重庆中建 · 启宸营销中心 新生赋能
2022年08月18日 09:45:37

城市不断向前发展,新旧更新是必然趋势;重庆中建瑾和城营销中心,是引导现在走向未来的全新典范新生旧改项目; 以 “ 时光变奏 ” 概念引入空间,打造以科技未来为主题的全新沉浸式体验中心,从感官视觉的变化刺激,狂想穿越城市未来的感受 ,以空间叙述着未来故事,也体现了城市更新的时代精神与可持续发展趋势。 With the continuous development of the city, the renewal of the old and the new is an inevitable trend; Chongqing Zhongjian Jinhe city marketing center is a brand-new model new and old transformation project that guides the present to the future; The concept of "time variation" is introduced into the space to create a brand-new immersive experience center with the theme of the future of science and technology. From the change of sensory and visual stimulation, we can imagine the feeling of going through the future of the city, narrate the future story in space, and also reflect the spirit of the times and the sustainable development trend of urban renewal.

城市不断向前发展,新旧更新是必然趋势;重庆中建瑾和城营销中心,是引导现在走向未来的全新典范新生旧改项目; 时光变奏 概念引入空间,打造以科技未来为主题的全新沉浸式体验中心,从感官视觉的变化刺激,狂想穿越城市未来的感受 ,以空间叙述着未来故事,也体现了城市更新的时代精神与可持续发展趋势。
With the continuous development of the city, the renewal of the old and the new is an inevitable trend; Chongqing Zhongjian Jinhe city marketing center is a brand-new model new and old transformation project that guides the present to the future; The concept of "time variation" is introduced into the space to create a brand-new immersive experience center with the theme of the future of science and technology. From the change of sensory and visual stimulation, we can imagine the feeling of going through the future of the city, narrate the future story in space, and also reflect the spirit of the times and the sustainable development trend of urban renewal.

以科技太空梦幻为主题,曲线的天花造型采用金属波纹板与墙面的线型灯带结合,好似宇宙银河系坠落的繁星 ,在这能带你进入另一个梦幻的世界,吧台的造型灵感来源于船只,在浩瀚的宇宙中穿梭前进。

With the theme of science and technology space dream, the curved ceiling shape is combined with the metal corrugated plate and the linear light belt on the wall, which is like the falling stars in the galaxy of the universe. Here, you can enter another dream world. The shape of the bar is inspired by the ship and shuttles through the vast universe. 

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Through the combination of the "top" art sculpture and the background, the fine texture sculpture stays on the ground, and the indistinct form has a dialogue with the background. It is full of the unreal sense of technology in the virtual world. The combination of electricity, light, sound and shadow enhances the customer's experience and makes people feel the romance of the stars

The metal corrugated plate ceiling reflects the water surface, and shuttles through the time under the guidance of the color Aurora color ring, as if you were in the city of the future; The curved structure of the ceiling forms a space-time tunnel, which flows slowly like a time hourglass. You can not only experience the metaphor of light for space, but also feel the subtle pleasure of walking through it; The circular sand table suspended in the air, illuminated by the central canopy dome, is the designer's depiction of a space-time mirage for the ideal future residence, carrying the evolution of time and the impact of light and shadow. It is the metaphor of the long river of the times, carrying the yearning for a better home and describing the living vision of people in the future;

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The combination of the coffee table and the sofa aptly outlines the outline of the negotiation area. The fine marble is surrounded by the gray brown leather circle, supplemented by the brushed metal ornament, and the natural beauty and quality breath are integrated into one room.

空间留白予人自我诠释的余裕,如同音乐紧凑后的舒缓抚慰了情绪起伏,光影的流动,仿如沉浸在时光的银河,在极光色彩衬托下, 如置身于虚幻的迷离感 空间。
The space leaves a margin for self interpretation, just like the relief after the compact music soothes the emotional ups and downs. The flow of light and shadow is like immersing in the Milky way of time. Under the background of the aurora color, it is like being in the unreal space of illusion.

With rich and bold color pendants and theme ornaments, the complementary colors of blue and orange collide with each other to create sparks of passion. The installation art of interstellar capsule, alien ornaments, Bobble balls and so on enables children to quickly integrate into it.

While entertaining, you can also feel the visual impact brought by aesthetic colors. The bookcase on the whole wall is rich and dynamic with orange leather substrate. The stacked lights light up the whole bookcase, and then implant the current network red IP element to make the space more vitality.


Through the open screen partition, the children's area and the water bar area are distinguished. The device streamers running through the space are inserted, forming a continuous artistic integrity. The mini bar uses high-grade stone and perforated metal plates that can "breathe".

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软舒适且曲线造型感极强的沙发, 曲线的弧度跳脱出了具体的指涉,一如蜿蜒海岸线的流水走势,又仿佛云起云舒的自由无序, 使整个区域进入休闲放松的模式,在这又是一种不同的体验,放下城市中的喧嚣,在此处又是另一个二次元世界。

The soft and comfortable sofa with a strong sense of curve shape, the curve's radian jumps out of the specific reference, just like the water trend of the winding coastline, and also like the free and disordered clouds, which makes the whole area enter the mode of leisure and relaxation. This is a different experience, putting down the noise in the city, and here is another two-dimensional world.


With the introduction of light, architecture, space, art and nature are integrated here. Through the technological reconstruction of modern sound and light, experience resonance is created from another dimension and thinking is triggered; The time variation reveals a gentle curve, creating a mysterious exploration experience of the future city. The white and varied works of art with different components create a spatial level and lead the experience space of future science and technology; Abstract Colors in the aurora spectrum and give infinite imagination to the space, just like drifting in the ocean of time, creating a life community full of future rhythm in the design aesthetic space where life and future technology blend.


设计团队:郑宋玲、陈虬、张少坤、江珊、周仰萍 姚瑶 罗庆 吕昊宗 周明艺 陈家越

