因为有了大家,大家才有了家!所以,六一儿童节一定要最快乐,永远年轻的心!之所以把6月1日作为国际儿童节,一种说法是1925年,中国驻美国的总领事曾在旧金山领着一些中国孤儿庆祝端午节。那一年的端午节刚好是6月1日,祝双节快乐,永远幸福!六一儿童节的来历The International Children's Day had its origin in Turkey in 1920 (April 23, 1920) and later in the World Conference in Geneva, Switzerland,which 54 representatives from different countries gathered together to convene the first "World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children" in 1925.
The International Children's Day had its origin in Turkey in 1920 (April 23, 1920) and later in the World Conference in Geneva, Switzerland,which 54 representatives from different countries gathered together to convene the first "World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children" in 1925.
It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the International Children's Day: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.