论文简介: 本文从澄清现代城市设计的概念入手,指出创作性是城市设计的重要特征,并从立意与构思、分析与综合、直感与逻辑、图形与文本四个方面探讨了城市设计的一般方法。On the basis of conceptual clarification of modern urban design, the following conclusion is drawn: creativity is one of the important features of modern urban design. The author tries to explore a general method from the four aspects: categories including aim-conception, analysis-synthesis, intuition-logic and graph-text.
On the basis of conceptual clarification of modern urban design, the following conclusion is drawn: creativity is one of the important features of modern urban design. The author tries to explore a general method from the four aspects: categories including aim-conception, analysis-synthesis, intuition-logic and graph-text.

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