墓地一直是,也仍然是社会的反映:它们可洞察集体和个人之间的关系、一段时间的社会环境、大体的自然景观、葬礼文化和设计领域与景观建筑的发展。Cemeteries have always been, and still are, reflections of society: they provide an insight into the relationship between the collective and the individual, the social environment of the time, the overall natural scene, the funerary culture and developments in the field of design and landscape architecture.

Cemeteries have always been, and still are, reflections of society: they provide an insight into the relationship between the collective and the individual, the social environment of the time, the overall natural scene, the funerary culture and developments in the field of design and landscape architecture.

Karres和Brands于阿姆斯特丹设计了具有纪念意义的Nieuwe Ooster公墓,这是荷兰最大的公墓(就墓地数目而言)。Nieuwe Ooster墓地的设计分三个阶段落实:1889年,1915年和1928年。第一阶段和第二阶段由伦纳德•施普林格(Leonard Springer)设计。这些部分有全部属于他们自己的空间特色,但第三阶段却不同。它具有与Springer相似的风格,但却不尽相同。采纳的部分和扩建的部分使得该建筑缺乏整体结构和特点。该纪念园地就停留在了这个阶段。
Karres and Brands created a design for the garden of remembrance of the Nieuwe Ooster cemetery in Amsterdam, the largest cemetery (in terms of numbers of graves) in the Netherlands. The Nieuwe Ooster was laid out in three phases: in 1889, 1915 and 1928. The first and second phases were designed by Leonard Springer. These sections have a clear spatial quality all of their own, but the third phase does not share this quality. It bears a resemblance to the style of Springer, but is not the same. Adaptations and expansions have left it devoid of structure and identity. The garden of remembrance lies within this phase.

Instead of spatially linking the three zones, we found it necessary to give each area its own separate identity. By increasing the contrasts, a clear triple division of the cemetery is brought about, so that the qualities of each individual zone are enhanced. A new identity has been created for the third phase. A robust but simple intervention was called for here. The basis is a zone with parallel strips of varying widths, each with its own design principle. Within this unambiguous structure, choices are made possible for individual wishes. Some of the strips include hedges that divide the zone into spatial compartments. The existing graveyards and the garden of remembrance are incorporated into the zone like rooms with green edges. Birch trees are loosely spread throughout the zone as a whole. An elongated pond and an urn wall form spatial accents, and a special destination for cremation ashes.

Karres和Brands也设计了一个骨灰瓮安置地¬——一个存放骨灰盒骨灰龛的地方——作为阿姆斯特丹Nieuwe Ooster墓地火葬场纪念公园的一部分
Karres and Brands also has designed a columbarium – a place for storing funeral urns – as a component of the crematorium garden of remem- brance at the Nieuwe Ooster cemetery in Amsterdam.

Like our changing society, the customs and rituals surrounding the burial of the dead continually endure change. The increasing demand for urn graves presented the opportunity to create a columbarium which forms an important spatial accent in the new structure of the crematorium’s garden of remembrance. The building forms one of the strips that structure the area, and provides places for 1,000 urns. The columbarium is an elongated volume dissected by pathways.

The separate elements of the building created in this way are linked by slanted lines in the exterior walls and roof. A number of rooms to house the urns are hollowed out within the volume. From the outside of the building – which is 120 metres long, 5 metres wide and 5 metres high – has the appearance of an introverted and robust zinc sculpture. From the inside, the rooms form enclosed, peaceful white interiors. Within the rooms visitors are sheltered from the surroundings, only the white terrazzo walls and the sky are visible. A pattern of single and double niches is hollowed out of the walls. At certain key points there are special niches where openings in the walls offer a glimpse of the surroundings and let in light.

Plan 平面设计图

Courtesy of Karres en Brands图片由Karres en Brands提供

Plan and Elevation 平面图和立体图

Elevation 立体图