2024年05月31日 17:32:38

  Poho Flowers位于悉尼的海港郊区,Akin Atelier摒弃了更为传统的室内装饰手法,为这家花店打造了独一无二的花卉零售体验。     Located in Sydney’s harbourside suburb, this florist rises to the occasion of shaping an alternative experience. Stepping away from a more traditional retail interior comprising of a counter blooming with flowers, Poho’s second establishment presents a one-of-a-kind flower retail experience that might become your next favourite local florist. 


Poho Flowers位于悉尼的海港郊区,Akin Atelier摒弃了更为传统的室内装饰手法,为这家花店打造了独一无二的花卉零售体验。  

Located in Sydney’s harbourside suburb, this florist rises to the occasion of shaping an alternative experience. Stepping away from a more traditional retail interior comprising of a counter blooming with flowers, Poho’s second establishment presents a one-of-a-kind flower retail experience that might become your next favourite local florist.   



Passing the entrance fronted with clean lines made of black frame and glass, patrons are welcomed by a concierge who will guide them into an intimate consultation lounge tucked at the store’s concave wall.   



In true Akin Atelier fashion, Poho’s Double Bay interior is swatched in natural tones that make one dream of a seaside getaway. Sand-like colours are beached by waving icy blues—a gentle nod to Poho Potts Point’s baby blue fa?ade, serving as the perfect pastel backdrop to the vibrant pinks, reds and oranges from the foliage. Gentle bristling of different textures unapologetically, patterns fill out the floor area for a heightened sensory experience.  


Akin Atelier此次设计的愿景是实现艺术和氛围的契合,这源自于Poho的“问候、咨询、选择、创造/观察”零售原则。在室内的流通和布局上,Akin Atelier从大型自然装置艺术那里获得灵感,将走廊展开成一个圆形空间。  

Akin Atelier’s vision of the interior is a culmination of art and atmosphere derived from Poho’s retail principle of ‘Greet, Consult, Select, Make/Observe’. Taking inspiration from ephemeral and large nature installation artists Andy Goldsworthy and Robert Smithson, the interior’s circulation and layout mimic a nautilus shell with a corridor that unfurls into a circular space.  



Once the consultation is finalised, the curving wall leads customers to a circular tiered blue stand in which the flowers are placed for selection. While waiting among the meadow-like arrangement, clients’ gazes are directed to a gridded shelf ornamented with globally sourced floral instruments used to display arranged bouquets.   



The shelf wraps around the corner into the back of house stainless steel studio—a meditative space for the staff as they demonstrate the art of flower arrangement.  



