mydesign Lv.13
2005年10月14日 23:20:51

网上找到的,共享给大家。02 园林学   02.1 总论   2.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing 2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture 2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture


02 园林学  
02.1 总论  
2.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture
2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing
2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture
2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture
2.0005 园林艺术garden art
2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics
2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture
2.0008 园林建筑garden building
2.0009 园林工程garden engineering
2.0010 园林植物landscape plant
2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant
2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing
2.0013 园林garden and park
2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture
2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning
2.0016 园林设计garden design
2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine
2.0018 园林管理garden management
2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology
2.0020 绿化greening, planting
2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening
2.0022 绿地面积green area
2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space
2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage
2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing
2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting
2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening
2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening
2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening
2.0030 群众绿化mass planting movement
2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening
2.0032 公路绿化highway greening
2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting
2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting
2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening
2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening
2.0037 屋顶绿化roof greening
2.0038 垂直绿化vertical greening
2.0039 攀缘绿化climber greening
2.0040 桥头绿化bridgehead greening
2.0041 花园garden
2.0042 专类花园specified flower garden
2.0043 花园村garden village
2.0044 园林城市landscape garden city
2.0045 蔷薇园rose garden
2.0046 松柏园conifer garden
2.0047 球根园bulb garden
2.0048 宿根园perennial garden
2.0049 假山园rock garden, Chinese rockery
2.0050 狩猎场hunting ground
2.0051 街心花园street crossing center garden
2.0052 小游园petty street garden
2.0053 水景园water garden
2.0054 铺地园paved garden
2.0055 野趣园wild plants botanical garden
2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden
2.0057 乡趣园rustic garden
2.0058 盆景园penjing garden, miniature land-scape
2.0059 动物园 zoo, zoological garden
2.0060 墓园cemetery garden
2.0061 沼泽园bog and marsh garden
2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden
2.0063 学校园school garden
2.0064 室内花园indoor garden
2.0065 芳香花园fragrant garden
2.0066 盲人花园garden for the blind
2.0067 公园park, public park
2.0068 城市公园city park, urban park
2.0069 区公园regional park
2.0070 儿童公园children park
2.0071 体育公园sports park
2.0072 森林公园forest park
2.0073 纪念公园memorial park
2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park
2.0075 综合公园comprehensive park
2.0076 文化公园cultural park
2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park
2.0078 中央公园central park
2.0079 天然公园natural park
2.0080 海滨公园seaside park, seabeach park
2.0081 古迹公园historic site park
2.0082 河滨公园riverside park
2.0083 湖滨公园lakeside park
2.0084 路边公园roadside park, street park
2.0085 娱乐公园amusement park
2.0086 雕塑公园sculpture park
2.0087 休憩公园recreation park
2.0088 疗养公园sanatorium park
2.0089 国家公园national park
2.0090 邻里公园neighborhood park
2.0091 特种公园special park
2.0092 植物园botanical garden
2.0093 植物公园 abeled plants park
2.0094 高山植物园 alpine garden
2.0095 热带植物园 tropical plants garden
2.0096 药用植物园 medical plants garden, herb garden
2.0097 绿地 green space
2.0098 公共绿地public green space
2.0099 单位绿地unit green area
2.0100 城市绿地urban green space
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02.2 园林史  

02.2.1 中国园林史  
2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden
2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden
2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden
