lguangj Lv.2
2007年09月30日 21:57:42

21世纪的美国工程担保新法案 黎广军 译译者注: 1935-8-24,美国国会以米勒法案取代了1894-08-13颁布的赫德法案。2002-08-21,美国国会颁布了公共法律107-217 (共267页,全部是美国法典第40篇的修订内容),其中制定了一个新法案,以取代米勒法案。新法案与米勒法案并无本质性差别,而且各州还有许多小米勒法案,以至人们仍然将其称为米勒法案。公共法律107-217未规定生效时间,但新法案已于2005-01-28在美国法典网站公布,整部法典有许多变化。

黎广军 译

译者注: 1935-8-24,美国国会以米勒法案取代了1894-08-13颁布的赫德法案。2002-08-21,美国国会颁布了公共法律107-217 (共267页,全部是美国法典第40篇的修订内容),其中制定了一个新法案,以取代米勒法案。新法案与米勒法案并无本质性差别,而且各州还有许多小米勒法案,以至人们仍然将其称为米勒法案。公共法律107-217未规定生效时间,但新法案已于2005-01-28在美国法典网站公布,整部法典有许多变化。

§3131. 公共建筑和工程的承包商担保
(a) 定义——在本分章中,术语“承包商”指分节(b) 中描述的被授予合同的人。
(b) 所需担保的类型——联邦政府超过100,000美元的任何公共建筑或公共工程的施工、改造、维修的任何合同授予之前,被授予人必须提供以下担保,授予合同时即具约束力:
(1) 履约担保—— 一份履约担保,担保人应使授予该合同的政府官员满意,并且,在保额方面,应使政府合同官认为足以保护政府。
(2) 付款担保—— 一份付款担保,担保人应使政府官员满意,认为可保护为完成该合同规定的工程而提供所需劳务和材料的所有人②。付款担保的保额应等于由合同条款确定的可能付款的总额,除非授予该合同的政府官员作出决定,以书面明确裁定该付款担保的保额不切实际,在此情况下,政府合同官应调整付款担保的保额。付款担保的保额不得低于履约担保的保额。
(c) 履约担保包含税金的担保——
(1) 一般规定——本节规定的任何履约担保都应明确包含政府征税的担保,包括从承包商为履行该担保所涉合同而支付的工资中征收、扣除或代扣的税金。
(2) 通知——承包商申报某时期利润的日期之后90天内,政府将向该担保的担保人发出书面通知,通报任何时期的任何欠税,但按《国内税收法案》(美国法典第26篇第1节以及其下等等)规定的时期申报利润时,必须不迟于180天发出该通知。
(3) 民事诉讼——政府不能为了税金对担保提出民事诉讼——
(A) 除非按本分节发出过通知,并且
(B) 通知发出之后超过一年。
(d) 在外国履行的合同放弃担保——当合同在外国履行时,如果政府合同官发现要求承包商提供担保不切实际,可放弃该合同所涉工程的履约担保和付款担保。
(e) 要求增加担保的权力——本节不限制政府合同官,在(b)分节指定情况以外,要求增加履约担保或其它保证的权力。
§3132. 选择《联邦采购规章》规定的付款担保
(a) 一般规定——本篇3131(a) 节所涉合同的金额超过25,000美元但不超过100,000美元时,《联邦采购规章》将提供可供选择的付款担保,作为对劳务和材料的供应商的付款保证。③
(b) 政府合同官的责任——政府合同官对一份合同应该——
(1) 在《联邦采购规章》(a)分节规定的付款保护之中,选择一种或多种所提议的付款保护,或者选择,授予的合同服从联邦政府对该合同的劳务和材料的供应商的保护,并且
(2) 详细说明为合同所选择的付款保证提议。
§3133. 劳务或材料供应人的权利
(a) 供给劳务或材料的人获得担保副本的权利——部门部长或合同代理处负责人应提供一份付款担保及其所担保的合同的核正副本给任何申请人,申请人须提交一份宣誓书,宣誓已为该合同所描述的工程供应过劳务或材料,而且未得到该工程的付款或者正在对该担保提出诉讼。副本是正本的内容、实施和交付的表面证据。申请人应支付部门部长或合同代理处负责人确定的任何费用,包括为准备核正副本而花费的成本。
(b) 提出民事诉讼的权利——
(1) 一般规定——对于按本篇第3131节提供付款担保的合同,为完成该合同规定的工程而供应了劳务或材料的任何人,在最后履行所索赔的劳务或供料的日期之后90天内未获足额付款,可在提出民事诉讼的规定时间内,对未付金额向付款担保提出民事诉讼,并可起诉最终执行和判决的应得金额。
(2) 与一位分包商有直接合同关系的人——与一位分包商有直接合同关系但与提供付款担保的承包商没有明确或隐含合同关系的人,在履行了所索赔的劳务或供料的日期之后的90天内向承包商递交过书面通知,可以向付款担保提出民事诉讼。起诉必须声明:真实准确的索赔金额,供应材料或履行劳务的当事人姓名。递送该通知应该——
(A) 在承包商办公或营业的任何地点,或者承包商的住处,以有书面记录的任何方法,由第三方核实递送给承包商④,或者
(B) 以可依法传唤作证的任何方式,递送给公共改良所在地的美国联邦司法区执行官。⑤
(3) 管辖地——本分节提出的民事诉讼必须
(A) 提出诉讼的人使用美国的名义⑥,并且
(B) 在合同履行和完成的任何地区的联邦地方法院进行,不管争议金额是多少。
(4) 提出诉讼的时间必须——本分节的诉讼必须在起诉人最后一次履行劳务或供料的日期之后,不迟于一年提出。
(5) 联邦政府的责任——政府没有责任为本分节的任何民事诉讼支付任何成本或费用。
(c) 自行放弃向本分章规定的付款担保提出民事诉讼的权利是无效的,除非自行弃权是——
(1) 以书面形式;
(2) 由具有自行弃权权利的人签署,并且
(3) 在提供合同履行所需的劳务或材料以后,具有自行弃权权利的人才签字画押。
§3134. 对特定合同的自行弃权⑦
(a) 军事——对于联邦政府任何公共建筑或公共工程的施工、改造、维修的成本加固定酬金合同和其它成本类型合同,以及制造、生产、建造、改造、维修、处理或装配船舶、飞机、军需品、军品,或者供应陆军、海军、空军、海岸警卫队的合同,陆军部长,海军部长,空军部长或交通部长可以分别放弃本分章权利,不管是关于付款还是权利的合同的条款。
(b) 运输——根据第31篇第1535节和1536节、1936年的商业海运法案(美国法典第46篇附录第1101节以及其下等等)或1946年的商业船舶销售法案(美国法典第50篇附录第1735节以及其下等等)制订建造、改造或修理船舶的合同时,交通部长可以放弃本分章权利,不管是关于付款还是权利的合同的条款。(完)

