热带混凝土住宅,哥斯达黎加Bell Lloc之家
2024年05月30日 15:51:46

Studio Saxe受委托设计了一栋位于哥斯达黎加圣特雷莎镇山顶的住宅。鉴于地形极度倾斜,我们决定将卧室的私人区域沉入地下,从而使附带漂浮露台和游泳池的主要生活区域在顶部拥有宽阔的最佳视野。 Studio Saxe was commissioned to design a home perched on the hilltops of the town of Santa Teresa in Costa Rica. Due to the extreme pitch of the terrain, we decided to sink the private areas of bedrooms into the ground and thus allow the main living area to have the best expansive views on top with floating terraces and pool.

Studio Saxe受委托设计了一栋位于哥斯达黎加圣特雷莎镇山顶的住宅。鉴于地形极度倾斜,我们决定将卧室的私人区域沉入地下,从而使附带漂浮露台和游泳池的主要生活区域在顶部拥有宽阔的最佳视野。
Studio Saxe was commissioned to design a home perched on the hilltops of the town of Santa Teresa in Costa Rica. Due to the extreme pitch of the terrain, we decided to sink the private areas of bedrooms into the ground and thus allow the main living area to have the best expansive views on top with floating terraces and pool.

This project is a testament of how concrete can be used in Tropical Architecture to achieve low maintenance and longevity without loosing openness and deep connections to nature beyond.
为了适应地形条件,Studio Saxe决定将房子 “推 ”入地下,从而营造从街上看   是一栋单层住宅的视错觉,只有人走进建筑里才能感受到它的真实尺寸。一系列的混凝土墙对房子起到了遮挡作用,并掩盖了其后经过精心编排的游泳池和海洋的入口。
In order to adapt to the topographic conditions, Studio Saxe decided to “push” the house into the ground thus creating the illusion of a one-story house from the street and only revealing its true size once inside. A series of concrete walls shield the house and disguise what will later become a powerful choreographed entrance reveal of the pool and ocean beyond.
By keeping the public living spaces above and the more intimate bedrooms below, Studio Saxe used the innate characteristics provided by the site to determine the use of spaces. Every space that touches the ground is more solid and enclosed, and in contrast every space above ground is open and ephemeral. A long overarching roof line protects the house and frames a feature entrance pool that cantilevers over the jungle.
The clients of this home were clear from the beginning that they wanted most of the home to be built in concrete for longevity, less maintenance, and thermal mass during the hot months of the year. The challenge was to also create open spaces in the living areas with long span concrete beams and a light roof that allows for cross ventilation during the rainy and humid months of the year. The result is a series of retaining walls below that house private spaces and beams and columns above that open to the majestic ocean view.






