最近收到客户一个产品问题如下:Recently we bought a DW17 ACB where the motor is used to close the ACB . Wheras the similar DW17 ACB we had before, the function of the motor was to chrage the Spring of ACB and there was a separtae closing coil to close the ACB.
Recently we bought a DW17 ACB where the motor is used to close the ACB . Wheras the similar DW17 ACB we had before, the function of the motor was to chrage the Spring of ACB and there was a separtae closing coil to close the ACB.
最近客户买了个DW17 ACB ,其中马达是用来闭合ACB 的,然而他之前买过一个同样产品,但是是用马达储能的,有独立的线圈闭合ACB.
The new DW17 ACB we are using to synchronize 500 kW generator, since it is motor operated and taking remarkably long time to close the Bus. Because of the long closing time of the ACB, the synchronizing parameter at the time when the ACB closes the contact differs from the time the ACB get closing signal from synchronising device and it gives very unpleasant sound at the time of synchronizing. We did not have any synchronizing problems with the previous DW17 ACB. In this regard, I would like to ask you couple of questions.
新的ACB用在同步化500KW的发电机,然而 是马达操作的,闭合的时间很长,这样花了很长时间才闭合主母线。 由于闭合时间长,ACB闭合时的同步参数 跟ACB从同步化设备得到闭合信号的时候不一样,这样在同步化时产生不好听的声音。
- If the ACB is motor operated (to close the ACB instead of spring charging), how much would be the closing time?
ACB 马达闭合(不是弹簧储能闭合)的闭合时间?
- Is motor operated ACB suitable for synchronizing purpose?
ACB 马达操作是否可以用于同步化
At this moment we are using a magnetic contactor instead of ACB and synchronizing the Generator on 400 volt Bus. 他现在用接触器代替ACB