2022年09月20日 09:06:16

本文转自公众号:FISEWorld,ID:fiseworldseries   相信爱玩滑板的各位对旅行也非常感兴趣。其实在众多热门旅行地也有非常棒的滑板公园,可以让大家玩滑板、旅行两不误,体验不一样的滑板特色!所以今天我们仔细挑选出了全球最值得打卡的20个滑板公园,或许其中就有你下一次旅行的目的地。一起来看看吧:




We love to travel.  We love to skate.  When you combine the two it makes for some awesome experiences and unforgettable memories. There are so many skateparks around the world, so we had a really hard time choosing our favourites. 

Here’s our top 20, are there any you think we’ve missed out?



20. 温哥华广场,温哥华,加拿大


20. Vancouver Plaza, Vancouver, Canada

There are plenty of great skateparks in Canada, but we love this one in Vancouver made for street skaters.  The design mimics urban plazas popular in the downtown cores of many large cities, including handrails, ledges, and stairs. It is free to use and covers 26,000 square feet.



19. 洛斯雷耶斯滑板公园,智利,圣地亚哥


19. Skatepark Los Reyes, Santiago, Chile

The biggest skatepark in Chile, Skatepark Los Reyes is situated on the banks of the Machopo River. It is one of the most scenic parks in the world. It has enough bits to keep you busy for days, plus lights for night skates in the Chilean summer.



18. 利文斯顿滑板公园,利文斯顿,苏格兰

这是推荐给硬核old school滑板玩家的公园。利文斯顿滑板公园建于1981年,拥有古老但又完整的赛道,吸引了英国各地的滑手,也值得大家来打卡体验。

18. ‘Livi’ Livingston Skatepark, Livingston, Scotland

One for the hardcore old school skaters.  Livi was built in 1981, but now boasts a full pipe and attracts the best skaters from all over the UK. It’s definitely one to tick off if you’re a skater who tours.



17. 林肯公园,俄勒冈,美国

这里被《Thrasher》杂志评为世界上最好的滑板公园,由梦境之地滑板公园集团(Dreamland Skateparks)设计,并且每年都在扩建啊和升级设施。

17. Lincoln Park, Oregon, USA

Thrasher magazine dubbed it the ‘gnarliest skatepark in the world’.  It was designed by Dreamland Skate parks and it continues to get bigger and better every year.




16. 威尼斯海滩滑板公园,加利福尼亚,美国

没有威尼斯海滩的滑板公园名单是不完整的。滑板已经在这里流行了几十年,培养了Jay Adams和Tony Alva这样的顶级滑手。是向往海滩的滑手们不二的选择!

16. Venice Beach Skatepark, California, USA

No ultimate skateparks list would be complete without Venice Beach.  Skating has gone on here for decades, home to giants such as Jay Adams and Tony Alva.  It’s in an ideal location – right on the beach.



15. 斯托克广场,斯托克,英国


15. Stoke Plaza, Stoke, UK

The Stoke-on-Trent city council put up half a million pounds to create this 34,000-square-foot park in the north of England in 2005. It does not disappoint. A street-skater's mecca, it's one of the largest skate plazas in Europe.



14. 思源公园,黑斯廷斯,英

思源公园拥有价值120万英镑的赛道和设施,坐落在在英国黑斯廷斯长廊下的前白岩浴场。这座地下公园是思源小轮车(Source BMX)创始人Rich和Marc Moore的创意,他们希望把这个地方打造成一个全球骑手和滑手的圣地。

14. Source Park, Hastings, UK

The £1.2m Source Park facility has been built at the former White Rock Baths under the promenade in Hastings, UK.  This subterranean park is the brainchild of The Source BMX founders Rich and Marc Moore, who are hoping to make the spot a global hub for riders and skaters alike.



13. 广州滑板公园,广州,中国


13. Guangzhou Skatepark, Guangzhou, China

Officially the largest skatepark in the world.  The monstrous skatepark's construction site is surrounded by 10 universities, with a combined attendance of more than 160,000 students. The skatepark is part of an extreme sports complex that will also house a BMX park and a climbing wall.