2.0123 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden
2.0124 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden
2.0125 皇家园林royal garden
2.0126 私家园林private garden
2.0127 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta

02.2.2 西方园林史  
2.0128 西方古典园林western classical garden
2.0129 英国式园林English style garden
2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden
2.0131 意大利式园林Italian style garden
2.0132 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden
2.0133 法兰西式园林French style garden
2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden
2.0135 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa
2.0136 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden
2.0137 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden
2.0138 庄园manor, villa garden
2.0139 廊柱园peristyle garden, patio
2.0140 绿廊xystus
2.0141 迷阵maze, labyrinth
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02.2.3 典型中西园林  

2.0142 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden
2.0143 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden
2.0144 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden
2.0145 阿房宫E-Pang Palace
2.0146 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan
2.0147 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace
2.0148 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace
2.0149 华清官Hua-Qing Palace
2.0150 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden
2.0151 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden
2.0152 颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace
2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort
2.0154 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden
2.0155 悬园Hanging Garden
2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden
2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park
2.0158 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden
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02.3 园林艺术  
2.0159 景view, scenery, feature
2.0160 远景distant view
2.0161 近景nearby view
2.0162 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view
2.0163 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing
2.0164 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place
2.0165 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery
2.0166 漏景leaking through scenery
2.0167 框景enframed scenery
2.0168 尾景terminal feature
2.0169 主景main feature
2.0170 副景secondary feature
2.0171 配景objective view
2.0172 夹景vista line, vista
2.0173 前景front view
2.0174 背景background
2.0175 景序order of sceneries
2.0176 景点feature spot, view spot
2.0177 仰视景观upward landscape
2.0178 俯视景观downward landscape
2.0179 季相景观seasonal phenomena
2.0180 气象景观meteorological diversity scenery
2.0181 视野visual field
2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color
2.0183 园林空间garden space
2.0184 开敞空间wide open space, wide space
2.0185 封闭空间enclosure space
2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery
2.0187 苍古antiquity
2.0188 空灵spaciousness, airiness
2.0189 动观in-motion viewing
2.0190 静观 in-position viewing
2.0191 视错觉visual illusion
2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden
2.0193 对称平衡symmetrical balance
2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance
2.0195 左右对称bilateral symmetry
2.0196 辐射对称radial symmetry
2.0197 透景线perspective line
2.0198 轴线axis, axial line
2.0199 主轴main axis 2.0200 副轴auxiliary axis
2.0201 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis
2.0202 树冠线skyline
2.0203 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors
2.0204 单色谐调monochromatic harmony
2.0205 复色谐调compound chromatic harmony
2.0206 对比色突出contrast colors accent
2.0207 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony
2.0208 暖色warm color
2.0209 冷色cool color
2.0210 色感color sense
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2.0211 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning
2.0212 绿地系统green space system
2.0213 公共绿地定额public green space quota
2.0214 公共绿地指标public green space norm
2.0215 绿地布局green space layout
2.0216 吸引圈attractive circle
2.0217 吸引距离attractive distance
2.0218 有效半径effective radius
2.0219 绿地资源green space resource
2.0220 绿地效果green space effect
2.0221 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space
2.0222 空间规划space planning
2.0223 形象规划image plan
