zhxsnow Lv.3
2010年01月09日 15:56:25

Plotctrls/style/displacement scaling 里面设置变形显示的大小 命令/DSCALE, WN, DMULT Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.设置变形显示比例 WN栏 Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).屏幕号码,一般使用1 DMULT栏 AUTO or 0 ― Scale displacements automatically so that maximum displacement (vector amplitude) displays as 5 percent of the maximum model length, as measured in the global Cartesian X, Y, or Z directions. This is the default setting when NLGEOM is OFF. 如果填写AUTO or 0 则自动设置最大矢量变形为构件长度的5%,当NLGEOM ,OFF时为默认值 1 ― Do not scale displacements (i.e., scale displacements by 1.0, true to geometry). Often used with large deflection results. This is the default setting when NLGEOM is ON. 如果填写1 则不进行缩放,常应用于大变形 当NLGEOM ,on时为默认值 FACTOR ― Scale displacements by numerical value input for FACTOR. 如果填写为n 则缩放n 倍, OFF ― Remove displacement scaling (i.e., scale displacements by 0.0, no distortion). 如果填写为off 则关闭缩放

Plotctrls/style/displacement scaling 里面设置变形显示的大小 命令/DSCALE, WN, DMULT Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.设置变形显示比例 WN栏 Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).屏幕号码,一般使用1 DMULT栏 AUTO or 0 ― Scale displacements automatically so that maximum displacement (vector amplitude) displays as 5 percent of the maximum model length, as measured in the global Cartesian X, Y, or Z directions. This is the default setting when NLGEOM is OFF. 如果填写AUTO or 0 则自动设置最大矢量变形为构件长度的5%,当NLGEOM ,OFF时为默认值 1 ― Do not scale displacements (i.e., scale displacements by 1.0, true to geometry). Often used with large deflection results. This is the default setting when NLGEOM is ON. 如果填写1 则不进行缩放,常应用于大变形 当NLGEOM ,on时为默认值 FACTOR ― Scale displacements by numerical value input for FACTOR. 如果填写为n 则缩放n 倍, OFF ― Remove displacement scaling (i.e., scale displacements by 0.0, no distortion). 如果填写为off 则关闭缩放

