白夜·花神诗空间 老社区里的新成员 “有时候,我觉得我的世界,才六十平方米,太小了。有时候,我觉得以白夜为坐标,我的世界大得无边无际。”

* 01
Origin: Old Friends & Old Story


造一处空间,不仅是肉身的庇护,也是精神和人文的庇护。对于成都文艺界来说,诗人 翟永明 创立于上世纪90年代的白夜,正是这样一处属于诗歌和艺术的庇护所。
Creating a space is not only a physical shelter, but also a spiritual and humanistic shelter. For the Chengdu literary community, WHITE NIGHT, founded by Zhai Yongming in the 1990s, is just such a shelter for poetry and art.
其代表作品有《女人》、《在一切玫瑰之上》、《纽约,纽约以西》等诗歌、散文集10多部。2005年入选“中国魅力50人”,2010年入选“中国十佳女诗人”。2007年获“中坤国际诗歌奖·A奖”;2011年获意大利Ceppo Pistoia国际文学奖,该奖评委会主席称翟永明为“当今国际最伟大的诗人之一”。
白夜诞生之后的二十多年里,从玉林西路到宽窄巷子,如今兜兜转转,终于重回玉林,开了第三家新门店: 白夜·花神诗空间。
A cultural salon with more than 20 years of time, witnessing the city's young artists in their prime. Poets, writers, photographers, directors and musicians gather here, where their hearts and minds converge and talk about their ideals in life. Artists such as Zhou Chunya, He Duoling, Zhang Xiaogang and Liu Jiakun were all regulars at White Night before they became famous.
In the era of Chengdu's literary and artistic boom, with White Night as the starting point, the world has been vast since then, and art and community have grown together here.
Poetry, flowing in the air of White Night, is like finding a place to settle down in the steel forest, giving an outlet to the emotions hidden deep inside.
In the twenty years since its birth, White Night returned to Yulin with its third new store.

白夜应该以怎样的姿态重回玉林老社区,是设计团队 a9a建筑设计事务所 从接手项目就开始不断思考的问题。建筑落成则不可逆转,对于周边人的生活必然产生影响与改变。 白夜·花神诗空间既要保留白夜作为城市“文化记忆”的独立属性和特点,又要和社区环境取得高度的有机融合。
The store site was chosen on Fang Hua Street, a small two-story office building surrounded by old residential buildings from the 1970s, which became the protagonist of this return renovation.
Once functioning as a community police station, the first floor space accommodated the cultural activities of nearby residents, with a brick and mortar structure with a dilapidated facade, lack of care for the greenery of the site, and overgrown weeds.
What kind of attitude should White Night take to return to the Yulin community is a question that the design team, a9a rchitects, has been constantly thinking about since they took over the project. The White Night was to retain the independent attributes and characteristics of White Night as a "cultural memory" of the city, but also to achieve a high degree of organic integration with the community environment.

▲鸟瞰图/摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
阅览室、小型剧场和展厅、共享空间、气质独特的咖啡和酒吧、这些复合属性的需求是白夜创始人 翟永明 给出的设计任务书,绝大部分功能添加都是出于活化老社区、艺术进入社区的公益性思考。
而艺术指导 何多苓 老师,从一开始就与a9a团队一拍即合: 白夜新的空间绝不是这个社区环境主人,而是这个环境的外来者。主动放低姿态,放低自身的各种要求,以求最大程度的与社区共生。
Reading rooms, small theaters and showrooms, shared spaces, coffee and bars, and the need for these composite attributes were the design mission statement given by Zhai Yongming.
Artistic director, He Duoling, agreed with a9a rchitecture: White Night's new space is never the master of this community environment, but an outsider of this environment. We take the initiative to lower our posture and requirements in order to maximize the symbiosis with the community.
* 02
Return: Community Integratio
考虑到公益前提和设计原则,主体建筑L形小楼的原有砖混结构得以保留。主楼外侧添加挑高的 玻璃长廊、酒吧角和新艺术空间。
In consideration of the public benefit premise and design principles, the original brick structure of the main building's small L-shaped building was retained. A high glass gallery, bar corner and new art space were added to the exterior of the main building.

主楼 一层 封闭的办公空间被打通,与转角处的酒吧角互相咬合,共同变身为崭新的咖啡馆和酒吧。
二层 走廊放置倾斜的黑盒子,作为餐吧的入口引导,增添几分趣味。另一侧是书吧,诗集与诗歌刊物铺了满柜,在黑白两色中,与爱诗的朋友度过一个美好的下午。
The closed office space on the first floor was opened up and transformed into a brand new cafe and bar.
The black boxes are placed in the corridor on the second floor as the entrance guide for the dining bar, and a book bar on the other side.

