由织地社负责概念及方案设计的汤泉湖体育运动公园已几近竣工。从设计工作开始,项目已经历经3年半时间,建成后将面向周边市民开放。 As getting closer to completion, Tangquan Lake Sport Park is about to be open towards the public after 3 years of planning, design and construction.
As getting closer to completion, Tangquan Lake Sport Park is about to be open towards the public after 3 years of planning, design and construction.
▽ 草坪广场鸟瞰 lawn plaza
▽ 草阶 lawn steps
▽ 火炬广场 Torch Plaza
开端 | 对立
Beginning | Conflict
Obvious challenges stood out with elements of conflict:
Flat fields for sports against a hilly geographical figure of the site;
Irregular land-shape against restricted court size and safety request;
Enclosure for facility management against openness for a public park...
▽ 场地原貌 Raw Site
An interwoven dialogue was proposed to the park, by which a possibility of merging could happen between two or more elements, and forth, an inclusive plan for spaces and experience.
▽ 概念草图 conceptual sketch
▽ 整体平面 overall plan
交融 | 通行
Interwoven | Accessibility
Linkage of the city
With one existing entrance by the subway station (under construction), the park was surrounded by roads and therefore, access to the cars becomes equally important to the pedestrian.
Two additional entrances were proposed with convenient car park and visual guidance, which could be easily recognized and followed to reach the final arrival.
▽ 外部流线 external connection
South plaza points directly towards the central lake, which was the core for a radial plan of layout. The signage starts rising from the pave, and eventually reach to a height that could be seen from a far distance.
▽ 公园南入口 south plaza
▽ 流动的线条与地面交汇融合,向天空延伸消隐 flowing lines merge with the pave and blend up
On the other side, north plaza was free in shape when the land becomes more irregular and hilly. A ‘torch’ started rising from the plaza, offering a visual attraction that allows more exploration and stay.
▽ 公园北入口 north entrance
▽ 火炬广场构筑 plaza signage
For the iconic signage of the park, ZDS team pursues a capture of motion, that could be seen moving while still. Thus tests were carried out and reached a careful selection, so that it seems almost growing from the landscape.
▽ 台阶的律动与广场标识形成有趣对话 rhythm of the steps compliment to the ‘torch’ signage
Walk of the Slope
Rapid change of slopes brought challenge to the mechanic with scales. Following a parametric topographical layout, a reasonable track emerges with the purpose of deducing soil transporting and mechanical work. As the result, paths grow along the slope.
▽ 场地坡度分析analysis of slope
Different experience was assigned to various access of the slopes. for example, one could choose a gentle track to go gradually up to the top while another could go though shorter steps.
▽ 清晨的山体步道 hill tracks in the dawn time
▽ 山体步道 hill track
▽ 步行流线 pedestrian connection
Jogging loop
The jogging track covers all major functions along the lake, connecting scenes of the park: A ring swiping across the lawn, running over a stream by carry of a bridge... There is always something new to explore and enjoy while running.
▽ 跑道 jogging track
▽ 穿过儿童活动区 connecting kid’s playground
ZDS team seeks ways to maximize the value of rainwater: After careful analysis of the rainwater catchment, a coherent rain garden was crafted out through the coordination of terrain and landscape facilities. As the replacement of direct drainage system, the rain garden provides seasonal changes of greenery whilst contains and absorbs the runoff, to relieve the pressure on the municipal drainage system.
▽ 场地汇水分析analysis of runoff
Along where the runoff gathers, a channel for the rainwater was preserved. A bridge floating above the rain garden erects pedestrians up in the air, linking the jogging track on both ends.
▽ 景观栈桥 bridge flyover
▽ 与跑道的结合 as part of the jogging track
交融 | 活动
Interwoven | Activity
A series of spaces (leisure and sport) were embedded in the hill, flowing with the surrounding passages and greenery. Pavement intertwined with the vegetation, blurring the boundaries between different elements.
▽ 活动空间布置 activities layout
Fence of Safty
The sport courts were located on relatively gentle area based on the existing geographical conditions. Instead of building a steel mesh-net, the green space around forms a softened boundary, within which seating steps gradually appear along the soothing lawn, offering a place for relaxing and watching. As a result, an open and shared environment is provided while the safety was guaranteed.
▽ 篮球场剖面 section
▽ 篮球场鸟瞰 basketball court
▽ 树池座椅 tree seat
By reserving trees on the plaza, shades are projected to those who sit around, the wooden seats are lifted so that rainwater could gather in the planting area beneath.
Interactive Viewing
Occasionally a rule-breaking chance was offered, by which a viewing deck could emerge from the higher hill and fly over all the way to the open lake, during which a hidden path goes underneath.
▽ 挑台 viewing deck
▽ 挑台材料 material
The overlap, created an interesting loop that, one could experience the lake in completely different ways, even when in the same place.
▽ 挑台上的中心湖 lake viewing on the deck
▽ 挑台下的水岸under the deck
▽ 挑台与座椅viewing deck and the seat
Furniture in the park was also designed in motion. One can immediately feel the intention of encouragement for a move and exploration.
交融 | 建筑
Interwoven | Architecture
With the support of the client and architectural consultant, ZDS also participated the concept design for the service buildings in the park. The architecture, instead of sitting on top of the ground, took a path of merging with the landscape around, and in a way, integrated with its environment regardless architectural or otherwise.
▽ 运动服务中心渲染 service center
▽ 服务中心剖面 section
▽ 从山路看向运动服务中心二层 path towards the service center
▽ 镂空铝板细节 detail of the facade
持续 | 生长
Continue | Growing
Construction and Operation
The skating courts, including BMX, skateboard bowl and street, are still under construction. They will be invested to operation after the completion.
▽ 极限运动场功能 skating court
During the process of planning, consideration of flexible management control was tested and proposed by different scale of competitions and events, so that the openness of the overall park could be reserved even in the peak of hosting games.
▽边界管控management control
Habitat restoration
Constructive intervention, more or less, influenced the habitat and biological structure on the site. A period of time is needed for the new planted trees and shrubs to recover and grow, as well as for creatures to attach and expand. Pieces of stone are set along the lake, allowing sedimentation and bio-variety to happen, a more living and blossom park is expected in a near future.
▽植被 vegetation
▽中心湖驳岸 central lake revetment