① 美国公共法律107-217和新法案的下载地址分别是: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/publaw/107publ.html, http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode40/usc_sup_01_40_08_II_10_A_20_31_30_III.html。
② 原米勒法案规定:付款担保只保护与承包商有直接合同关系的第1级分包商和供应商以及与第1级分包商有直接合同关系的第2级分包商和供应商,余者不受保护。新法案扩大了付款担保的保护范围。
③ 2.5~10万美元的合同单独实行付款担保,并可选择《联邦采购规章》规定的不可撤消信用证、第三方保证协议、保证金存款证书等付款保证方式,因为小额合同担保的保费可能远高于银行利息。
④ 例如,可利用私人机构的速递服务。而过去规定只能采用政府邮政局有回执的保证邮件或挂号邮件。
⑤ 美国联邦司法区执行官:负责实施法庭命令和征收税金的联邦官员。公共改良 (Public Improvements) 的一般定义是:公共财产的建造、改造、更新、扩建、装饰、安装、拆除、迁移、维修等。
⑥ 联邦政府工程付款担保的名义受益人是“美国”。
⑦ 该节大意是:取消军事工程和船舶工程的付款索赔诉讼权,以免诉讼资料泄密而影响国家安全。
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§3131. Bonds of contractors of public buildings or works
(a) DEFINITION.—In this subchapter, the term ‘‘contractor’’ means a person awarded a contract described in subsection (b).
(b) TYPE OF BONDS REQUIRED.—Before any contract of more than $100,000 is awarded for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work of the Federal Government, a person must furnish to the Government the following bonds, which become binding when the contract is awarded:
(1) PERFORMANCE BOND.—A performance bond with a surety satisfactory to the officer awarding the contract, and in an amount the officer considers adequate, for the protection of the Government.
(2) PAYMENT BOND.—A payment bond with a surety satisfactory to the officer for the protection of all persons supplying labor and material in carrying out the work provided for in the contract for the use of each person. The amount of the payment bond shall equal the total amount payable by the terms of the contract unless the officer awarding the contract determines, in a writing supported by specific findings, that a payment bond in that amount is impractical, in which case the contracting officer shall set the amount of the payment bond. The amount of the payment bond shall not be less than the amount of the performance bond.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Every performance bond required under this section specifically shall provide coverage for taxes the Government imposes which are collected, deducted, or withheld from wages the contractor pays in carrying out the contract with respect to which the bond is furnished.
(2) NOTICE.—The Government shall give the surety on the bond written notice, with respect to any unpaid taxes attributable to any period, within 90 days after the date when the contractor files a return for the period, except that notice must be given no later than 180 days from the date when a return for the period was required to be filed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
(3) CIVIL ACTION.—The Government may not bring a civil action on the bond for the taxes—
(A) unless notice is given as provided in this subsection; and
(B) more than one year after the day on which notice is given.
(d) WAIVER OF BONDS FOR CONTRACTS PERFORMED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES.—A contracting officer may waive the requirement of a performance bond and payment bond for work under a contract that is to be performed in a foreign country if the officer finds that it is impracticable for the contractor to furnish the bonds.
(e) AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL BONDS.—This section does not limit the authority of a contracting officer to require a performance bond or other security in addition to those, or in cases other than the cases, specified in subsection (b).
§3132. Alternatives to payment bonds provided by Federal Acquisition Regulation
(a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Acquisition Regulation shall provide alternatives to payment bonds as payment protections for suppliers of labor and materials under contracts referred to in section 3131(a) of this title that are more than $25,000 and not more than $100,000.
(b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTING OFFICER.—The contracting officer for a contract shall—
(1) select, from among the payment protections provided for in the Federal Acquisition Regulation pursuant to subsection (a), one or more payment protections which the offer or awarded the contract is to submit to the Federal Government for the protection of suppliers of labor and materials for the contract; and
(2) specify in the solicitation of offers for the contract the payment protections selected.
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§3133. Rights of persons furnishing labor or material
