论文简介: 29. Uplift Pressure The possible existence of uplift pressure under a stilling basin while operating with a hydraulic jump in the basin has frequently been overlooked by inexperienced designers. Tailwater surrounds the basin at the end and two sides, and may be considered as a head of water standing over the downstream and side cutoff. The potential uplift pressure head under the stilling basin slab is equal to the depth of the tailwater above the bottom of the slab. When the spillway is operating with a hydraulic jump in the basin, the downward force is equal to the
29. Uplift Pressure
The possible existence of uplift pressure under a stilling basin while operating with a hydraulic jump in the basin has frequently been overlooked by inexperienced designers. Tailwater surrounds the basin at the end and two sides, and may be considered as a head of water standing over the downstream and side cutoff. The potential uplift pressure head under the stilling basin slab is equal to the depth of the tailwater above the bottom of the slab. When the spillway is operating with a hydraulic jump in the basin, the downward force is equal to the
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