小弟我刚入行,这个是不是固定熔断器的啊?有下面描述,请问这到底叫什么?求大神们提供个厂家信息。It is type of aluminum deflectors, it used for MV connection in switchgears (aluminum deflectors用在中压开关柜上) between component and bus bar or HPC fuse to eliminate the corona effect. (在器件与汇流条或者熔断器之间,用来消除电晕影响) You can find this type of part in Schneider China or Liyond or Rockwill... (switchgears companies in general). (在如斯耐德等开关柜厂家都会用到) there is no specific description but it is secondary switchgears accessories (others detailed pictures in attached files ).(没有什么特殊的技术要求,但是它是开关柜二次侧的配件,如图片)
小弟我刚入行,这个是不是固定熔断器的啊?有下面描述,请问这到底叫什么?求大神们提供个厂家信息。It is type of aluminum deflectors, it used for MV connection in switchgears (aluminum deflectors用在中压开关柜上) between component and bus bar or HPC fuse to eliminate the corona effect. (在器件与汇流条或者熔断器之间,用来消除电晕影响) You can find this type of part in Schneider China or Liyond or Rockwill... (switchgears companies in general). (在如斯耐德等开关柜厂家都会用到) there is no specific description but it is secondary switchgears accessories (others detailed pictures in attached files ).(没有什么特殊的技术要求,但是它是开关柜二次侧的配件,如图片)