(a) RIGHT OF PERSON FURNISHING LABOR OR MATERIAL TO COPY OF BOND.—The department secretary or agency head of the contracting agency shall furnish a certified copy of a payment bond and the contract for which it was given to any person applying for a copy who submits an affidavit that the person has supplied labor or material for work described in the contract and payment for the work has not been made or that the person is being sued on the bond. The copy is prima facie evidence of the contents, execution, and delivery of the original. Applicants shall pay any fees the department secretary or agency head of the contracting agency fixes to cover the cost of preparing the certified copy.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Every person that has furnished labor or material in carrying out work provided for in a contract for which a payment bond is furnished under section 3131 of this title and that has not been paid in full within 90 days after the day on which the person did or performed the last of the labor or furnished or supplied the material for which the claim is made may bring a civil action on the payment bond for the amount unpaid at the time the civil action is brought and may prosecute the action to final execution and judgment for the amount due.
(2) PERSON HAVING DIRECT CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH A SUBCONTRACTOR.—A person having a direct contractual relationship with a subcontractor but no contractual relationship, express or implied, with the contractor furnishing the payment bond may bring a civil action on the payment bond on giving written notice to the contractor within 90 days from the date on which the person did or performed the last of the labor or furnished or supplied the last of the material for which the claim is made. The action must state with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the material was furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed. The notice shall be served—
(A) by any means that provides written, third-party verification of delivery to the contractor at any place the contractor maintains an office or conducts business or at the contractor’s residence; or
(B) in any manner in which the United States marshal of the district in which the public improvement is situated by law may serve summons.
(3) VENUE.—A civil action brought under this subsection must be brought—
(A) in the name of the United States for the use of the person bringing the action; and
(B) in the United States District Court for any district in which the contract was to be performed and executed, regardless of the amount in controversy.
(4) PERIOD IN WHICH ACTION MUST BE BROUGHT.—An action brought under this subsection must be brought no later than one year after the day on which the last of the labor was performed or material was supplied by the person bringing the action.
(5) LIABILITY OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.—The Government is not liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any civil action brought under this subsection.
(c) A waiver of the right to bring a civil action on a payment bond required under this subchapter is void unless the waiver is—
(1) in writing;
(2) signed by the person whose right is waived; and
(3) executed after the person whose right is waived has furnished labor or material for use in the performance of the contract.
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§3134. Waivers for certain contracts
(a) MILITARY.—The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Air Force, or the Secretary of Transportation may waive this subchapter with respect to cost-plus-a-fixed fee and other cost-type contracts for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work of the Federal Government and with respect to contracts for manufacturing, producing, furnishing, constructing, altering, repairing, processing, or assembling vessels, aircraft, munitions, materiel, or supplies for the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard, respectively, regardless of the terms of the contracts as to payment or title.
(b) TRANSPORTATION.—The Secretary of Transportation may waive this subchapter with respect to contracts for the construction, alteration, or repair of vessels when the contract is made under sections 1535 and 1536 of title 31, the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 (46 App. U.S.C. 1101 et seq.), or the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 (50 App. U.S.C. 1735 et seq.), regardless of the terms of the contracts as to payment or title.