摄影:邹邹 ?一筑一事

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
A new bar corner was added at the corner with large open windows. The cluttered site greenery was regrouped and new architectural spaces for exhibitions, salons, and lectures were added.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
为了保留场地内原有的几棵大树,从树的分布轨迹出发,建筑体块被切割成为三个部分:用于展览活动的 艺空间 、迷你版诗歌美术馆 诗空间 、新的 社区象棋空间 。
In order to preserve the original trees on the site, the building block was cut into three parts from the distribution trajectory of the trees.
The retention of the trees not only continues the original spatial memory of the residents, but as a new miniature public space, it will also create more new fond memories of the community.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑

摄影:邹邹 ?一筑一事
作为展览与活动的艺空间,舍弃了高挑开阔的初版设计方案,从两层高的设计降低为一层,甚至再次把室内空间下沉 60cm ,以保证隔壁二层居民的采光不受干扰。
As an art space for exhibitions and events, the initial design was abandoned and lowered from two stories to one, and then the interior space was sunk 60cm to ensure undisturbed light for the residents on the second floor next door.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
An open space next to White Night where the community chess team played chess for ten years. We added a small triangular-shaped promenade to continue this community memory.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑

摄影:邹邹 ?一筑一事
玻璃长廊 成为室内与室外的过渡,挑高设计让空间更有呼吸感,也让一楼有机会享受到成都盆地的珍贵阳光。连廊上下产生有趣的动线和对视,大型的艺术装置在此处也不会觉得拘束。
The glass gallery serves as a transition between the interior and exterior, and also allows sunlight on the first floor. Large-scale art works can be placed here.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
简单干净的体块,白色建筑中穿插的黑色盒子,成为独属于白夜的意向。 纯净的室内空间用黑色木板装饰,黑盒子里盛放了艺术装置。主楼像一个锁住光的玻璃盒子,用开放的姿态融入社区。
Simple and clean body blocks with black boxes interspersed in white architecture. The pure interior spaces are decorated with black wood panels and black boxes hold artworks. The main building is like a glass box that locks the light.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
The small window on the second floor of the building facing the nearby residential building is completely closed with a solid wall, with only small windows on the side, and is designed with a sash window to avoid sound and sight disturbanc
视频制作:? a9a建筑设计事务所
The night is the highlight of the white night, sitting at the bar corner, raising a glass of wine to write poetry in a world of wine, building another utopia within a utopia.
* 03
Growth: New Members in Yulin

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
Old people, children, artists, young people, tourists, all kinds of people are drawn into White Nights and become new members growing together with the old community.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
With salons, painting posters, art installations, exhibitions, and a small courtyard in between, fresh art events converge to keep White Night bursting with new content and ideas at all times.

摄影:苏哲维 ?存在建筑
在这个漫长的过程中,白夜的生命被重新定义。白夜像一颗种子,从落成的那天起,这颗种子就开始它真正意义上的生命的过程,使用者在这里产生丰富的行为和活动,如养分般滋润着白夜的生长,把日常升华为诗意。 当白夜·花神诗空间成为社区记忆的博物馆,空间会将由此产生的情感记忆代代相传,才是这里最动人的风景。
The life of White Night is redefined, it is like a seed where users generate rich behaviors and activities to help White Night grow. As the White Night becomes a museum of community memories, the emotional memories generated here are passed down from generation to generation.
* 在建筑之外
Beyond Architecture
为了尊重社区氛围,保护原住民的生活习惯,也为了白夜设计落地效果的一致性,我们决定: 免费为社区象棋队设计一个新柜子。也许设计的温度,不止建筑。
During the design process of White Night, we observed that the cabinet used by the community chess team near White Night was already broken.
In order to respect the community atmosphere and protect the living habits of the residents, we decided: to design a new cabinet for the community chess team for free.
* 技术图纸
Architectural Drawings

设计时间/DESIGN TIME:2021.1
主持合伙人/CHIEF DESIGNER:李岳九,余明旻
设计团队/DESIGN TEAM:王潇,田苏,王鑫蕊
导视系统设计/SIGNAGE DESIGN:a9a建筑设计事务所
照明设计/ILLUMINATION DESIGN:成都阿特露祺照明设计有限公司