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WFD無凡设计创始人 设计总监
JYD瑾妍设计创始人 设计总监
90 后新锐设计师

WF · Design
This case shows a comprehensive space that integrated exhibition hall, training room and consulting room, which has strong influence in our industry. Its design is oriented to mutual shaping among multiple functions, and expresses "simple, practical, efficient and appropriate" based on our concept behind brand.
Thinking about Space

Time proved every step of the exploration of oral technology that breaking the bound,acrossing the dimensions, and establishing the threshold of indutrial technology.

While LuoDe works on the improvement of its efficiency, accuracy and precision Wofan design enpowers the transformation of space for oral industry that extending longitudinally and building an extraordinary road to the future.

When fixed mindset is broken, new order is gradually constructed in space,which interprets the culture of corporate.
Thinking about material

The rows of lights and mirrors not only broaden the space, but also expand the boundary of thinking and exploration.

With mirror and stainless steel, the boundary of the wall is eliminated that reflecting the stereotype change of traditional dental space, and interpreting a medical space with a sense of future.

The metal surface of bar is embedded with a narrow but long LED display screen, which eliminates the heaviness of large-diameter structural columns and serves as a carrier for information release in the exhibition hall. Also the circular LED screen in the lounge works as the connection of medias with information input.

The curved island is divided horizontally into two half, which makes it look like floating in the air, as it combines with the roof, a sense of ration is expressed that involves conflict, mergence and coexistence.

The training of Sitted oral nursing,contains practicality and vision, fully reflects the experience and concept of LuoDe that is people-oriented..

Technology improves,skills emerges,exploration of design is being futuristic..Walking in the space of IDI makes you shuttled in the future.


项目名称 / 罗德展厅
项目地址 / 中国·郑州
项目面积 / 401平方米
设计机构 / 無凡设计
主案设计 / 张末
参与设计 / 曾佳怡、柳赛博
软装设计 / 舒苗
深化设计 / 查金涛、鲜苏
摄影机构 / 李雨豪
设计时间 / 2023.1
完工时间 / 2023.6
主要材料 / 不锈钢板 玻璃 镜面不锈钢 发光软膜