罗马撒丁岛Cala Volpe雕塑般的别墅
2024年05月22日 14:13:52

一座雕塑般的别墅坐落在阿比亚多里(Abbiadori)海角,俯瞰着壮丽的卡拉沃尔普(Cala Volpe),是撒丁岛最美丽的景色之一。这座引人注目的作品由Fabio Mazzeo设计,以其富有远见的风格和连续性脱颖而出,强调了建筑和自然环境之间的联系。 这是一座具有裁缝般精度的建筑:在这里,设计以各种规模进行,直到细枝末节,塑造出独特的风格。 A sculptural villa lies on the promontory of Abbiadori, overlooking the magnificent Cala Volpe, in one of the most beautiful panoramas of Sardinia. This striking work, designed by Fabio Mazzeo, stands out for its visionary character, and for the way it weaves an interplay of continuous references to emphasize the links between the building and its natural setting. This is architecture with a tailor’s precision: here, design takes place on all scales, down to the tiniest detail, to shape a unique style.

一座雕塑般的别墅坐落在阿比亚多里(Abbiadori)海角,俯瞰着壮丽的卡拉沃尔普(Cala Volpe),是撒丁岛最美丽的景色之一。这座引人注目的作品由Fabio Mazzeo设计,以其富有远见的风格和连续性脱颖而出,强调了建筑和自然环境之间的联系。 这是一座具有裁缝般精度的建筑:在这里,设计以各种规模进行,直到细枝末节,塑造出独特的风格。

A sculptural villa lies on the promontory of Abbiadori, overlooking the magnificent Cala Volpe, in one of the most beautiful panoramas of Sardinia. This striking work, designed by Fabio Mazzeo, stands out for its visionary character, and for the way it weaves an interplay of continuous references to emphasize the links between the building and its natural setting. This is architecture with a tailor’s precision: here, design takes place on all scales, down to the tiniest detail, to shape a unique style.

艺术、设计和工艺交织在一种微妙的平衡中。一个和谐的项目在Exclusiva艺术总监Fabio Mazzeo的悉心指导下展开,如今已成为Fabio Mazzeo Architects的一部分。“我们的设计和建造方式深深植根于意大利对美的理想追求,这种理想从来都不是一成不变的,我们每次都将其转化为一种独特的风格,这种风格源于客户的需求。通过让跨职能的人才和技能,包括艺术家、工匠、装饰设计师、画家以及Fabio Mazzeo团队的所有创意和设计师,参与到整体和有机的建筑愿景中来实现这一目标。”Mazzeo称。
Art, design, and craftsmanship interweave in a delicate balance. A harmonious project unfolds under the attentive supervision of Fabio Mazzeo, Art Director of Exclusiva, today forming part of Fabio Mazzeo Architects. Mazzeo describes: “Our way of designing and building is deeply rooted in an ideal of Italian beauty that is never static, but rather is translated each time into a unique style that grows out of the customer’s desires. We achieve this goal by engaging cross-functional talent and skills, including artists, artisans, decorators, painters, and all the creatives and designers of the Fabio Mazzeo team, in a holistic and organic vision of architecture.”

The unifying theme of the design is travertine, which completely covers the villa and continues inside. A palette of fine marble that alternates between Navona travertine, walnut, sandblasted, bush hammered and polished finishes, bringing movement and light to the structure along with full-height windows that capture ever-changing views. The home’s fluid volumes appear to have been sculpted by the wind, following the contours of the land in a fascinating interaction with the natural setting. The 1,300-square- meter building unfolds over three levels, in a harmonious symbiosis with the 5,000 square meters of terraced garden and the panoramic infinity pool.

Conceived as a dynamic polyhedron, the villa evokes new emotions from every side. The west facade, visible from afar and much more symmetrical and regular than the others, offers the classic and imposing image of a fortress silhouetted against the horizon. Its starkness is softened by the presence of ancient olive trees and the organic development of the architecture. The south facade, almost completely transparent, opens to the view of the Pevero and the facing islands, while the large windows of the east facade act as a light filter between the interior and the garden.