2007年09月30日 22:21:46

1791年,美国马里兰州议会颁布了第一个 Mechanics’ Lien (“技工留置权”) 法律,将建设工程物之担保作为业主支付担保,,被欠款的人可依法留置和拍卖业主的工程,由此开创了现代工程担保的历史。
1894年,美国国会颁布了赫德法案 (Heard Act),开创了承包商履约保证担保的历史。
1935年,美国国会以米勒法案 (Miller Act) 取代了赫德法案,开创了承包商付款保证担保的历史。




为最大限度免除政府责任和保护公共利益,1935年8月24日,美国国会以米勒法案取代了赫德法案,在赫德法案的基础上增加了承包商付款保证担保。随后,美国各州也制订了本质相同而条款略有差异的类似法案,统称为小米勒法案 (Little Miller Acts)。


1935年的米勒法案 (Miller Act) 规定,2000美元以上的合同实行保证担保。1978年2月美国公共法律95-585将2000美元修改为5万美元;同年9月,众议院司法委员会95-1666号报告又将5万美元修订为2.5万美元。
原米勒法案规定,付款担保保额不高于合同价50%且不高于250万美元。据Dun & Bradstreet的《商业破产报告》称,1990~1997年期间,美国有8万家建筑公司破产,遗留下工程债务218亿美元。1998年,美国众议院决议案H.R.3032建议提高米勒法案付款担保的保额,并要求对米勒法案进行现代化改造。1999月8月17日,美国国会颁布《建筑业付款保护法案》(公共法律106-49),规定:米勒法案付款担保的保额不得低于履约担保的保额;放弃付款担保的索赔诉讼权必须以书面形式并由有权弃权的人在工作或供料后签署,这意味着任何人都无权代表他人弃权,并不得强迫工人、供应商、分包商事先弃权,以此作为签约条件。
赫德法案编撰入美国法典 (United States Code) 第40篇 (公共建筑、财产和工程) 第3章 (一般公共建筑和工程) 第270节,即:40 U.S.C. 270。①
1935年的米勒法案以 40 U.S.C. 270a-270d继承并取代了赫德法案。1994年修改增加了第270d-1节。1996年修订时重新整理了米勒法案文本,增加了270e、270f共2节。米勒法案的最后文本为40 U.S.C. 270a-270f,最后一次修订时间是2002年1月22日。
2002年8月21日,美国国会在公共法律107-217中废除了米勒法案,并重建了一个新法案:美国法典第40篇第31章 (GENERAL常规) 第Ⅲ分章 (BONDS担保) 第3131至3134节 (40 U.S.C. 3131-3134)。新法案与米勒法案的最后版本并无原则性差异,只是理顺了米勒法案的文本,使之现代化、清晰可读和更严谨。例如 “诉讼”,米勒法案是suit (诉讼),新法案是civil action (民事诉讼)。主要修改内容是扩大了付款保护范围,并规定2.5~10万美元的合同单独实行付款担保。

①“40 U.S.C. 270”是美国文献引用法律的习惯用法,意指“美国法典 (U.S.C.) 第40篇第270节”,余者类推。
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270a. Bonds of contractors of public buildings or works
(a) Type of bonds required
Before any contract for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work of the United States is awarded to any person, such person shall furnish to the United States the following bonds, which shall become binding upon the award of the contract to such person, who is hereinafter designated as ’’contractor’ :
(1) A performance bond with a surety or sureties satisfactory to the officer awarding such contract, and in such amount as he shall deem adequate, for the protection of the United States.
(2) A payment bond with a surety or sureties satisfactory to such officer for the protection of all persons supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract for the use of each such person. The amount of the payment bond shall be equal to the total amount payable by the terms of the contract unless the contracting officer awarding the contract makes a written determination supported by specific findings that a payment bond in that amount is impractical, in which case the amount of the payment bond shall be set by the contracting officer. In no case shall the amount of the payment bond be less than the amount of the performance bond.
(b) Waiver of bonds for contracts performed in foreign countries
The contracting officer in respect of any contract is authorized to waive the requirement of a performance bond and payment bond for so much of the work under such contract as is to be performed in a foreign country if he finds that it is impracticable for the contractor to furnish such bonds.
(c) Authority to require additional bonds
Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of any contracting officer to require a performance bond or other security in addition to those, or in cases other than the cases specified in subsection (a) of this section.
(d) Coverage for taxes in performance bond
Every performance bond required under this section shall specifically provide coverage for taxes imposed by the United States which are collected, deducted, or withheld from wages paid by the contractor in carrying out the contract with respect to which such bond is furnished. However, the United States shall give the surety or sureties on such bond written notice, with respect to any such unpaid taxes attributable to any period, within ninety days after the date when such contractor files a return for such period, except that no such notice shall be given more than one hundred and eighty days from the date when a return for the period was required to be filed under title 26. No suit on such bond for such taxes shall be commenced by the United States unless notice is given as provided in the preceding sentence, and no such suit shall be commenced after the expiration of one year after the day on which such notice is given.

