成都世茂广场 高密度城市中的微度假圣地 Aedas新作 “巴适得板,安逸得喊。”说起成都印象,离不开春熙路上的红男绿女,苍蝇馆里的大快朵颐,还有茶馆里的龙门阵。慢节奏的休闲生活,尽在于此。Aedas全球设计董事王烨冰、执行董事温耀春、助理董事熊汝春带领团队在青山逶迤的成都龙泉驿区打造了一座“巴适”与“现代”兼具的微度假胜地——世茂广场。
The Shimao Festival City is located in Longquanyi District in the southeast Chengdu. Named after the Longquan Mountain within the district, the area is surrounded by ecological parks, renowned farms, restaurants and resorts.

The night view
Break the boundaries of indoor and outdoor
项目位于成都东进发展路线上的重点区域龙泉驿区,周边水系密布,绿意盎然的田园与生态公园营造出轻松闲适的氛围,富有盛名的农庄、餐厅和度假民宿分布四周。但随着跨越龙泉山向东发展的推进,高密度的发展正在侵蚀这里长久以来自然形成的休闲氛围。 “我们希望能够为快速发展的龙泉,保留一个依然充满休闲的、成都式“慵懒”气息的商业中心。有别于市中心拔地而起、光鲜亮丽的各种商业综合体,设计充分尊重本地民众对区域的认知。” 王烨冰如是说道。
Given the apparent gradual erosion of this leisurely atmosphere from high-density development, Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang says “we hope to retain a signature Chengdu laidback style and reflect local communities’ sentiments, distinguishing the plaza from rest of commercial complexes in the city."

The site
The plot is in the shape of an irregular trapezoid, facing the street on both sides, and the team made a master plan for the entire plot. Divided into three parts, the east side of the plot is reserved for residential purposes, and the north and west are for retail use (the Festival City), along with multiple trails and public squares as connective elements.
Modern materials to reflect locality
The design is premised on the concept of "micro vacation", committed to creating a unique shopping mall with the perfect integration of nature and humanity in the accelerating development of high-density cities.
The design models on the terrain of the Longquan Mountains, and constructs an architectural outline that stretches into a sinuous belt. The form echoes nature and the project’s surroundings, and promotes a pleasant image.
The sketch
To resolve the elevation difference between the north and the south of the plot, a multi-level entrance design is adopted to increase the commercial value while allowing visitor flow from different directions.
Sprung from concept of "Treehouse Shelter", the main entrance of the development is a gleaming, imposing cylindrical structure framed by a glazed curtain wall system, allowing for a transparent view of its interior. A unique wood structure stands at its core, hosting display areas on its leave-shaped platforms. Supported by LED screens and lighting systems, large-scale light shows can be hosted here, to the effect of creating an interactive experience for visitors.
The Landmark entrance
内部商业空间模拟川流不息的峡谷,在高效的动线之中设有多个空间节点,将空间形态与内部功能紧密结合。 商业裙楼顶部采用壳体玻璃天窗系统,将自然光引入室内,打破室内外的空间界限,让身处都市核心的访客营造出与自然亲密相处的氛围。
The crown of the retail podium adopts a shell-glass skylight system to introduce natural light into the interior, breaking the space boundary between indoor and outdoor. The fa?ade design is inspired by Sichuan’s traditional bamboo weaving craftsmanship, reimagining it with modern materials to present a unique and localised image.
The commercial space
为提升各空间业态间的可达性,设计在商业体量之间设置了多个公共空间,并通过多条绿色花街步道彼此连接。 同时,设计在商业体量内打破建筑与自然的空间界限,营造了包含屋顶活动广场在内的系列室外空间,通过阶梯与缓坡错落的攀爬小径彼此连接,契合龙泉山地貌特征的同时,形成丰富的亲近自然的互动空间,以生态特性激活商业界面。
In order to improve the accessibility between various formats, the design sets up public areas between volumes, and are connected seamlessly through green avenues. A series of outdoor spaces including rooftop plazas are installed, connected to each other by steps and slopes, echoing the Longquan Mountain. A rich interactive space close to nature is formed, and the commercial interface is activated with ecological characteristics.
Efficient connection and abundant public space
Green trails connect various business spaces

Inspired by Sichuan traditional bamboo weaving craftsmanship
“世茂广场不只是一个商业综合体,而是一个度假区,一个高速发展城市的中可以放慢脚步的地方。” 温耀春如是说道。
"The Shimao Festival City is not merely a commercial complex, but a haven where you can slow down in a fast-paced city." — Aedas Executive Director Yaochun Wen.





▲ 立面图

▲ 立面图

▲ 立面图
Design & Project Architect: Aedas
Client: Shanghai Shimao Commercial Investment Management Co., Ltd./Chengdu Shimao New City Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Gross Floor Area: 141,706.17 sq m
Directors: Kevin Wang, Global Design Principal;Yao Chun Wen, Executive Director; Ru Chun Xiong, Associate Director