2022年09月29日 10:51:38

上海·道生天合上海临港总部园区 DUTS杜兹设计 DUTS杜兹设计于2019年接受道生天合材料科技的委托,为其打造位于上海临港的总部办公园区,经过为期三年的建筑,室内,景观一体化打造与建设,园区已于近期(2022年)竣工投入使用。 全新的道生天合上海临港总部包含人性化办公空间,全新的现代化工厂,配备世界先进设备的研发中心和先进生产线,DUTS杜兹设计也创新性的在工业建筑与办公空间中融入了更多文化体验,创造出具有“博物馆体验”的复合型总部办公园区。




DUTS Design was commissioned by Techstorm in 2019 to build a headquarter industrial park in Lingang, Shanghai. DUTS team provides design total solution with planning architecture, interiors and landscape for Techstorm. Three years later, the headquarters industrial park has completed construction and put into use in 2022. The brand-new Techstorm Headquarter Park includes humanized office space, a brand-new modern factory, a R&D center equipped with world-class equipment and advanced production lines. DUTS team also innovatively integrates more public cultural space experiences into industrial buildings and offices, creating the complex headquarters office park with a "museum experience".

▲园区鸟瞰 ? 吴清山
▲项目区位分析 & 总平图 ? DUTS Design




▲建筑形态体块推演 ? DUTS Design
▲建筑外观 ? 吴清山
▲园区入口,悬挑的建筑造型如同海上的战舰 ? 吴清山


项目占地面积32613平方米, 建筑总面积25802平方米。DUTS杜兹设计希望为道生天合打造的不仅是一个工业园区,而是一座节能环保、可持续生产的绿色家园,一座将智能化办公、数字化生产、先进实验室完美结合的智慧园区,一座在具有设计前瞻性,功能迭代性的现代化复合型总部园区。

World-class ultra-modern complex headquarter park“The office environment and architectural style of a company are as important as its logo and VI.They can fully display the corporate image and personality, while becoming an inseparable part of corporate culture. ”Techstorm, headquartered in Shanghai, is specialized in manufacturing and development of advanced chemical products related to: Wind Energy, Composite, Automotive, Electricity, Photovoltaic.Techstorm has over 20 years of experience with manufacturing and developing Epoxy, Polyurethanes, Silicone and Acrylic products. Techstorm new headquarter park is located in Lingang New Area of Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone, with Yangshan International Hub Port in the east and Pudong International Airport in the north.It is located at an important node of Shanghai's coastal channel, with obvious location advantages. The project covers an area of 32,613 square meters, with a total construction area of 25,802 square meters. DUTS design hopes to create not only an industrial park, but also a green home with energy saving, environmental protection and sustainable production, a smart industrial park combines intelligent office, digital production and advanced laboratories, a modern compound headquarter park with cutting-edge design and iterative functions.

▲大尺度悬挑的工业感与具有人文体验的“灰空间”通过建筑造型有机结合 ? 吴清山
▲入口处浮于水面的丁字形步道 ? 吴清山

结构功能化的建筑设计,   在工业建筑中加入文化体验


▲在工业建筑中加入更多   公共文化建筑的体验? 吴清山
▲营造出“灰空间”般的放松与舒适感 ? 吴清山
▲夜景 ? 吴清山


With functional structure, DUTS added cultural experience to industrial buildingsThe layout and planning of the entire headquarter park integrates various functions such as production, office, R&D, leisure, and display. The user-friendly office environment and functional layout can fully meet the needs of enterprises and employees. Some areas have the potential for re-planning and functional iteration, which can be adjusted according to the future development of the enterprise. "We hope to add more experience of public cultural space to industrial buildings and office spaces. Daosheng Tianhe is a very socially responsible and humanistic enterprise, and they hope to create an open and ecological environment for employees, which is conducive to communication and innovation. Therefore, we integrated the design technique of "gray space" in public cultural buildings in the industrial park, and injected a "museum-like experience" into the industrial building by functionalizing the structure.”Mentioned by Ling Zhong, founder and chief architect of DUTS design.

▲结构功能化的设计将建筑形态与室内功能结合    ? DUTS Design
▲办公总部大楼室内功能分区 ? DUTS Design
▲总部前台空间 ? 吴清山



The mirror pool with an area of 2,000 square meters is slowly unfolded under the 40-meter super-scale cantilevered building, and only a T-shaped walkway is left floating on the water surface. The level is like a mirror, and sunlight is cast from above the central entrance area, leading guests to the central entrance, bringing more relaxation and comfort of the "gray space”of the cultural space to the people in it. The flexibility of water brings out the strength and charm of the building. Combined with the layout of the internal garden of the building, DUTS designe expects to bring more convenience to the communication and interaction of employees, and to create a modern industrial park with harmonious integration of architecture and environment.