2.0224 实施规划implementary plan
2.0225 必要生活空间necessary living space
2.0226 余暇生活空间leisure time living space
2.0227 利用频度usage frequency
2.0228 树种规划planning of trees and shrubs
2.0229 绿地类型type of green space
2.0230 环状绿型annular green space
2.0231 块状绿地green plot
2.0232 点状绿地green spot
2.0233 放射状绿地radiate green space
2.0234 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space
2.0235 缓冲绿地buffer green space
2.0236 防音绿地noiseproof green space
2.0237 科学景观论scientific landscape theory
2.0238 园林保留地reserve garden
2.0239 公园规划park planning
2.0240 园林总体规划garden master planning
2.0241 总平面规划site planning
2.0242 园林分区garden zoning
2.0243 安静休息区tranquil rest area
2.0244 儿童活动区children playing space
2.0245 儿童游戏场children playground, playlot
2.0246 体育运动区sports activities area
2.0247 野餐区picnic place
2.0248 散步区pedestrian space
2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square
2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area
2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area
2.0252 草坪区lawn space
2.0253 绿荫区shade tree section
2.0254 历史古迹区historical relics area
2.0255 青少年活动区youngsters activities area
2.0256 诱鸟区bird sanctuary area
2.0257 钓鱼区fishing center
2.0258 野营区camp site
2.0259 游人中心visitors center
2.0260 服务中心service center
2.0261 探险游乐场adventure ground
2.0262 文化活动区cultural activities area
2.0263 道路系统approach system, road system
2.0264 环形道路系统circular road system
2.0265 方格形道路系统latticed road system
2.0266 放射形道路系统radiate road system
2.0267 自然式道路系统informal road system
2.0268 规整式道路系统formal road system
2.0269 混合式道路系统mixed style road system
2.0270 园林规划图garden planning map
2.0271 园林规划说明书garden planning direction
2.0272 城市公园系统urban park system
2.0273 公园分布distribution of parks
2.0274 公园类型park type, park category
2.0275 公园间距distance between parks
2.0276 公园形式park styles
2.0277 游览区excursion area, open-to-public area
2.0278 非游览区no-admittance area
2.0279 办公区administrative area
2.0280 服务区service center
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2.0281 动休息区dynamic rest space
2.0282 静休息区static rest space
2.0283 娱乐演出区entertaining performance place
2.0284 主要入口main entrance
2.0285 次要入口secondary entrance
2.0286 人流量visitors flowrate
2.0287 车流量vehicle flowrate
2.0288 公园道路park road
2.0289 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio
2.0290 游人容纳量visitors capacity
2.0291 风景资源调查landscape resource evaluation
2.0292 风景学scenicology
2.0293 风景规划landscape plan
2.0294 风景设计landscape design
2.0295 游览路线touring route
2.0296 旅游资源tourism resource
2.0297 旅游地理tourism geography
2.0298 旅游地质tourism geology
2.0299 历史名城famous historical city
2.0300 文化名城famous cultural city
2.0301 文化遗址ancient cultural relic
2.0302 天然博物馆natural open museum
2.0303 风景地貌natural geomorphology
2.0304 造型地貌imaginative geomorphologic figuration
2.0305 风景区scenic spot, scenic area
2.0306 风景名胜famous scenery, famous scenic site
2.0307 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area
2.0308 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs
2.0309 高山风景区alpine scenic spot
2.0310 海滨风景区seabeach scenic spot
2.0311 森林风景区forest scenic spot
2.0312 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot
2.0313 峡谷风景区valley scenic spot
2.0314 江河风景区river landscape district
2.0315 湖泊风景区lake round scenic spot
2.0316 温泉风景区hot spring scenic spot
2.0317 瀑布风景区waterfall scenic spot
2.0318 禁伐禁猎区region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting
2.0319 封山育林区region closed for afforestation
2.0320 天池风景区crater lake scenic spot
2.0321 自然保护区nature protection area
2.0322 科学保护区protection area for scientific research
2.0323 天然纪念物natural monument
2.0324 生物圈保护区biosphere protection area
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02.5 园林设计
2.0325 园林设计师landscape architect, garden designer
2.0326 园址测量图garden site survey map
2.0327 地形图topographic map, contour map
2.0328 种植设计planting design
2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design
2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design
2.0331 造价分析cost analysis
2.0332 园林形式garden style
2.0333 规整式园林formal garden style
2.0334 非规整园林informal garden style
2.0335 几何式园林geometric garden style
2.0336 自然式园林natural garden style
2.0337 混合式园林mixed garden style
2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style
2.0339 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden
