2020年08月20日 15:14:15

又一?创新设计!!建筑犹如一座岛屿,“漂浮”在风景如画的湖面上——成都天府会议中心 mars studio 搜建筑 搜建筑 微信号 sjz9999 功能介绍 关注全球时尚的、新的建筑资讯。 mars studio设计的成都天府会议中心 犹如一座漂浮的岛屿 mars studio公布了新天府会议中心的设计方案,漂浮在风景如画的湖面上,毗邻成都天府国际机场。该项目旨在实现建筑与景观的和谐融合,被设计为一个主要的交通枢纽,人们可以在这里与城市和自然环境进行联系。


mars studio 搜建筑

mars studio设计的成都天府会议中心


mars studio公布了新天府会议中心的设计方案,漂浮在风景如画的湖面上,毗邻成都天府国际机场。该项目旨在实现建筑与景观的和谐融合,被设计为一个主要的交通枢纽,人们可以在这里与城市和自然环境进行联系。

floating on a picturesque lake in a scenic area, right next to the chengdu tianfu airport, in china, mars studio has introduced their proposal for a new conference center building. aiming to achieve a harmonious integration of architecture and landscape, the project has been designed as a major communication hub where people can connect with both urban and natural surroundings.

mars studio的设计,其几何造型和未来气息,灵感是来自中国古建的坡屋顶和景观院落建筑。在空间组织上也遵循这种传统结构,以适应整个会议中心的各种不同功能。


the design by mars studio, with its geometric shape and futuristic atmosphere, is actually inspired by the ancient chinese architecture of sloped roofs and landscape courtyards. this traditional structure is also followed in terms of spatial organization, in order to accommodate the various functions of the whole conference center. the facade of the building is intertwined with solid wood and glass, with the two materials being distributed rhythmically and gradually like ripples of water, reflecting the surrounding nature.



the solid wood facade achieves a balanced integration of the building with the environment – wood is a building material used in china for thousands of years, representing the traditional part of architectural design. its counterpart is the modern glass facade, reflecting the sparkling lake and the dense forest, imprinting the poetic natural scenery onto the building. the deep and shallow glass surfaces are vertically interlaced, forming an innovative wavy dimension on the exterior. at the same time, the combination of dark glass and wooden blinds effectively reduces direct sunlight, making the entire design more energy-saving, and eco-friendly.



conceived as an urban spiritual island extended from the deep forest, the building encourages surrounding residents, as well as guests from all over the world, to gather, communicate, and enjoy the artistic conception of nature together. visitors can observe the lake, feel the breeze, sunshine, and fresh air on the wide terrace of every floor. here, people can converse with the mountains, water, sky, and earth at any time.




the center of the island serves as a conference center, an exhibition center, and a multi-function hall. meanwhile, the periphery of the island is equipped with a presentation hall, conference room, small theater, cinema, and restaurant. the central roof is surrounded by the outer roof group, generating a secluded, mysterious urban zen house which provides a meditative rest area for guests. each building section can be connected through an indoor corridor and an outdoor bridge. various landscaped courtyards are placed within the built units, echoing the remote view of the mountain forest and adding spirituality and vitality to the design. 

建筑师:mars studio

地点:四川 成都

2020年09月08日 14:00:16