12. 春日公园,德克萨斯,美国


12. Spring Skatepark, Texas, USA

This competition-scale park features 10 acres of bowls, pipes, ramps & street-skating obstacles.With its 78,000 square feet of skate surface, the admission-free Spring Skatepark on Kuyken?dahl is one of the largest in the world. It was designed by the Seattle firm Grindline.



11. Level公园, 布莱顿,英国


11. The Level, Brighton, UK

The Level has existed for many years but recently it has been completely refurbished by Freestyle who have built a 1,400m sq. polished concrete skatepark where all of the old wooden ramps used to be. Opened in June 2013 it is now the centre of the skate scene in Brighton, and for good reason.



10. Vans之家,伦敦,英国


10. House Of Vans, London, UK

The House of Vans skateparks are well-known throughout the world.  London’s park is a unique spot.  Underneath stone-walled railway arches, this public park is undercover, well-lit and well looked after.



9. 柏林滑板场,柏林,德国


9. Skatehalle, Berlin, Germany

Skatehalle has it all. A wooden park with a massive street course. Bowl and vert ramp indoors. And outside, a tight-transitioned concrete mini-ramp with bowled features and the largest half pipe in Germany.



8. “神奇广场”滑板公园,东京,日本


8. ‘Amazing Square’ Skate Park, Tokyo, Japan

Murasaki Sports Park is affectionately known as ‘Amazing Square’. It boasts an impressive array of street and transition obstacles, an indoor area with wood flooring and a fun box, as well as an obscene four-metre vert ramp. 



7.  耶尔滑板公园,耶尔,法国

这座位于法国南部的户外滑板场拥有金字塔,壁架、扶手、堤岸、扁钢、四分之一管道等等。如果想玩冲浪板的话附近也有非常棒的沙 滩。

7. Hyeres Skatepark, Hyeres, France

This outdoor stakepark in the south of France has pyramids, ledges, handrails, banks, flat-bars, quarter pipes and much, much more.  There are also some amazing beaches nearby if you want to swap your skateboard for a surfboard.



6. 加利特滑板公园,特拉维夫,以色列


6. Skate Park Galit, Tel Aviv, Israel

The first concrete skate park in Israel, Skate Park Galit was built by a local skater with the help of landscape architects.



5. 路易斯维尔极限公园,肯塔基州,美国


5. Louisville Extreme Park, Kentucky, USA

If you’ve been to Extreme Park in Louisville you’ll remember its infamous 24-foot concrete full pipe.  This public park has been around since 2002, and remains one of the most popular skate spots in the U.S.



4. SMP滑板公园,上海,中国


4. SMP Skate Park, Shanghai, China

Formerly the largest skatepark in the world at 44,936 square feet,the SMP skatepark in Shanghai has the biggest bowls and the biggest ramps.  Oh, and a HUGE full pipe.



3. “Le Bowl”滑板公园,马赛,法国

这里是法国最大的户外滑板场地,是所有滑手来欧洲旅行必去的打卡圣地。Le Bowl拥有深碗池,各式垂直坡道和特别的涂鸦。特别是深度出众碗池吸引了各地的优秀滑手。

3. ‘Le Bowl’ Skate Park, Marseille, France

France’s largest outdoor skatepark.  It’s a must-stop for skaters travelling through Europe – it has deep bowls, multiple vert ramps and awesome graffiti.  Le Bowl attracts a high caliber of skating talent.



2. 科纳滑板公园,弗洛里达,美国


2. Kona Skate Park, Florida, USA

Kona has been around since the 70s, and is the oldest private skatepark in the United States.


?Cayman Compass

1. 黑珍珠滑板公园,开曼群岛


1. The Black Pearl, Cayman Islands

What a location.  If you’re lucky enough to visit the Cayman Islands, make sure you visit the Black Pearl.  Officially one of the largest outdoor skateparks in the world, and has courses for beginners, intermediate and expert skaters.


