Civil engineering english, like other professional english, is simple. The only thing new is the translation of terminologies from chinese to english, which can be very easily done with a dictionary. The problem is further simplified since in certain field there’re only very limited terminologies, usually within 200 words.
Civil engineering english, like other professional english, is simple. The only thing new is the translation of terminologies from chinese to english, which can be very easily done with a dictionary. The problem is further simplified since in certain field there’re only very limited terminologies, usually within 200 words.
So, it’s not difficult to master the civil engineering. The only thing you need to do is to practice it. This board has provided very good chance for those who wish to master civil engineering english.
Then, do not hesitate and let’s practice english here!
why don’t you send some useful english books about construction? just express what everyone know,it is nothing! and waste you understand?
If you can give us some useful english books about construction ,it is really what we want !
But thank you all the same !
Actually you can find many useful books around you, what you need is just 3p, practice practice practice!