社区商业: 独特的伞状支撑木结构设计
受更好地连接新兴的格罗宁根区,并将其转变为一个互动的社会空间这一使命的启发,De Zwarte Hond受房地产开发商MWPO的委托,为该地区设计一个多功能和适应性强的中心建筑。这个创新的社区中心在11月2日举行了落成典礼。 Inspired by the mission to better connect the burgeoning Groningen district, and to transform it into an interactive social space, De Zwarte Hond was commissioned by real estate developer MWPO to design a multifunctional and adaptive central building for the neighborhood. The innovative community hub was inaugurated on November 2nd.