时间是一条长河, 微微摇曳飘然前行。 城市于自然中生长, 缓慢地占据了主导地位。 Time is a long river. Swaying and floating forward slightly. Grow in nature in cities. Slowly occupy the dominant position.
Time is a long river.
Swaying and floating forward slightly.
Grow in nature in cities.
Slowly occupy the dominant position.
质朴的审美张力将未来主义与自然元素结合。设计以年轻生活探索现代营销空间之路, 打造充满生活气息、多维度体验空间。
A rustic aesthetic tension combines futurism with natural elements. The design explores the road of modern marketing space with young life, and creates a space full of life and multi-dimensional experience.
建筑不在只存在于外立面, 体块穿插万物共生。
The building no longer exists only in the facade.Block interpenetration.Symbiosis of everything.
The design aims to touch the humanistic and natural life with heart.All-inclusive space.Include all kinds of materials and colors.Form a contemporary urban art museum.
Adjustment of texture material and light.When all the elements of color come together.Immersive life experience.Be restrained and quiet.
项目名称 | 嘉宏·常州奔牛地块澎π售楼处
项目地点 | 江苏常州
硬装设计 | 南京我们室内设计有限公司
主案设计 | 鹿艳
设计团队 | 郭明露、杨帆、刘亚萍、汤梦奇、苏兰兰、邢祥祥、陆彦丞
设计面积 | 800㎡
完工时间 | 2022年5月
空间摄影 | ingallery
主要材料 | 石材、地板、金属、玻璃