2023年04月28日 09:44:01

作为圣保罗最有名的街道之一,Oscar Freire是时尚、风格和美好生活的代名词。它全长2.6公里,从Sumaré到Jardins,翻译不同的建筑语言和使用可能性。自3月以来,Oscar Freire街的最高点,从那里你可以看到城市最惊人的景色,已经成为Oscar by You , Inc 的所在地,这是一个由Perkins&Will圣保罗设计的综合发展项目。Perkins&Will圣保罗工作室的首席设计Douglas Tolaine说:"这个项目对我们来说是一个很好的机会,可以呈现出超越市场预期的东西"。"就像在时尚界一样,我们采取了质疑显而易见的姿态,并以独特和特殊的方式提出了新的东西。他补充说:"调整程序是很有挑战性的,这样我们就可以在一个精致的可塑性中创造垂直和操作流"。

作为圣保罗最有名的街道之一,Oscar Freire是时尚、风格和美好生活的代名词。它全长2.6公里,从Sumaré到Jardins,翻译不同的建筑语言和使用可能性。自3月以来,Oscar Freire街的最高点,从那里你可以看到城市最惊人的景色,已经成为Oscar by You , Inc 的所在地,这是一个由Perkins&Will圣保罗设计的综合发展项目。Perkins&Will圣保罗工作室的首席设计Douglas Tolaine说:"这个项目对我们来说是一个很好的机会,可以呈现出超越市场预期的东西"。"就像在时尚界一样,我们采取了质疑显而易见的姿态,并以独特和特殊的方式提出了新的东西。他补充说:"调整程序是很有挑战性的,这样我们就可以在一个精致的可塑性中创造垂直和操作流"。

One of the most celebrated streets in S?o Paulo, Oscar Freire is a synonym of fashion, style and well living. Its 2,6 km goes from Sumaré to Jardins, translating different achitectoric languages and use possibilities. Since March, the highest point on Oscar Freire street, from where you have one of the most astonishing views of the city, has been home to Oscar by You, Inc, a mixed-use development designed by Perkins&Will S?o Paulo. “The project was a great opportunity for us to present something that outstands the market expectations", says Douglas Tolaine, Principal Design at Perkins&Will's S?o Paulo studio. "As in fashion, we assumed a posture of questioning the obvious and proposing the new in a unique and particular way. It was challenging to adapt the program so we could create vertical and operational flows in a refined plasticity", he adds.

该建筑距   离Sumaré地铁站仅260米,利用2700平方米的地块来衔接不同的体量组成,从而组织了现有的四种住宅类型。Perkins&Will圣保罗的高级项目建筑师Fabio Pittas说:"这些体量有时通过高度尺度连接起来,有时通过慷慨的开口、形状和材料与城市景观连接起来",他是该项目负责人之一。

Located just 260 meters away from the Sumaré Metro station, the building makes use of a 2,700 m2 plot of land to articulate a composition of different volumes, thus organizing the four existing residential typologies. "The volumes are connected sometimes by height gauges, sometimes by the generous openings, shapes and materialities with the urban landscape", says Fabio Pittas, Senior Project Architect at Perkins&Will S?o Paulo and one of those responsible for the project.

Oscar by You , Inc 的设计表明了对现代主义元素的重新诠释,如有机形状和pilotis,与现代和功能性的空间愿景相对立。两个最长的外墙获得了圆形的切口,创造了圆形的窗户,从50年代拯救了这一参照物,并通过有组织的成排复制将其引入当代世界。Tolaine分析说:"公寓里巨大的圆形窗户突出了建筑,同时给居民提供了一个不同的视角来欣赏风景"。

Oscar by You, Inc's design suggests a reinterpretation of modernist elements, such as organic shapes and pilotis, opposed to a contemporary and functional vision of spaces. The two longest facades gained circular cutouts, creating round windows that rescue this reference from the 1950s and bring it into the contemporary world by being replicated in organized rows. "Giant circular windows in the apartments highlight the building while giving residents a different perspective of the view", analyzes Tolaine.