位于北侧的正门十分吸引人们的目光。大理石模制框架及其不对称的表面纹理向门户汇聚,如同抛光和喷砂钢的纹理画一般展示了侧翼的全貌。室内设计从此处展开,充满了戏剧性的细节,如家庭影院房间周围的背景:手工抹灰的金箔和银叶装饰面板与Cala Volpe的天际线相呼应,为家庭室内增添了自然元素。漂白橡木镶板和反光的表面为二层提供了采光和魅力,二层被设计成一个巨大的开放空间,每个空间都无缝流入下一个空间,从入口到客厅和餐厅。会客区的酒窖,一个由橡木镶板打造的奇迹为来访者留下了深刻的印象。
To the north, the main entrance immediately catches the eye. The marble molded frame with its asymmetrical embrasure converges towards the portal which, like a textural painting in polished and sandblasted steel, evokes a panorama of sails. From here, the interiors unfold, rich in theatrical details like the backdrop that surrounds the home theater room: hand-plastered panels with gold and silver leaf decorations echo the skyline of Cala Volpe, part of the evocation of natural elements that characterize the home’s interior. Bleached oak paneling and reflective surfaces give light and charm to the entire second floor, designed as a vast open space where each individual space flows seamlessly into the next, from the entryway to the living and dining rooms. In the guest area, visitors are welcomed and impressed by the wine cellar: an oak-paneled marvel dedicated to wine tasting. 


别墅中的许多家具由Fabio Mazzeo的团队专门为该项目设计,并由最优秀的意大利工匠工打造。这些独特的作品与现代设计的珠宝齐名,例如客厅区的生活迪瓦尼座椅。灯光设计创造了引人注目的场景,包括Vistosi的豪华精致的枝形吊灯,Lolli和Memmoli的珠宝吊灯,Catellani&Smith的超现代壁灯以及Visionnaire的艺术壁灯。De Castelli的一对蜿蜒的金属花瓶在大堂营造出明暗对比效果,夜间区域优雅而珍贵的波拉达镜,Opera Contemporary的床头柜,椅子和抽屉柜与Twils的床,Rubelli的织物和Fendi Casa的扶手椅配对,每件装饰品都经过精心挑选。主卧室区包含两间水晶大理石浴室,配有SICIS的海洋色调马赛克装饰,以及Villeroy & Boch的典雅盥洗池。这些精致的作品也同样用于客房浴室中。
Throughout the villa, there are many furnishings designed specifically for this project by Fabio Mazzeo’s team, and realized by the finest Italian artisan craftsmen. These unique pieces are juxtaposed with jewels of contemporary design, such as the Living Divani seats in the living room area. The lighting design creates striking scenes, with sumptuous and delicate chandeliers by Vistosi, jewel chandeliers by Lolli and Memmoli, ultra-modern wall lights by Catellani & Smith, and artistic wall sconces by Visionnaire. Each object is chosen with extreme care, from the pair of sinuous metal vases by De Castelli, which create chiaroscuro effects in the lobby, to the elegant and precious Porada mirrors in the night area, where bedside tables, chairs, and chests of drawers by Opera Contemporary are paired with beds by Twils, fabrics by Rubelli, and armchairs by Fendi Casa. The master bedroom area includes two crystalline marble bathrooms with sea-toned mosaic decorations by SICIS, and elegant washbasins by Villeroy & Boch. These striking pieces also appear in the guest bathrooms, along with the evocative botanically-inspired mosaics, also by SICIS.

The surrounding landscape pervades the design, from the lounges to the guest and master bedrooms and the kitchen. The effect is almost overwhelming, offering ever-changing views where light and greenery become an integral part of the architecture. This intense dialogue with Nature reaches its climax in the relaxation areas of the garden and swimming pool, and in the terrace roof with its evocative floorboards that reach towards the Mediterranean.


Technical sheet
Location: Sardegna, Italy (Abbiadori - Arzachena)
External areas: 1.300 mq
Internal areas: 5.000 mq
Architectural and interior design project: Fabio Mazzeo (Fabio Mazzeo Architects Srl)
Principal: Exclusiva Design (Fit out contractor) 

