白工6913 Lv.2
2021年11月27日 09:19:22

位于 1 Lonsdale 的房产已由当地家庭拥有三代。当现有建筑接近其使用寿命时,该家庭选择利用这一机会开发一座新的三层被动式房屋建筑,作为快速变化的下朗斯代尔区的可持续基准。 The property at 1 Lonsdale has been owned by a local family for three generations.  When the existing building was reaching the end of its lifespan, the family chose to use this as an opportunity to develop a new three-storey, Passive House building that would serve as a sustainable benchmark for the fast-changing Lower Lonsdale District.

位于 1 Lonsdale 的房产已由当地家庭拥有三代。当现有建筑接近其使用寿命时,该家庭选择利用这一机会开发一座新的三层被动式房屋建筑,作为快速变化的下朗斯代尔区的可持续基准。

The property at 1 Lonsdale has been owned by a local family for three generations.  When the existing building was reaching the end of its lifespan, the family chose to use this as an opportunity to develop a new three-storey, Passive House building that would serve as a sustainable benchmark for the fast-changing Lower Lonsdale District.


The intent of the design was to create a contemporary interpretation of the brick-clad, heavy timber, warehouse buildings that formed the backbone of the working waterfront. Along with the sustainable ambitions for the project, the new building presents the Lower Lonsdale District with the familiarity and ‘grounded’ feeling of a dark, glazed brick building that reads as a ‘skin’ for the mass timber frame, as opposed to a traditional ‘solid mass’ building. The fenestration on the building’s upper two floors has been ‘randomly’ distributed to offer visual interest and relief from the predictable facades typical in commercial buildings. Special attention has been given to signify the corner of Lonsdale Avenue and Carrie Cates Court by eroding the brick facade on the upper floors to express the mass timber structure through a PH curtainwall system while offering the upper floor occupants stunning views of Vancouver harbour.

从城市的角度来看,该建筑通过多边形画廊支持街墙的发展,同时为行人创造了一个舒适的尺度和无障碍街道。该建筑的底层设计为通过将地板到天花板、PH 三层玻璃窗和推拉门“打开”到 Carrie Cates。随着新多边形画廊的开幕和 Carrie Cates 的启用,新餐厅将提供一个朝南的外部平台,并将餐厅排“包裹”在 Carrie Cates 上。其结果将是下朗斯代尔艺术和文化区的进一步发展。

Urbanely, the building supports the development of the streetwall with the Polygon Gallery, while creating a comfortable scale and accessible street level for pedestrians. The building’s ground floor has been designed to ‘open’ onto Carrie Cates by incorporating floor to ceiling, PH triple glazed windows, and sliding doors. With the opening of the new Polygon Gallery and the activation of Carrie Cates, the new restaurant will offer a south-facing exterior deck and ‘wrap’ restaurant row onto Carrie Cates. The result will be the further development of the Lower Lonsdale arts and cultural district.

综上所述,该项目最引人注目的方面是预制和大块木材建筑方法的创新。该项目面临许多建筑规范挑战,包括使用 CLT 和胶合木结构以及需要零地块线“不燃派对墙”。考虑到 PH 气密性的复杂性和有限的热桥要求,建筑物的三个“可见”侧使用了预制绝缘 2x8 垂直墙板系统。然后使用一系列预装了膜、外保温和覆层的 CLT 面板来建造北墙,同时提供必要的防火等级。

All this said, the most remarkable aspect of the project is the innovations in prefabrication and mass timber construction methodologies. The project faced a number of building code challenges including the use of a CLT and glulam structure and the need for a zero lot line ‘non-combustible party wall. Factoring in the complexity of PH airtightness and restricted thermal bridging requirements, a system of pre-fabricated insulated, 2x8 vertical wall panels was used for the three ‘visible’ sides of the building. A series of CLT panels with the membrane, exterior insulation, and cladding pre-installed were then used to create the north wall whilst providing the necessary fire rating.

用最简单的话说,主要的木结构被竖立起来,然后用 PH 信封套在它上面,这一切只用了 10 天的施工时间。这一非凡的成就是通过设计和工程团队与总承包商、预制和大块木材供应商、窗户制造商和地方当局的深度整合而实现的。当我们面临气候危机的明显挑战时,我们坚信这种创新的建筑方法将在不久的将来成为必需品。

In the simplest terms, the main mass timber structure was erected and then the exterior, PH envelope was sleeved over it, all in just 10 days of construction time. This extraordinary achievement was accomplished by the deep integration of the design and engineering team, with the general contractor, the prefabrication and mass timber suppliers, window manufacturers, and the local authorities. As we face the overt challenges of the climate crisis, we strongly believe that this type of innovative approach to construction will become a necessity in the very near future.


建筑师:Hemsworth Architecture
2021年12月13日 09:41:38

位于 1 Lonsdale 的房产已由当地家庭拥有三代。当现有建筑接近其使用寿命时,该家庭选择利用这一机会开发一座新的三层被动式房屋建筑,作为快速变化的下朗斯代尔区的可持续基准。


