2023年08月28日 15:18:37

  ? I   mage: B1 Design (ren   der) VenhoevenCS 赢得位于阿姆斯特丹 Sluisbuurt 4a 地块的招标。 “绿色、生物多样性和充足的动植物空间”,这就是对我们在阿姆斯特丹设计的自然包容的公寓住宅的最佳描述。Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg 项目的特点是高度不同,拥有丰富的本土植物植被。绿色屋顶、露台和外墙的设计将受到极大的关注,这些设计有助于优化气候并刺激生物多样性。

  ? I   mage: B1 Design (ren   der)

VenhoevenCS 赢得位于阿姆斯特丹 Sluisbuurt 4a 地块的招标。
“绿色、生物多样性和充足的动植物空间”,这就是对我们在阿姆斯特丹设计的自然包容的公寓住宅的最佳描述。Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg 项目的特点是高度不同,拥有丰富的本土植物植被。绿色屋顶、露台和外墙的设计将受到极大的关注,这些设计有助于优化气候并刺激生物多样性。

Green, biodiverse with plenty of room for flora and fauna: that is what best describes our design for a nature-inclusive apartment complex in the Sluisbuurt on the Zeeburgereiland in Amsterdam. The Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg project is characterized by different heights and a wealth of vegetation from native plants. Much attention will be paid to the design of green roofs, terraces and facades that contribute to optimizing the climate and stimulate biodiversity.

? I mage: B1 Design (ren der)


Room for flora and fauna

该地块与社区的内陆水道接壤,并且靠近城市公园。Zo?p Zeeburg 将为所有五种生物提供庇护所:建筑物、树木、灌木丛、草地和水域。它赋予城市自然声音。Zo?p 是人类和非人类生命之间合作的组织模型的术语,它代表了所有生命( zo?是 希腊语中的“生命”)的利益。

The plot borders the inland waterway of the Sluisbuurt and is located near a public park. Giving a voice to nature in the city, Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg will provide shelter for all five fauna species: building, tree, shrubland, grassland and water bound. Zo?p is the term for an organizational model for cooperation between human and non-human life that represents the interests of all (it derives from “zo?”, the Greek word for “life”).

城市动物需要食物、安全和繁殖场所。植被和建筑物为许多不同类型的动物创造了条件。建筑的环境也决定了物种的多样性。但目前还不知道周围的建筑和公园会为城市自然带来什么。在它们进入开发阶段时协调这一点是个好主意,这样 Zoop 上的生命就可以变得更加生物多样化。

The urban animals need food, security, and a place to breed. The vegetation and the building create conditions for many different types of animals. The environment of the building also determines the diversity of species. But it is not yet known what the buildings around and the park will offer to urban nature. It is a good idea to coordinate this when they come into development, so that life on the Zoop can become more biodiverse.

Zoop 位于绿树成荫的大道和蝙蝠可以迁徙的水道上(食物和安全)。他们可以在 Zoop 中筑巢和庇护(繁殖和安全)。运河与 IJ 相连,因此水生生物可以在码头上发育。岸花园和岸墙后面的浅水区提供浅水区(繁殖和食物和安全)。由于粗糙的墙壁和河岸植被,有很多水生生物,例如昆虫(食物)。发生在不同的演替阶段。 昆虫可以在有遮蔽的地方产卵和产卵。

The Zoop is located on tree-lined avenues and the waterway along which the bats can migrate (food and safety). They can nest and shelter in the Zoop (reproduction and safety). The canal is connected to the IJ so that aquatic life can develop up to the quay. The shallow water on the bank garden and behind the quay wall offers shallow water (reproduction and food and safety). Due to a rough wall and the riparian vegetation there is a lot of aquatic life, which is food for, for example, roach (food). occur at different stages of succession. The roach can spawn and deposit its eggs in sheltered spots.


The warm bare walls are like rocks. A nature-inclusive building is not only planted, it is also the rock quality that contributes to biodiversity. The mason bee will deposit its eggs in the porous material and heat up on the sunny surfaces (reproduction). The bee forages on the flower meadow and the grasslands (food). The relief-rich surface makes it possible for the mason bee to hide quickly (safety).

  ? I   mage: B1 Design (ren   der)


Sustainable living

该公寓综合体的最大建筑面积为1万平方米。这个相对较小的待建区域上, 将为家庭、夫妻和单身人士建造82套大小不同的住宅。在这些房屋中,最小户型的面积为40平方米 。该公寓综合体的设计在可持续性方面得分非常高,部分原因是三层玻璃、热回收和太阳能电池板等可持续技术完美的融入了设计。

The apartment complex contains a maximum gross floor area of 10,000 m2. This relatively small building space will house 82 small and large homes for families, couples and singles, whether or not in a cooperative context. All houses have a minimum size of 40 m2. The design of the apartment complex scores well on sustainability, partly due to the triple glazing, the heat recovery and the solar panels integrated into the design.

? I mage: B1 Design (ren der)


Space for shops and business


The two-storey plinth with partly double height on the main street offers 1,500 m2 of space for shops and entrepreneurs. The long facade contributes to the attractiveness of the main and cross corner street. This meets the need for more shops in the Sluisbuurt.

? I   mage: B1 Design (ren   der)




The development is characterized by balance and contrast: urban fringes with public facilities along the main street; intimate green-blue ‘inner world’ on the inland water, near the public park. The construction, including materials for the quays, has been well thought out. This ranges from natural blocks with openings, ferns and herbs, to the high-quality green cantilever facade. The building is set at different heights, ranging from 12, 17, 20 to 40 meters, with six roof terraces with different functions for use by residents, nature and water.

? I mage: B1 Design (ren der)

“Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg凭借其自然包容的设计理念,成为了一个强大的项目,同时反映了我们对可持续发展的雄心。此次的竞赛结果,也为未来几年当地和城市其他地方的建设奠定了基调。”VenhoevenCS合伙人Jos-Willem van Oorschot如是说。

“In its nature-inclusive design, Proto-ZO?P Zeeburg is a robust project that reflects our high ambition for sustainability. As far as we are concerned, the result sets the tone for how the Sluisbuurt and the rest of the city should be built in the coming years,” says Jos-Willem van Oorschot, VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism.

项目业主:AM gebiedsontwikkeling
规划与建筑设计:VenhoevenCS 建筑与城市规划事务所
景观设计:DS Landschapsarchitecten
项目面积:10000 ㎡
效果图:B1 Design


