabilities, and improving comfort and convenience. Footbridge design can improve the pedestrian experience in the high-density city, and will promote the prospect of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.


  ▲  桥底自行车停车场和无障碍电梯 ?Atdesignoffice

  ▲  平面图 ?Atdesignoffice

  ▲  立面图 ?Atdesignoffice

  ▲  透视图

  ▲  细部节点

  ▲  细部节点

  ▲  轴测分析图







主创建筑师: 范铁(Tie Fan)

设计团队完整名单:李晓雪 Slavo Siska 吴晓丽 张晓莹






品牌:Zintek 意锌,Fujitec富士达,NVC雷士照明,戊戍装饰