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270b. Rights of persons furnishing labor or material
(a) Right to sue on payment bond
Every person who has furnished labor or material in the prosecution of the work provided for in such contract, in respect of which a payment bond is furnished under sections 270a to 270d-1 of this title and who has not been paid in full therefor before the expiration of a period of ninety days after the day on which the last of the labor was done or performed by him or material was furnished or supplied by him for which such claim is made, shall have the right to sue on such payment bond for the amount, or the balance thereof, unpaid at the time of institution of such suit and to prosecute said action to final execution and judgment for the sum or sums justly due him: Provided, however, That any person having direct contractual relationship with a subcontractor but no contractual relationship express or implied with the contractor furnishing said payment bond shall have a right of action upon the said payment bond upon giving written notice to said contractor within ninety days from the date on which such person did or performed the last of the labor or furnished or supplied the last of the material for which such claim is made, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the material was furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed . Such notice shall be served by any means which provides written, third-party verification of delivery. (FOOTNOTE 1) to the contractor at any place he maintains an office or conducts his business, or his residence, or in any manner in which the United States marshal of the district in which the public improvement is situated is authorized by law to serve summons.
(FOOTNOTE 1) So in original. The period probably should not appear.
(b) Civil action; jurisdiction; statute of limitations; costs and expenses
Every suit instituted under this section shall be brought in the name of the United States for the use of the person suing, in the United States District Court for any district in which the contract was to be performed and executed and not elsewhere, irrespective of the amount in controversy in such suit, but no such suit shall be commenced after the expiration of one year after the day on which the last of the labor was performed or material was supplied by him. The United States shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit.
(c) Nonwaiver of rights
Any waiver of the right to sue on the payment bond required by sections 270a to 270d-1 of this title shall be void unless it is in writing, signed by the person whose right is waived, and executed after such person has first furnished labor or material for use in the performance of the contract.

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270c. Right of person furnishing labor or material to copy of bond
The department secretary or agency head of the contracting agency is authorized and directed to furnish, to any person making application therefor who submits an affidavit that he has supplied labor or materials for such work and payment therefor has not been made or that he is being sued on any such bond, a certified copy of such bond and the contract for which it was given, which copy shall be prima facie evidence of the contents, execution, and delivery of the original . Applicants shall pay for such certified copies such fees as the department secretary or agency head of the contracting agency fixes to cover the cost of preparation thereof.
270d. ’’Person’’ defined
The term ’’person’’ and the masculine pronoun as used in sections 270a to 270d-1 of this title shall include all persons whether individuals, associations, copartnerships, or corporations.
270d-1. Waiver of sections 270a to 270d with respect to small contracts
Sections 270a to 270d of this title do not apply to a contract in an amount that is not greater than $100,000.
270e. Waiver of sections 270a to 270d-1 with respect to Army,Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard contracts
The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Air Force, or the Secretary of Transportation may waive sections 270a to 270d-1 of this title with respect to cost-plus-a-fixed fee and other cost-type contracts for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work of the United States and with respect to contracts for the manufacturing, producing, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, munitions, materiel, or supplies of any kind or nature for the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard, respectively, regardless of the terms of such contracts as to payment or title .

270f. Waiver of sections 270a to 270d-1 with respect to
The Secretary of Transportation may waive sections 270a to 270d-1 of this title, with respect to contracts for the construction, alteration, or repair, of vessels of any kind or nature, entered into pursuant to sections 1535 and 1536 of title 31, the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 (46 App. U.S.C. 1101 et seq.), or the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 (50 App. U.S.C. 1735 et seq.), regardless of the terms of such contracts as to payment or title.

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