2023年07月07日 15:07:28

《Multitude Of Sins》推出了BigTop,这是一家从农场到餐桌的餐馆,诞生于怀旧和旅行的酝酿之中,并被命名为马戏团食堂。马戏团被视为一场大张旗鼓的活动,演员们在其中表演了一场远离世俗的奇观。 Multitude Of Sins presents BigTop, a farm-to-table eatery born from the brewing cauldron of nostalgia and travel, and christened as The Circus Canteen. The circus is seen as an event of fanfare, wherein troop members put together a spectacle far removed from the clutches of the mundane.

《Multitude Of Sins》推出了BigTop,这是一家从农场到餐桌的餐馆,诞生于怀旧和旅行的酝酿之中,并被命名为马戏团食堂。马戏团被视为一场大张旗鼓的活动,演员们在其中表演了一场远离世俗的奇观。
Multitude Of Sins presents BigTop, a farm-to-table eatery born from the brewing cauldron of nostalgia and travel, and christened as The Circus Canteen. The circus is seen as an event of fanfare, wherein troop members put together a spectacle far removed from the clutches of the mundane.


BigTop 的构思是在非传统的指导下完成的。从表面处理、定制照明、艺术装置到家具,每一个元素都是在全市范围的废物捐赠活动中精心策划的;来自废品市场和垃圾场的宝藏,其中不到10%的材料是新鲜采购的。
BigTop has been conceived with unconventionality helming the process. Each element, from surface finishes, custom lighting, and art installations, to furniture, has been curated from a city-wide waste donation drive; treasures wrought from salvage markets and dumping yards with less than 10% of the material being freshly sourced.


Graced by the artistic community of Bangalore Creative Circus, this venue is emblematic of unshackled creative expression that manifests as hues, textures, and bespoke upcycled installations. Each table encapsulates a transportive experience, ensuring that the waste dons a reimagined sculptural presence entwined with utility.


The series of arches at the entrance is composed of scrap metal bathed in a lively teal hue. The passageway axis is dotted with grunge chandeliers consisting of bike chains and metal filings, flanked by upcycled vehicle headlights that pose as luminaires. The overarching flooring is an ensemble of discarded display samples pieced together in a Tetris-inspired fashion. A patchwork collage of discarded wallpaper swatches creates a riveting backdrop to the food counter, imbuing it with an interplay of colour and pattern. The focal collage wall is a mishmash of e-waste, sanitary fixtures, and discarded furniture that resembles a whimsically imagined jigsaw of waste.


Project BigTop is the beacon of a pressing environmental message, yet it garbs itself in an artistic mien, while revealing its identity to its end-users. It is a space for misfits, where oddities belong serendipitously!


官方项目名称:Big Top
设计公司:Multitude Of Sins
首席设计师:Smita Thomas
2023年07月08日 09:44:59



