Ukraine Bottega Wine Restaurant 位置:乌克兰 分类:休闲娱乐类装修 内容:实景照片 设计团队:Kley Design 图片:11张 安装图酷APP可以免费下载无水印高清大图,点此了解详情 下载原图 标签:休闲娱乐类装修实景照片 对于喜欢西班牙美食的人们来说,Bottega Wine & Tapas这家位于历史名城基辅市中心的新开餐厅,可绝对是一块真正的宝地。这个主要供应西班牙餐前小吃、葡萄酒和鸡尾酒的餐厅,是由年轻的设计团队Kley Design(Yova Yager 和 Ira Miller)打造的。这个半嵌入地下的餐厅,具体位置在基辅市中心一栋建成一百多年的古老建筑里。
设计团队:Kley Design

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对于喜欢西班牙美食的人们来说,Bottega Wine & Tapas这家位于历史名城基辅市中心的新开餐厅,可绝对是一块真正的宝地。这个主要供应西班牙餐前小吃、葡萄酒和鸡尾酒的餐厅,是由年轻的设计团队Kley Design(Yova Yager 和 Ira Miller)打造的。这个半嵌入地下的餐厅,具体位置在基辅市中心一栋建成一百多年的古老建筑里。
Located in a historical city center of Kiev, a new restaurant and bar ?Bottega Wine & Tapas? is a true hidden gem for the lovers of Spanish cuisine. Tapas, wine and cocktails are the main features of the venue. The project was made by a young designer team ?Kleydesign? (Yova Yager and Ira Miller). Located in a hundred years old building, this restaurant is semi-underground embedded.
The main feature of the room are centuries-old wooden beams and brick walls. Wood, brick, and metal are the main materials of the venue. The color scheme of the interior is based on the nuances, but there is also an expressive accent — a garnet-colored wall.The bar area is located at the entrance. It was designed for those who want to dance and have fun all night long.Most of furniture was made in Ukraine, by the PK-Verdi company, which made it with creative approach on a high quality level.

乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内局部实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内局部实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内局部实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内局部实景图
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乌克兰Bottega Wine餐厅室内局部实景图
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