2023年08月16日 15:30:24

瑜伽和水疗中心是专为一个家庭设计的神圣空间,旨在弘扬身体、心理和精神修炼之间的相互作用。建筑的灵感来自于周围植物的流动和瑜伽的练习,以富有表现力的竹制拱形框架为特色,优雅地拥抱着迷人的景色。 The Yoga & Spa is a space designed for a family as their sacred space, celebrating the interplay between physical, mental and spiritual practices. Inspired by the fluid movements of the surrounding flora and the practice of yoga, the architecture features expressive bamboo arched frames that gracefully embrace the captivating views.


The Yoga & Spa is a space designed for a family as their sacred space, celebrating the interplay between physical, mental and spiritual practices. Inspired by the fluid movements of the surrounding flora and the practice of yoga, the architecture features expressive bamboo arched frames that gracefully embrace the captivating views.

这座两层建筑占地 196 平方米,首层呈圆环状,四周是抛光混凝土墙壁,装饰有拱形金属型材窗和竹子细节。在这个空间里,三个主要区域提供了不同的体验。中央多功能区用于按摩课程、舞蹈课程和艺术工作坊,让人放松身心,恢复活力,窗外的美景尽收眼底。旁边是陶艺区,这是一个开放式空间,专门用于创作和教学。

This two-story building occupies 196 m2, with a circle-shaped first floor surrounded by polished concrete walls, adorned with arched metal profile windows, and bamboo details. Within this space, three main zones offer distinct experiences. The central multifunctional area is used for massage sessions, dance classes, and art workshops, and invites relaxation and rejuvenation, with a window-framed view of the surroundings. Next to it, is the pottery area, an open space that offers a space dedicated to both creative work and teaching.


Completing the second floor, a semi-open, polished concrete bathroom with bamboo structure and stone details offers a harmonious blend of practicality and aesthetics, ensuring moments of tranquility and comfort.

优雅的螺旋竹梯连接二楼的瑜伽室。该区域采用露天概念,以醒目的竹拱门为特色,360 度全景尽收眼底,促进了与环境更深层次的联系,并培养了一种慈悲和感恩之心。瑜伽室被竹子的自然美景所包围。天花板由黑色和黄色的竹子组合而成,中间还有一个天窗。竹拱门环绕整个房间,地板由木匠用竹条手工精心打造而成。

An elegant spiral bamboo staircase connects to the second floor, where the Yoga Shala is located. Adopting an open-air concept, this area features striking bamboo arches that frame 360-degree panoramic views, fostering a deeper connection with the environment and nurturing a sense of compassion and appreciation. The Yoga Shala is enveloped by the natural beauty of bamboo. The ceiling stands out for its combination of black and yellow bamboo and a skylight in the center. Bamboo arches encircle the entire room, and the floor is meticulously handcrafted from bamboo strips by carpenters.


Here, the Yoga Shala becomes a sanctuary for inner exploration, where the practice of yoga harmonizes with the elements of nature. Amidst the breathtaking views of rice paddies and the lush nature of Ubud, Bali. Visitors are invited to cultivate mindfulness and balance, embracing the beauty of the natural surroundings.









建筑师:Pablo Luna Studio
面积:196 m2

摄影:Valentina Gebrie, Tommaso Riva


