senring Lv.2
2007年05月26日 07:32:36

北京MOMA项目建筑设计技术方案-暖通部分万国城3 和 4号楼项目技术方案设计报告HVAC 暖通空调 绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源Provisional Design Phase方案设计阶段  分析边界条件和气象条件建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源 Analysis of situation and climate

万国城3 和 4号楼项目技术方案设计报告

HVAC 暖通空调 绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源

Provisional Design Phase方案设计阶段

 分析边界条件和气象条件建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
Analysis of situation and climate

 计算采暖和制冷功率F9l F
Computation of power need for heating / cooling建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源

Computation of air supply need 
Proposal for supply principle
Definitive Design Phase 初步设计阶段

 采暖和制冷基础设计节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源

Basic design of heating/colding

Basic design of air preparation.
Principal lay out of heat/cold distribution

 新风送配工作原理图 绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源

Principal lay out of air distribution绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源

2007年05月26日 07:33:33
1. Calculation of Energy- and Power Need功率和功率强度需求计算
2 Analysis Adapted Cooling and Heating Way采暖制冷方式分析
2.1 Traditional Air Conditioning Systems传统空调系统
传统的空调系统是根据不同的制冷负荷循环使用定量的室内空气进行再制冷,如空气交换率为n=5/h,或180m3/h.人,考虑到人需要新鲜空气,其中需要25m3/h.人 (大约总送风量的13.8%)的新鲜空气不断从室外引入并与冷却的循环空气混合,同时有13.8%的混合空气被排除。除了需要把33.50C,相对湿度大于70%的空气冷却到150C以外,为了满足足够量的空气交换还需要连续不断的使用风机使送风和回风达到一定速度。新鲜的空气被混合的空气所替代,污浊的空气被循环所稀释。由于送风和回风量较大,人会有冷风袭击感和噪声感等。从目前的建筑优化后的冷热负荷计算结果来看,其负荷都大大降低了。目前北京市场上的建筑,所以要选择与其相适应的采暖和制冷方式,以使建筑更加高舒服低能耗。
2.2 Thermoactive Floor System TABS 热辐射楼板系统
The thermoactive floor system profits from the fact, radiation transfer to be stronger than air convection. It controls the surface temperatures of a key element as the ceiling to create a comfortable radiation climate.
热辐射楼板系统得益于这样一个事实:辐射比对流更有效(Fig. 2.2.1),而且从人的健康和舒适要求看,人对辐射的要求要大于对对流的要求。控制天花板等主要构件的表面温度,创造一个舒适的辐射环境是非常舒适有效的传热方式
Heating / Cooling 采暖和制冷
All rooms are equipped with the tubing in the concrete floor for heating and cooling. In high winter, water of up to 26o C flows in these tubes and in high summer its temperature goes down to 18oC. In this way, heating power of up to 40 W/m2 and cooling power density of up to 40 W/m2 can be attained by injecting or extracting heat respectively.
所有的房间都在水泥地板内装有水管,用来采暖和制冷。水管中的水在寒冬保持26摄氏度,在盛夏保持180摄氏度。用这种方法,通过分别散发和吸收热量,可以使最大采暖功率和最大制冷功率达到40 W/m2.
This method shows a self control feature: when in winter the room stays at 20oC and the sun begins shining, the temperature will raise and thus the temperature difference to the supply water decreased until at 26oC it attains the value zero. This works without any delay or inertia and correspondingly also for cooling. A momentary overload of a few hours due to internal sources or/ and the sun can be absorbed by the concrete floor due to his high storage capacity and the heat then transported away over night. This method works well and auto-controlled if the user allows a certain variation of the room temperature within the comfort limits. Of course the change of the supply temperature shows a high inertia, needing almost days to react.
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Control Principle: For the high inertia for changing of the supply temperature and for the auto-controlled behaviour within certain limits, a usual control strategy does not make sense. Sudden changes of the weather are decreased in their effect by the high insulation level and thus most of them can be digested within the comfort range. To react on long-term trends however, the system must adapt the supply temperature. For this reason, we propose a control of the supply temperature by the average temperature of the last 24 hours. The external air temperature can be measured by a simple external air sensor and a PC can continuously register and average them. If necessary it can also respect a given time constant.