2.0340 园林区划garden area division
2.0341 园林分区规划garden block planning
2.0342 庭院花园courtyard garden
2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt
2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard
2.0345 中庭patio
2.0346 厨园kitchen yard
2.0347 沉[床]园sunken garden
2.0348 窗园window garden
2.0349 墙园wall garden
2.0350 宅园home garden
2.0351 台地园terrace garden
2.0352 冬园winter garden
2.0353 切花园cut flower garden
2.0354 屋顶花园roof garden
2.0355 后花园back yard garden
2.0356 园林地形改造topographical reform of garden
2.0357 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound
2.0358 假山rockery, artificial rockwork
2.0359 太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone
2.0360 黄石yellowish brown stone
2.0361 人造假山石artificial stone, man-made stone
2.0362 孤赏石monolith, standing stone
2.0363 掇山piled stone hill, hill making
2.0364 叠石stones laying
2.0365 板石flag stone
2.0366 散点石scattered stone
2.0367 抱角石corner stone
2.0368 屋基石foundation stone
2.0369 排衙石guard stone
2.0370 屏石screen stone
2.0371 石岸rock bank
2.0372 石阶stone steps
2.0373 汀步stepping stone on water surface
2.0374 附壁石stone appended to wall
2.0375 石花台stone flower bed
2.0376 石凳stone bench
2.0377 假山石挡土墙rock retaining wall
2.0378 干砌石dry stone wall
2.0379 假山石楼梯rock stairway
2.0380 石亭stone pavilion
2.0381 石洞stone cavern
2.0382 石窟grotto
2.0383 置石stone arrangement, stone layout
2.0384 拱石arch stone
2.0385 拱顶石key stone
2.0386 园林水景water scenes of garden
2.0387 水体water body
2.0388 水面water surface
2.0389 水池pool
2.0390 水塘pond
2.0391 喷泉fountain
2.0392 喷水池fountain pool
2.0393 涉水池wading pool
2.0394 倒影池mirror pool, reflecting pool
2.0395 睡莲池water-lily pool
2.0396 喷水管布置piping schema
2.0397 钓鱼塘fishing pond
2.0398 高水位池塘high water table pond
2.0399 池边坐人矮墙seat wall surrounded pool
2.0400 隐头喷泉secret fountain
2.0401 岛园island garden
2.0402 半岛园peninsula garden
2.0403 小岛isle
2.0404 瀑布waterfall
2.0405 小瀑布cascade
2.0406 湖lake
2.0407 矶rock projecting over water
2.0408 水帘洞water curtain cave
2.0409 园桥garden bridge
2.0410 拱桥arch bridge
2.0411 石板桥stone slab bridge
2.0412 木板桥plank bridge
2.0413 圆木桥log bridge
2.0414 亭桥pavilion bridge
2.0415 曲桥zigzag bridge
2.0416 壁泉wall fountain
2.0417 饮水喷头drinking fountain
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2.0418 植物配植plant arrangement
2.0419 树木配植arrangement of trees and shrubs
2.0420 群植group planting, mass planting
2.0421 孤植specimen planting, isolated planting
2.0422 丛植clump planting
2.0423 组植group planting
2.0424 林植forest planting
2.0425 列植linear planting
2.0426 对植opposite planting, coupled planting
2.0427 环植circular planting
2.0428 带植belt planting
2.0429 散植scattered planting, loose planting
2.0430 边缘种植edge planting
2.0431 边界种植boundary planting
2.0432 整形种植architectural planting
2.0433 基础种植foundation planting
2.0434 角隅种植corner planting
2.0435 景框种植planting as enframent
2.0436 门卫种植guard planting
2.0437 篱恒种植fence planting
2.0438 障景种植screen planting
2.0439 背景种植background planting
2.0440 林下种植underwood planting
2.0441 路边种植roadside planting
2.0442 绿篱hedge
2.0443 树墙espalier
2.0444 庭荫树shade tree
2.0445 园景树specimen tree
2.0446 风景林amenity forest, ornamental forest
2.0447 行道树avenue tree, street tree
2.0448 纪念林memorial forest
2.0449 整型树topiary tree
2.0450 花篱flower hedge’
2.0451 刺篱thorny plants hedge
2.0452 常绿绿篱evergreen hedge
2.0453 落叶绿篱deciduous hedge
2.0454 高篱high hedge
2.0455 沟中边篱hah-hah fence
2.0456 图案矮篱pattern dwarf hedge
2.0457 迷宫绿篱labyrinth hedge
2.0458 整剪绿篱clipped hedge
2.0459 自然式花篱natural flowering hedge
2.0460 边篱boundary fence
2.0461 园篱garden fence, garden hedge
2.0462 纯林pure forest
2.0463 混交林 mixed forest
2.0464 林间隙地 open space in woodland
2.0465 杂木林 spinney
2.0466 树冠覆盖面 tree canopy
2.0467 草坪 lawn
2.0468 整形草坪 formal lawn
2.0469 开花草坪 flowering lawn
2.0470 牧场草坪 meadowy land
2.0471 花坛 flower bed
2.0472 路边花坛 roadside flower bed
2.0473 带状花坛 ribbon flower bed
2.0474 时钟花坛 flower clock
2.0475 盆栽花坛 potted flower bed, basined flower bed
2.0476 高设花台raised flower bed
2.0477 毛毡花坛 carpet bed
2.0478 镶嵌花坛 mosaic bed
2.0479 铺石花坛 paved bed
2.0480 灌木花坛 shrub bed
2.0481 图案花坛群 parterre
2.0482 草药花坛 herbaceous flower bed
2.0483 花结花坛 knot bed
2.0484 整形花坛 formal flower bed
2.0485 花境 flower border
2.0486 花桶flower tub
2.0487 植树箱planting box
2.0488 活动花坛movable flower bed
2.0489 瓶饰garden vase
2.0490 灌木花境shrub border
2.0491 混合花境mixed border
