2022年11月10日 13:14:23

  吴佳娟 生活美学践行者 成都十格设计创始人、设计总监 中国建筑装饰学会室内设计分会(CIID)成都木兰会会员 2018-2019年40UNDER40中国设计杰出青年 2019-2020年40UNDER40中国设计杰出青年

















尤维纳利斯早在古罗马时期就曾说过: “大自然和智慧在任何事物上都不存在分歧。”



As early as in the ancient Roman period, Juvenarius said, "Nature and wisdom have no differences on anything."

The harmonious coexistence of man and nature is not only the expression of wisdom in nature, but also the integration with it

So is the application of design in natural aesthetics



Chuang Tzu said, "I hide in the forest.". In this design incorporating the idea of "Xiaoyin", plain and elegant white has become the main color. Whether it is the mountains and waters on the cloud or the fireworks under the cloud, they all exude the natural aura in this indifferent area




           Project Description



Pengzhou Giant Panda National Park is composed of Sichuan Baishuihe National Nature Reserve and some areas of Pengzhou National Forest Farm. This area is also a key corridor hub for gene exchange of giant panda populations in Qionglai Mountain and Minshan Mountain.

In this project, theSIGO Design will build a soft decoration creativity for the reception hall at the entrance of Pengzhou Giant Panda National Park, and begin to draw a beautiful idea of harmony and sharing based on the deep understanding of nature



The green plants are displayed in front of the glass brick background wall, which gives a fresh view in a quiet and indifferent place. Streamlined furniture and artistic floor interweave the meaning of dynamic and static combination, so that every visitor can feel the beauty of harmony without modification. The natural intention and design on which all things depend for survival are integrated into one. Walking around the traces of life, it is like being in a portrait frozen by time



In traditional Chinese painting, the expression of intention is more important than the real scene. Turning the tangible into intangible is a dialogue between aesthetics and spirit. In this design, the use of light, shadow and lines vividly explains the beauty of "freehand brushwork". Curved ceiling touches the heart of visitors with a soft attitude full of artistic atmosphere. The circulation and changes of light and shadow add a hazy elegance to this simple and elegant space, bringing elegant artistic atmosphere to the whole space


以终为始  循环无界

         Take the end as the beginning,  

and the cycle is unbounded



The ecological texture display wall shows the natural elements of Jianjiang landform through rock strata, gravels, stone chips and other materials. The fine and qualitative texture connects to a vast undulating mountain range. You can even see the vivid imitation of giant panda hair under close observation. The vivid and vivid details match the theme, which is a romantic idea in space design



The designer skillfully combines the panda habitat with modern art, and brings people into the freehand world in the national style with the mysterious bamboo forest like a mirror. The white "bamboo forest" grows from the ground to the dome, and the metal tube art installation reproduces the growth form of bamboo. These "bamboos" take root and sprout like fresh life, running through the past and the future, and also represent the ideal of the modern situation


沿廊环窗  轻盈自在

    Light and comfortable  along the corridor window





As a park with the theme of panda, the harmony with the concept of nature and ecology in the design has become the focus of the soul. The water shaped suspended ceiling simulates the flow of Jianjiang River valley. The intention of dark mountains and waters runs through the silence, and a variety of water system elements echo each other, vividly restoring the vast valley of the entire Pengzhou ecological region



The design concept of "Crouching Cloud" integrates the inner yearning of returning to nature, nature and tradition, and takes the bamboo forest where pandas live as the design element to jointly create a natural, open and flexible experience place and a mysterious artistic conception of "hermit exploration"


雲煙清卷   一步一景

     The clouds and smoke are clear, one step at a time






The whole reception hall has built a harmony between nature and humanity in the midst of simplification, empathy with mountains and waters, dialogue with nature, connecting humanity with geographical features, and collision between freehand brushwork and Chinese philosophy


光影共情 诗意自然

       Light and shadow empathy, poetic nature



The tolerance of "You have me, I have you" means to go back and forth in a circle, but also to keep growing. Only designers who really yearn for nature and immerse themselves in nature can integrate the expression of emotion and space and build a natural image that is endless in poetry




# 项目信息 #

软装设计 / 十格设计

设计总监  / 吴佳娟

主案设计 / 舒苗

建筑设计 / 小隐设计 

项目名称  / 彭州卧云台

项目面积  /2210㎡