▲开放的共享办公区域,通过错层空间形成不同高度上的“盒子”空间,可满足不同人数的会议及接待需求 ? 吴清山
▲开放,生态,利于交流与创新的办公氛围    ? 吴清山

建筑、室内、景观一体化的设计策略,   创造独特的空间体验


▲“在自然中工作” ? 吴清山



DUTS provided design total solutions integrating architecture, interior and landscape to create a unique space experienceWith the development of industrialization to digitization, more new factories are no longer just single production sites, but complex multi-format sites that integrate contemporary design aesthetics and modern lifestyle. The corporate headquarter office building can adapt to the constant changes. It is also a platform to display the owner's image, products and services. It is a space for employees to work, live and socialize, conveying the company's values and sense of responsibility. DUTS Design adopts the design strategy of integrating architecture and interior of the headquarter park, so as to effectively combine the architecture features together with interior layout, creating a unique space experience. DUTS design used the height difference formed by the cantilevered architectural shape in the interior to create large scale of shared space while a staircase lecture hall for Techstorm office. Combined with the orderly arrangement of the interior layout, a more open, diverse, complex and shared headquarter office experience is created for staff.

▲园区1号楼(总部办公大楼)花园鸟瞰 ? 吴清山
▲四时风景成为空间中的最美好的点缀 ? 吴清山



Using the light naturally introduced by the building, DUTS design hopes to bring an ecological and garden-like office atmosphere to the employees. The main interior decoration is gray with an industrial sense, which echoes the simple space atmosphere, and is also in line with Techstorm's corporate philosophy of "Extracting simple and stable solutions from complex natural laws". In the connecting space between the first floor and the second floor, DUTS design creates a warm space atmosphere with rustic wood color, presenting a natural sense with quality and a humanistic work experience for employees.

▲花园 ? 吴清山


▲颇具工业感的空间与温暖的木色形成对话与呼应 ? 吴清山



DUTS design wanted to create a feeling of "working in nature" for employees. The 360o garden view is made possible by the two-story fully transparent inner courtyard glass curtain wall, which creates a comfortable microclimate through cross ventilation and natural lighting. The design language of the office space is modern and concise, and the vibrant atrium landscape becomes the strongest highlight. Whether when you are stepping into the garden from the first floor to take a rest and feel the nature, or overlooking from the second floor, a garden that changes with the seasons and is full of vitality penetrates into different spaces of the building, allowing users to enjoy the landscape while also become parts of it. The garden inside the building created based on the architectural form brings more possibilities for interaction between people and nature. Designers use large mirrors to form natural viewfinders in the interior space to bring in natural light and the changes of the seasons. The other side of the space is wrapped and spread with rustic wood color, forming an echo and dialogue with the natural landscape. The overall space design does not use complicated decoration, but returns to the simplicity as nature, which is also in line with the owner's corporate vision of environmental protection and sustainable development.

▲利用空间形态创造出一体化下沉式的会客空间    ? 吴清山

精细化工程管理,   把握项目中的点滴细节



Sophisticated project management to ensure detail management in the projectDUTS design also provided the owner with fine engineering management services to ensure detailed management during the project advancement process. We believe that a good work is completed in the joint breeding of the owner and the designer. The experience of architecture comes from a whole, from structural skeleton to spatial details, from the satisfaction of rational needs to the triggering of perceptual atmosphere, it is necessary to control every detail from structure, space, layout, materials to lighting, in order to achieve a connection with users. The brand new Techstorm headquarters park integrates innovative architectural forms and spatial layouts, creating a rich experience of industrial integration with public culture, world-class R&D laboratories combined with sustainable and efficient environmentally friendly production lines, we believe it It will become a beautiful landscape in the domestic and even global high-tech materials industry.

▲园区已于2022年竣工投入使用 ? 吴清山

▲一号楼1层平面 ?DUTS Design
▲一号楼2层平面 ? DUTS Design
▲1号楼立面 ? DUTS Design
▲2号楼南北立面 ? DUTS Design
▲3号楼南北立面 ? DUTS Design
▲1号楼剖面 ? DUTS Design
▲2号楼剖面 ? DUTS Design
▲3号楼剖面 ? DUTS Design
▲2号楼东西立面 ? DUTS Design
▲3号楼东西立面 ? DUTS Design

室内设计:施望刚、刘颖、赵慧、Bruno Rodriguez、顾恬阳、苏蒋健、邬旺达

