grass-herb roof top pavilion by marc prosman at beatrixpark 位置:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 这是由marc prosman设计的休闲馆,位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹的一个公园内。这个设计最大的特点是它的屋顶,上面铺满了草,这样设计的用意是用草将雨水的冲刷力减弱,并可以将水用于对屋顶上植物的浇灌,而使其郁郁葱葱。该建筑的外墙使用了旧式游泳池边的栅栏,除了是园丁的存储间、儿童监护室及园内服务点外,其他的房间都是采用这样的形式。这个公园不是一个典型的密集型公园,其中的雕塑、植被和园内景观并不拥挤。在这个建筑的屋顶采用了开放型的设计,设有一个零售服务点,服务点的外墙采用绿色与灰色相间的砖块。整个建筑的设计都十分注意了环保效应,并没有使用甲醛含量超标的建材,并通过了fsc认证的木材和能源高效、运动检测。在夏天,这座休闲馆的主人还为游客提供游船服务,从湖里游玩后进入绿色休闲馆内,一定别有一番滋味。
位置:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
这是由marc prosman设计的休闲馆,位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹的一个公园内。这个设计最大的特点是它的屋顶,上面铺满了草,这样设计的用意是用草将雨水的冲刷力减弱,并可以将水用于对屋顶上植物的浇灌,而使其郁郁葱葱。该建筑的外墙使用了旧式游泳池边的栅栏,除了是园丁的存储间、儿童监护室及园内服务点外,其他的房间都是采用这样的形式。这个公园不是一个典型的密集型公园,其中的雕塑、植被和园内景观并不拥挤。在这个建筑的屋顶采用了开放型的设计,设有一个零售服务点,服务点的外墙采用绿色与灰色相间的砖块。整个建筑的设计都十分注意了环保效应,并没有使用甲醛含量超标的建材,并通过了fsc认证的木材和能源高效、运动检测。在夏天,这座休闲馆的主人还为游客提供游船服务,从湖里游玩后进入绿色休闲馆内,一定别有一番滋味。
all images courtesy of marc prosman architecten merging with its surroundings, this detached pavilion by amsterdam-based firm marc prosman architecten, sits alongside a paddling pool in a monumental part of beatrixpark in amsterdam. commissioned by stadsdeel zuid, the sustainably designed building features a grass-herb roof, which serves as a rainwater buffer and contributes to the structure's green character. referencing the curving fence of the arcade around the pool edge, the solitary dwelling follows a similar form. in addition to public toilets, gardener's storage, children supervising and a service-point, a hang out area for friends of beatrixpark is also found within the building. rather than being a typically dense box in a park, the animate sculpture of wood and brick responds to its green environment. the roof gently breaks free from its grounded volume to form an awning at the service point and an overhang for the horizontal window. constructed with brick and interspersed with vertical wooden parts in both green and grey, the environmentally designed building contains certified fsc wood and energy efficient, motion-detecting lights. an interplay of the two contrasting materials both horizontally and vertically is displayed, as the brick plinth partly reaches the eave, while the wooden panels run downwards. a request from the city district was for a vandal-proof building, so the robust design