南京300㎡ 味至小山南餐厅
2022年04月29日 16:45:28

     ? 项目坐落于南京熙南里历史文化街区。餐厅自2020年始经营了一年半左右的时间后,基于不断升级的需求,重新梳理了场地的构架与秩序。期望以全然新异的空间意象回应有关生活的更多可能。 The project is located in Nanjing Xi Nanli Historical and Cultural Block.After running around one and a half years since 2020, the restaurant reorganized the structure and order of the site based on the escalating needs.We expect the new space can respond to more possibilities about daily life .




The project is located in Nanjing Xi Nanli Historical and Cultural Block.After running around one and a half years since 2020, the restaurant reorganized the structure and order of the site based on the escalating needs.We expect the new space can respond to more possibilities about daily life .




The entrance is located on the first floor, while the main section of the dining area is located on the second..Xiao Shannan is positioned in the high-end private banquet, Pursuing the pure taste in the contect.Thus there are both memories of traditional falvor and innovation in the integration of the present.




The order of the new space comes from the adjustment of the overall plane.The central part is a reception and arrangement table combination surrounded by a half wall.The east side of it is the public dining hall, and the west are private rooms.The kitchen locates on its north.Therefore, the service process of the whole restaurant revolves around this hub.




The dining hall separated in the semi-open form, and three partition walls enclosed by old wooden columns.



The wall carved some niches which sticked with gold foil and painted with ink.Gold foil is unpredictable about light, sometimes ethereal and sometimes dim.Like Tanizaki Junichiro describes, shadow darkness has the same value as light.



Looking back from the west private room to the east end of the hall, the longest diagonal line in this space includes almost all the functions of the restaurant. The wall changes among it, separated but no separated.People release their emotional tension in this quiet narrative.



The bathroom wall on the south also takes a background role for the entrance.The walls are disconnected by a conical floral organ, Two irises blooming in the crack, just as the living energy comes from nature.The sinking of this silent nature makes the atmosphere of space transfer freely out of the style.




The private rooms on the second floor take "ShanLan" and "SongJian" as the intention respectively.The continuous mountains in distance painted with light ink color.Make the space presents an aesthetic sense of tranquility.




The private room on the third floor is independent of the main dining area, like an escaped microcosm, we take the "JingQue" as the title, set up "fun", all interesting person are dedicated to things and are tempted.




From the dining hall to the first floor entrance, The original narrow walking stairwell was turned its inward properties to outward.A new elevation is wrapped in U-shaped glass, tables and chairs are placed to accommodate people who are willing to stay here.A small flower pool at the corner is the coordinate of the regional enclosure, and the plants in the pool will also silently witness the time flow in the future here






Project name:  Xiao Shannan Restaurant


Design company: Nanjing humble wood space design


Leader designer: Wu Yuanyuan


Construction period: 2021.12-2022.01


Project address: 18# Xi Nanli, Nanjing


Project area: 300 ㎡


Photography copyright: Min Xiaofang


Main materials: U-shaped glass, straw paint, walnut


2022年04月30日 06:23:38

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