Principally, all rooms are held at the same supply temperature. If in some rooms it gets too warm due to the sun, the sun shading should be used. If in some rooms it gets too warm for other reasons, also a window can slightly be opened. In this way, the inhabitant can control his environment by simple means. If some rooms, as the bed room shall be kept at lower temperature, also the water flow can be reduced for this room, but not by the inhabitant but by the people taking care of the house. They will educated by KT.
Displacement Ventilation 置换新风
The purpose of the principle is to separate the energy transport from the air because air is not well suited to. For this reason, the air supply only has to guarantee the air quality. To attain this goal with a minimum of air, a most efficient air flow must be installed: displacement ventilation. It replaces the polluted air by successively displacing it by fresh air.节
2007年05月26日 07:34:19
All rooms except the toilet, bath and kitchen are supplied with fresh air from outlets at the exterior wall in the floor. From there the air fills up the room at very low speed. Low speed mean, no draught is caused. The “fresh air lake” fills the room slowly from the bottom. The inhabitants and other internal loads create an up wards flow due to their buoyancy. The warm air flow produced in this way feeds the nose with fresh air, picks up the sweat and others from the human body and arrives at the top from where it is taken away by the exhaust air outlet.
To save air, in the apartments the exhaust air from living room and bedrooms is brought to the kitchen, toilet and bath. There it creates a high air change and picks up all the bad odors. An air change rate of 0.6 h-1 is installed in the bed and living rooms and results at about 2 h-1 for toilets, bath and kitchen.
为节省空气,起居室和卧室中的气体被排送到厨房、卫生间和浴室。在那里,产生强大的换气,带走所有污浊气体和潮湿气体。卧室和起居室的空气置换率是0.6h-1~1h-1,卫生间、浴室和厨房为2h-1。建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源4b!A a%?%P.a c#[
To avoid any condensation on the floor slabs in summer, the air supplied is kept at a dew point of 14oC to keep some reserve for the pick up of moisture in the room and to stay below the surface temperature of the ceiling.
2.3 Main Characteristics Compare 不同采暖和制冷系统主要性能比较
3. Energetic Concept / Room Systems 能量概念与房间系统
3.1 Room Design and Parameter Needs 房间设计和参数
Table 3.1.1 Room data and equipment房间尺寸与设备
2007年05月26日 07:34:42
Temperatures 温度 Noise 嗓声 Winter 冬季 Summer 夏季
夏季 Winter
冬季 Humidity
湿度 Air noise
空气嗓声 Impact Noise
碰撞嗓声 HeatingTop
采暖 Cooling
制冷 humidify
加湿 dry
除湿 m2/Person Air volume
空气体积 Air changeTopEnergy建筑节能&绿色建筑论坛
Appartments 公寓 26 20 30<f<60 <=35dB <=45dB TABS TABS yes yes 25-50 >25m3/hp >1.6 m3/m2h 0.6 h-l
Shops 商场 28 20 30<f<60 <=45dB <=50dB TABS TABS+ yes yes >2 >30m3/hp >30 m3/m2h 10 h-l绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源
Lobby 大厅 28 20 30<f<60 <=35dB <=45dB TABS TABS+ yes yes >10 >30m3/hp >3 m3/m2h 1.2 h-l节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
4号楼新风量和风口截面计算见表 3.1.3
3.2 Concept Overview 概念总览
从能源选择上,本系统推荐使用地下热泵系统,其优点是:一次性投资少,设备运行费用低,能源无污染。顶部无需加冷却塔。原理图见图3.2.1和图 3.2.2。
3.3 Room Systems 房间系统设计
3.3.1 Basic Principle基本依据
The basic principle respects the elementary physics of human comfort: being more sensitive to heat radiation than to air convection. For this reason the basics comfort is attained by controlling the surface temperatures (=radiation climate) in a room: mainly ceiling, partially also the floor, keeping all other surface temperatures near to the room temperature by a good insulation level. The ventilation is used only for assuring the air quality and can thus be minimized respecting the hygienic conditions. It also must not be controlled and varied
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The conditions for the apartments and the shops however are different:

3.3.2 Apartments 公寓
&#8226; 住宅的公用走道、门厅、电梯间应设分体式空调器(一拖多机),以减少公用场合的空气含湿量(相对湿度),防止每户户门内的项部出现局部结露的可能性(尤其是阴雨天),并提高公用部分的舒适度)。节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑源
&#8226; 每栋楼的新风系统,应配用全热式空气换热器(热回收),不宜用显热式。建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源8n
&#8226; 每户如果用分户计量(冷、热)方式,宜用远传计费式计量表(因集合器及计量表都在户内,查表进户不方便),远传终端可设在物业管理部门或每栋楼的管理室

3.3.3 Shops 商店
For the shops, the density of the internal sources: people, lighting, exhibits etc. can’t easily be forecasted. For this reason, a basic supply analog to the apartments and additional power points will be installed wherefrom additional cold can be taken. They can be used for recycling air units or for cooled ceilings: heat islands. 节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
4 Heating and Cooling Principle 采暖和制冷设计原理绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源-
Since the supply temperatures for heating and for cooling are kept moderate due to the low power densities needed, it makes sense to use a heat pump for heating as well as for cooling.
天棚水系统原理设计图如 图 4.1所示。
5 . Air Preparation Principle 新风制备原理
Heat and cold are produced by the same heat pump as it works for the TABS. The air can be humidified and dried according to the need. It is distributed in 3 circles: 2 from the top one from the basement to keep the dimensions of the main channels low.建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
新风机如图 5.1所示,管道送配示意图如图5.2和图5.3所示。
6. Prices of Available Resources能源价格与运行费用
6.1 能源价格
&#8226; 热电暖产出投资仅为外网及换热站,不包括电厂,运行费按 16元/GJ,燃煤按从电厂购热价计算;
&#8226; 电费按0.39元/(KWh)计算; 低谷电费按0.20元/(KWh)计算;
&#8226; 燃气按价格1.4元/m3,TopEnergy建筑节能&绿色建筑论坛
&#8226; 低谷电费按0.20元/(KWh)计算;
&#8226; 燃气按价格1.4元/m3, 热值36MJ/m3计算;
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6.2 Computation of Power and Energy need as well as energy costs 计算功率和能耗及运行造价
6.2.1 计算说明
The peak power values have been computed based on the design values for Beijing:
Winter: -12 degree; Summer 33.2 degree.冬季-12度,夏季33.2度

For the summer peak values for radiation the following values have been taken: South: 700 W/m2 // West/East: 800 W/m2, North 250 W/m2. They are for sure on the save side (see optimization).
夏季的辐射最大功率分别取:南向700 W/m2,东向或西向800 W/m2,北向250 W/m2,
For the power and energy for the air supply, a heat recovery with an efficiency of 70% for heating and 50% for cooling has been adopted, while only 2/3 of the return air pass the heat recovery, 1/3 (kitchen return air) is exhausted directly

For the computation of energy, the Climate-Surface-Software from ETHZ has been used. It is based on year sets of hourly real weather values and it completely respects the dynamic behavior of rooms. It has been tested successfully against several precisely measured buildings in operation with less than 3% deviation from the measured values. An air leakage of n=0.3 h-1 has been taken into account.节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
To derive the expression for the energy need for the air preparation, heating- and cooling degree days have been determined with real weather data of a year, based on 20 degree heating limit and 26 degree cooling limit. They have been corrected for the deviation of the standard heating degree days from the design value for Beijing. With this heating- and cooling degree days and an air related loss factor the energy consumption for heat and cold preparation was determined. A working number of 3 for the heat pump in heating and 2 for the heat pump in cooling was assumed.
No interests and depreciations for the equipment have been taken into account.节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源没有考虑设备的增值和折旧
6.2.2 运行费用估算结果