The same references occur with the stilts, used here to create an intermediate leisure area that joins two others, one located on the ground floor and the other on the rooftop, 80 meters high, where the infinity pool and the skylounge are placed. This striking vertical spacing between volumes creates a transition between the different identities, upper and lower, and typologies of the development.


Oscar by You , Inc 有单间和有1、2或3个卧室的公寓,包括那些有3.70米双高的公寓。在底层,设计了四个与街道融为一体的商业单位,将活动立面的概念付诸实践,在这种情况下,获得了一个开放广场的补充。"负责该项目的团队的建筑师André Botto解释说:"利用活动立面和人行道上的宽敞空间等装置,我们在空间中创造了一种宽敞和轻盈的感觉,即使对于那些只经过该地址的人来说。"这种轻盈感也可以在设计中看到:对于一个优雅的建筑,框住该地区的景色,我们使用不同的纹理、语言和体积作为解决方案,重视它"。景观设计由Rodrigo Oliveira负责,而公共区域的内部装修由Jo?o Armentano负责。该项目是由Construcompany公司建造的。

Oscar by You, Inc has studios and apartments with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, including those with a double height of 3.70 meters. On the ground floor, four commercial units integrated into the street were designed, putting into practice the concept of an active fa?ade which, in this case, gains the complement of an open square. "Using devices such as the active fa?ade and a generous space on the sidewalk, we create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness in the space, even for those who only pass by the address", explains André Botto, architect of the team responsible for the project. "This lightness can also be seen in the design: for an elegant construction that frames the view of the region, we used different textures, languages and volumes as a solution, valuing it". The landscaping is by Rodrigo Oliveira, while the interiors of common areas are by Jo?o Armentano. The project was built by Construcompany.


"Oscar Freire"现在是巴西最昂贵的街道,也是世界上第八个最豪华的街道。在这个意义上,Oscar by You, Inc.寻求与这个鼓舞人心的背景相联系。我们把所有的生活方式、时尚和建筑结合起来,在圣保罗大都市的这个目的地。该项目旨在以一种非创新的方式将不同的用途、规模和需求结合起来,建立一个巨大的多样性,产生塔楼的美学",道格拉斯-托莱恩总结道。

“Oscar Freire is now the most expensive street in Brazil and the eighth most luxurious in the world. In this sense, the Oscar by You, Inc. sought connection with this inspiring context. We united all the lifestyle, fashion and architecture of this destination in the S?o Paulo metropolis. The development aims to bring together different uses, sizes and needs in an unnovative way, building a great diversity that generates the aesthetics of the tower", summarizes Douglas Tolaine.

涂料外墙使用的涂料在该项目中脱颖而出,揭示了建筑师和供应商之间的合作网络,从而实现了出色的完成,例如使用不同的Eliane线条。"以一种优雅的方式,该建筑与城市创造了几个视觉对话。因此,我们在外墙上应用了一些纹理--通过Eliane Tec的产品,我们实现了一个独特、醒目和优雅的建筑,对城市的天际线产生了积极的影响",Tolaine说。

CoatingsThe coatings used on the fa?ades stand out in the development, revealing a network of partnerships between architects and suppliers that resulted in an excellent finish, such as the use of different Eliane lines. "In an elegant way, the building created several visual dialogues with the city. So, we applied some textures to the facade – and with Eliane Tec's products we achieved a unique, striking and elegant building by positively impacting the city's skyline", says Tolaine.