2.0492 园林道路设计garden road design, garden path design
2.0493 漫步路trail, footway
2.0494 小径alley, path
2.0495 川草坪岛lawn island
2.0496 安全岛traffic island, refuge island
2.0497 转弯曲度turning curvature
2.0498 转弯半径turning radius
2.0499 踏面landing pitch
2.0500 步石stepping stone
2.0501 涉水踏步wading step
2.0502 错铺路crazy paving path
2.0503 随意组合方石板路flag stone path paved at random
2.0504 花纹路pattern path
2.0505 林荫路mall
2.0506 林荫大道boulevard
2.0507 花园路parkway
2.0508 林间小道path in woodland
2.0509 种植池planting bed
2.0510 树池保护格栅tree grate
2.0511 树干保护套栏tree guard
2.0512 树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting
2.0513 路面线纹score line
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2.0514 传统园林建筑 traditional garden building
2.0515 凉亭 summer shelter
2.0516 活树亭 arbor, tent arbor
2.0517 蘑菇亭 mushroom pavilion
2.0518 茅亭 thatched pavilion
2.0519 竹亭 bamboo pavilion
2.0520 茶亭 tea booth, tea kiosk
2.0521 回廊 cloister
2.0522 水廊 corridor on water
2.0523 曲廊 zigzag veranda
2.0524 扒山廊 sloping gallery
2.0525 楼廊 two-storied gallery
2.0526 画舫 painted pleasure boat
2.0527 石舫 stone boat
2.0528 不击舟 immovable pleasure boat
2.0529 诗条石 poem-engraved stone slab
2.0530 月洞门 moon gate
2.0531 扶手栏杆 handrail
2.0532 坐凳栏杆 seat rail
2.0533 石碑 stone tablet, stele
2.0534 园林露天剧场 open garden theater
2.0535 园林露天舞池 open garden dancing place
2.0536 露天音乐台 outdoor music stand
2.0537 眺望台 prospect deck
2.0538 繁殖温室 plant propagation greenhouse
2.0539 展览温室 public conservatory
2.0540 月池 new-moon pool
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2.0541 园林小品 small garden ornaments
2.0542 磁砖壁画 painted tile mural tablet
2.0543 园椅 garden chair, garden seat
2.0544 园凳 garden bench
2.0545 园桌 garden table
2.0546 园灯 garden lamp
2.0547 日规 sundial
2.0548 鸟浴 bird bath
2.0549 鸟舍 bird cottage, nestle box
2.0550 鸟笼 bird cage, bird coop
2.0551 悬篮 hanging basket
2.0552 野鸟喂食器 bird feeder
2.0553 额匾 horizontal inscribed board
2.0554 楹联 couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar
2.0555 引露天烤炉 open barbecue
2.0556 树棚 living-tree pergola
2.0557 花架 pergola
2.0558 花格架 trellis, treillage
2.0559 点景牌楼 naming pailou, decorated archway
2.0560 园林施工 garden layout, garden construction
2.0561 种植工程 planting engineering
2.0562 大树移植 big tree transplanting
2.0563 裸根移植 bare root transplanting
2.0564 土球移植 ball transplanting
2.0565 沟植 trench planting
2.0566 假植 heeling in, temporary planting
2.0567 播种草坪 seeding lawn
2.0568 铺草皮块草坪 sodding lawn
2.0569 假山工程 rockery engineering
2.0570 掇山五法 five methods" of rock piling
2.0571 等分平衡法 method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced
2.0572 前轻后重法 method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part
2.0573 上轻下重法 method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks
2.0574 纹理统一法 method of unifying the rock veins
2.0575 石料统一法 method of unifying the rock mate-rials
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2.0576 观赏树木 ornamental tree and shrub
2.0577 观叶植物 foliage plant
2.0578 观果植物 fruit-effect plant
2.0579 观枝干植物 plants with ornamental trunks and branches
2.0580 指示植物 indicating plant
2.0581 主景植物 accent plant
2.0582 耐湿植物 damp tolerant plant
2.0583 抗风植物 wind-resistant plant
2.0584 耐盐碱植物 saline-alkali tolerant plant
2.0585 市花 city flower
2.0586 市树 city tree
2.0587 国花 national flower
2.0588 国树 national tree
2.0589 芳香植物 fragrant plant
2.0590 抗污染植物 pollution resistant plant
2.0591 环保植物 environment protecting plant
2.0592 高山植物 alpine plant
2.0593 岩生植物 rock plant
2.0594 攀缘植物 climbing plant, climber
2.0595 地被植物 ground cover plant
2.0596 阴生植物 shade plant
2.0597 装饰植物 decorative plant
2.0598 装缘植物 edging plant
2.0599 绿蓠植物 hedge plant
2.0600 草坪植物 lawn plant, lawn grass
2.0601 花坛植物 bedding plant
2.0602 球根植物 bulbous plant
2.0603 宿根植物 perennial plant, perennial
2.0604 水生植物 aquatic plant, hydrophyte
2.0605 旱生植物 xerophyte
2.0606 沼泽植物 bog plant, swamp plant
2.0607 室内装饰植物 indoor decorative plant, house plant
2.0608 切花 cut flower
2.0609 垂枝植物 pendulous plant, weeping plant
2.0610 缠绕植物 twiner, twinning plant
2.0611 针叶植物 needle-leaved plant
2.0612 阔叶植物 broad-leaved plant
2.0613 斑叶植物 variegate-leaved plant
2.0614 松柏植物 conifer
2.0615 常绿植物 evergreen plant
2.0616 半常绿植物 semi-evergreen plant
2.0617 不耐寒植物 tender plant
2.0618 半耐寒植物 half-hardy plant
2.0619 耐寒植物 hardy plant
2.0620 耐旱植物 drought enduring plant

