作为越南第五大城市的岘港,地处南中国海沿岸,这座充满活力的海滨城市以其迷人的海滩、优美的风景和丰富的文化历史而闻名于世。 Aedas新加坡总监Quan Pham带领团队在岘港的韩江(Han River)沿岸,著名的陈氏里桥(Tran Thi Ly)和龙桥(Dragon Bridge)之间,打造了可以尽享壮丽江景的高端住宅项目——岘港Sun Cosmo公寓。 Sun Cosmo Residence Da Nang is a high-end development located in Da Nang, Vietnam, a vibrant coastal city and the fifth largest city in the country. Da Nang is situated along the South China Sea and is known for its stunning beaches, scenic landscapes, and rich cultural history. Sun Cosmo Residence will be located along the Han River between two famous bridges Tran Thi Ly and Dragon Bridge, and offers breathtaking views of the river.