对于法比奥-皮塔斯来说,覆盖物相当于一件设计服。"Oscar by You , Inc 的外墙以灰色的变化为特色,突出了建筑的永恒美学,作为一种纹理,是它穿的衣服。有一项研究工作,以优化碎片尺寸的切割,由Eliane的技术瓷片组成。最后,为了更好地使用,我们把砖块垂直地两两铺开,以便按照我们的计划给人以拉长的感觉",他说。皮塔斯补充说:"表面处理的质量是显著的,当涉及到技术瓷片时更是如此,其生产量来自于板材表面处理的相同色调"。

For Fabio Pittas, coverings are the equivalent of a design suit. “The facade of Oscar by You, Inc features variations of gray, highlighting the building's timeless aesthetic as a texture, a garment it wears. There was a work of studies to optimize the cuts in the sizes of the pieces, composed of technical porcelain tiles by Eliane. In the end, for better use, we lay out the pieces vertically two by two to give the elongated sensation just as we planned", he says. "The quality of the finish is remarkable, even more so when it comes to technical porcelain tiles, where the production mass is from the same tonality of the plate's finish", adds Pittas.

据André Botto说,"在城市中最有价值的地址之一实现一个具有不同需求和项目的建筑,带来了挑战和机遇,要求技术解决方案能够有效地翻译预期的设计语言",他指出。

According to André Botto, "materializing a building with diverse needs and programs in one of the most valued addresses in the city poses challenges and opportunities, demanding technical solutions that allow translating the intended design language efficiently", he points out.

圆形框架团队细致工作的一个表现是在通风外墙系统旁边应用了圆形框架,保证了房间的封闭性和最终完成的卓越性。为此,选择的解决方案是Biancogres公司的木质涂料Muira Caramello,其灵感来自Muiracatiara木材,具有谨慎的脉络,将天然材料的温暖氛围与瓷器瓷砖的耐性结合起来。根据法比奥-皮塔斯的说法,通风的外墙允许重要的热增益和在整个建筑寿命中减少维护。

Round FramesAn expression of the meticulous work of the team was the application of round frames next to the ventilated fa?ade system, guaranteeing the closure of the chamber and excellence in the final finish. For this, the solution chosen was the woody coating Muira Caramello, by Biancogres, inspired by Muiracatiara wood, with discreet veins that combine the warm atmosphere of the natural material with the resistance of porcelain tiles. According to Fabio Pittas, the ventilated facades allowed important thermal gains and less maintenance throughout the life of the building.

在巴西找到能够执行圆形型材(或建筑语言中的比例型材)的品牌是另一个挑战,因为该产品在国外使用较多。因此,Perkins&Will团队得到了供应商Tech Alumi的帮助,接受了用国家铝型材生产框架的挑战。该公司生产了该项目框架的原型,并在建筑团队开发的概念得到批准后,将其提交给装修、声学性能和密封性测试等。

Finding brands in Brazil capable of executing rounded profiles (or scaled profiles, in architectural language) was another challenge, since the product is more used abroad. Thus, the Perkins&Will team had the help of the supplier Tech Alumi, taking on the challenge of producing the frame with national aluminum profiles. The company produced the prototype of the project's frame and submitted it to fitting, acoustic performance and tightness tests, among others, under approval of the concept developed by the architecture team.


The watertight aspect, which is the ability of the frame to prevent the water intake, demanded the pieces to be executed with a double opening. To meet handling and ventilation standards, it was necessary to install an electronic trigger for opening the upper part of the frame, while the lower part, being smaller, can have a tilting system.














面积:17715 m2
摄影:Pedro Mascaro

2023年04月28日 13:52:11

作为圣保罗最有名的街道之一,Oscar Freire是时尚、风格和美好生活的代名词。它全长2.6公里,从Sumaré到Jardins,翻译不同的建筑语言和使用可能性。自3月以来,Oscar Freire街的最高点,从那里你可以看到城市最惊人的景色,已经成为Oscar by You , Inc 的所在地,这是一个由Perkins&Will圣保罗设计的综合发展项目。Perkins&Will圣保罗工作室的首席设计Douglas Tolaine说:"这个项目对我们来说是一个很好的机会,可以呈现出超越市场预期的东西"。"就像在时尚界一样,我们采取了质疑显而易见的姿态,并以独特和特殊的方式提出了新的东西。他补充说:"调整程序是很有挑战性的,这样我们就可以在一个精致的可塑性中创造垂直和操作流"。

2023年05月08日 15:15:52



