崔树新作:全屋定制的建构主义 - RARA竹院儿
2024年06月18日 14:07:31




O rder and Freedom Between Circles.

用恒定与变化(Constance and Change)来揭示发展的本质,用大历史衬托具体建筑现象,又用具体现象的深刻分析来呼应时代;种种直笔与曲笔的结合,共时与历时分析的结合使人在雄浑的历史感中体会到建筑真意。 

—— 希格弗莱德·吉迪恩《空间·时间·建筑》

By using the contrast between constancy and change to reveal the essence of architectural development. By using big history to contextualize specific architectural phenomena. By using a specific and profound analysis of these phenomena to echo the changes of the times. The combination of hand-drawn lines and curved lines, synchronous and diachronic analyses, allows the reader to experience the true meaning of architecture through a grand historical context.


           ——Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture




The way of heaven is round and the way of earth is square.


Between squareness and roundness, there is both heaven and earth and all things.


RARA全屋定制——展馆的"天圆地方"观赋予了建筑以一种意境美和形式美。双圆柱嵌长方体中, 打破了传统的建筑思维,建筑的布局、构件和样式不再单纯采用理性几何化的方形或圆形,方与圆的交汇产生了精准度量的设计质感,在美的形式中,完成了建筑空间的架构。

RARA, a whole-house custom brand, shows the concept of“squareness and roundness”in the exhibition hall which gives the architecture both artistic beauty and formal beauty. The intersection of the cuboid and the double circular column produces a design texture that has been measured precisely, which completes the structure in the form of beauty. The layout, structure and style no longer simply adopt the rational geometric squares and circles which breaks the traditional way of thinking  in terms of architecture.





There is both change and order, which is the principle that all artworks, especially plastic art forms, must have.



In terms of  circulation,we are actually talking about the possibility of the spatial order. The order acts as a vehicle of specific activities for human beings, allowing space to "come alive" and facilitating more interactions.



Compared with the sweeping view of the large opening and closing, the way square and circle are arranged in the RARA hall makes the layout both changeable and orderly, which enables viewers to come in and out flexibly. 




RARA also demonstrates the potential future style of office design, both as an exhibition hall and an office. With the boundary between the two gradually dissolving and blurring, it not only integrates the unity of function and aesthetics, but also creates a compatible space that integrates movement and display.

Wireless, intelligent and humanized mobile office are springing up, enriching the possibilities of office development in the post-pandemic era.



The architecture itself is completed, sculptural and monumental.

——Yoshinobu Ashihara



入内,多元的品质化生活场景徐徐展开,光影流转,移步换景,衣柜、博古柜、隐形门,墙板展示等与空间进行有效融合,细节质感考究。 通天书柜尤为出彩,即为隔断,在藏与露之间营造多层次的透视关系,又在视觉上与弧线寰宇框架成交错状态,提供丰富的线条变化。

The exterior is composed of bamboo pieces that are horizontally arranged, and the smooth lines and rhythms make the entire exhibition hall naturally magnificent. The minimalist appearance arouses strong curiosity for the viewers, and the trees that break from seed are particularly prominent, occupying the absolute focal point and infusing vitality into the entire building.


每一个经久不衰的品牌从概念诞生到设计草图出现,再到最终的作品呈现,都与集体智慧密不可分。RARA品牌在高级定制的维度定位中,整合顶级资源,推动行业原创创意水准达到极致。 产品承载着精湛的工艺和厚重的品牌积淀,在空间美学与之碰撞之中产生火花,交融之中趋向完美的呈现,传承优雅到深谙奢华。

Every enduring brand, from its conceptual birth to the appearance of design sketches and  to the final presentation of works, is inseparable from collective wisdom. RARA, as a high-end brand, integrates top-level resources and drives the original creativity to the utmost.  The product, sparking with spatial aesthetics, demonstrates  exquisite craftsmanship and long and profound history of RARA in the whole-house custom. The two together converge towards a perfect presentation. 


突破物理空间的限制,在有限中创造无限的可能,CUN DESIGN在人们所熟知的环境中,做最为革命性质的尝试,打造前所未有的全屋定制产品空间,将橱柜、衣柜、博古柜、隐形门,墙板展示等产品最合适的位置呈现出来。


Breaking the limitations of physical space and creating infinite possibilities within the limitations, CUN DESIGN takes the most revolutionary attempt in  environments that we are all familiar with, creating an unprecedented space that is full of customized products,  presenting cabinets, wardrobes, antique cabinets, invisible doors, wall displays, and other products in the most suitable positions.  


因此,RARA 由外而内,再由内而外完成了功能与艺术价值的深度糅合,实用性与观赏性高度统一,无论身处在室外或室内,都能被它一体成型的设计所折服,方与圆的交集由此开始,却从未停止。

Therefore, RARA has achieved a deep integration of functionality and artistic value from the outside in and inside out. It also achieved a high degree of unity between practicality and aesthetics. Whether viewing from indoors or outdoors, one can be impressed by its integrated design, where the intersection of squareness and roundness begins without ending.

















